Australia: Detention Logs

Detention Logs is an independent site that publishes documents and data about Australian detention centres. The first wave of data is a searchable database of 7632 reported incidents across immigration detention facilities from October 2009 to May 2011, as recorded by the private contractors running the detention centres. These events range from self-harms, assaults and escapes to electric fence failures, complaints and aborted deportations.
Across that time, there were 77 escapes, along with four incidents recorded as ‘escape – mass breakout‘ and 56 recorded as ‘escape – attempted’.
There were 98 demonstrations within detention centres, as well as hundreds of records relating to hunger strikes – labeled as ‘Voluntary Starvation’. There were also hundreds of incidents of disturbance and damage.

See The Everyday Violence In Our Detention Centres, New Matilda

Medan, Indonesia: Demonstrators Against Fuel Price Rise Arrested and Tortured

Selamatkan Bumi, via Hidup Biasa, 4, Jul 2013

As the Indonesian Government made plans to reduce fuel subsidies, social resistance broke out across the archipelago, protesters fearing that the price rise would cause knock-on rises in the cost of living that would have a devastating effect on the poorest. The government has wanted to make this spending cut for several years now, but popular resistance over the years has made it very difficult to push it through. This time, however, they seem determined. One action in Medan, North Sumatra on the day the decision was taken was met with a brutal response from the police, where hundreds were injured and 87 people were arrested. Nearly three weeks later 32 people remain in police custody although it remains unclear whether they are actually being prosecuted. Neither their families nor lawyers have had any access to the people who are still arrested, most of whom were seriously hurt. Also, 17 more people, many well-known faces from the student movement, have been placed on the police wanted list as supposed intellectual masterminds of the action. Here’s the full chronology, from a participant:

On the 17th June 2013, an alliance of students and citizen’s groups called BARAK took to the streets to show their solidarity against the government’s decision to raise fuel prices. Continue reading “Medan, Indonesia: Demonstrators Against Fuel Price Rise Arrested and Tortured”

Sydney: Rally for Jock Palfreeman, March 14

Rally for Jock Palfreeman!
Thursday, March 14, 12.30-1.30pm
Outside Bob Carr’s electorate office
4-6 Bligh St, Sydney CBD
Infos : Pip 0412 139 968

Source: Slackbastard. See also : Jock Palfreeman : February 2013 Update.

Melbourne: Solidarity Action For Egyptian Anarchists

Solidarity with Egyptian Anarchists banner

On the 6th of February in Melbourne, Australia, a small group of anarchists gathered outside the Egyptian Consulate building on Market St, CBD in response to an international call-out for solidarity actions in support of Egyptian anarchists.

On the 25th of January during protests to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the Egyptian Uprising and the protests that continued in the days that followed; Egyptian anarchists took to the streets in large numbers and for the first time formed Black Blocs in Cairo and other major cities actively confronting the security forces and physically protecting other protesters who were coming under heavy attack by security forces & plain-clothed pro-regime elements.

Using rocks and molotov cocktails they bravely resisted the brutality of the security forces, inspiring not only there fellow revolutionaries but also inspiring anarchists and insurrectionists throughout the entire world. Continue reading “Melbourne: Solidarity Action For Egyptian Anarchists”

Sydney: six charged after violent protest

September 16: Six men have been charged following violent protests in Sydney sparked by an anti-Islamic film.

Violent clashes erupted yesterday after demonstrators marched from Sydney’s Town Hall to Martin Place yesterday afternoon and confronted police outside the US consulate.

Some protesters allegedly threw glass bottles and other missiles at police, forcing officers to use capsicum spray during a melee that led to six police and 17 others being injured.

Seven men and one male juvenile were arrested, with six men so far charged with offences including assaulting police and animal cruelty, police said.

Six police were injured and 17 others were treated for the effects of capsicum spray following the protest. Continue reading “Sydney: six charged after violent protest”

Melbourne: La Trobe students occupy, vice chancellor flees from protest through tunnels

Students at La Trobe university have been in occupation since August 23, in protest against planned cuts to Humanities and Social Sciences. After a demonstration and a brief occupation on August 13, the vice chancellor had emailed students to say that they could be suspended or expelled for participating in unauthorised protests. The University was particularly worried about the possibility of disruption to its Open Day, August 26.

At the Open Day, the vice chancellor had to escape a student protest ambush by using an underground tunnel network at the campus. Continue reading “Melbourne: La Trobe students occupy, vice chancellor flees from protest through tunnels”

Auckland: protest aginst police murder of miners in South Africa

August 18: Protesters have shot red paint balls at the South African consulate in Auckland.

Up to 60 people on Saturday afternoon protested against the fatal shooting of 34 striking miners by South African police.

A letter with the words “blood on your hands” was left on the consulate door for South African President Jacob Zuma.

Former anti-apartheid activist John Minto said protesters were disgusted with Mr Zuma over the killings which occurred on Thursday at the Lonmin platinum mine at Marikana.

“We protested vigorously against apartheid, only to find economic apartheid has replaced race-based apartheid,” he told 3News.

“So the people of South Africa are no better off.”