Melbourne: Solidarity with Felicity Ryder

20 March, Anarchist News: In response to a call out for solidarity with fugitive comrade Felicity Ryder some rabble rousers from Melbourne made some fun around town in the last week.

Our first target was CCTV cameras that abounds in this and every other yucky city in the world. We disabled, collected and removed at least 11.

A metro train was painted a flamboyant rainbow of colours from one end to the other. The trains are ours (everyone’s!) and we’ll do with them what we like – paint, sabotage, fare evade, fuck up.

A luxury car yard had upwards of a dozen cars severely damaged when given a makeover in baby blue. Fuck the wealthy and their status symbols.

Felicity lives in a our hearts and minds daily.
Much love and solidarity sister.

Argentina: Mural painted in Buenos Aires in solidarity with the fugitive compa Felicity

“I am proud of being an anarchist, of being an enemy of power, authority, and the state.” – Felicity Ann Ryder

14 March, from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

From the painters:

During the week of solidarity with Felicity Ryder, we painted a mural as a gesture of affection for her and for all the rebels who are in confrontation from clandestinity and anonymity.

We also greet the compañero Diego Ríos.

We are everywhere.


Sydney: Anarchist intervention in the Sydney Uni strike

Indymedia: In the early hours of March 7 some anarchists broke into the abandoned St Michaels College building on City rd on the Sydney Uni campus. For three months in 2011 this large abandoned space, renamed the “Chapel of the Insurrection” was liberated from the Catholic Church, their bullshit morality and their vast landholdings. Inside dozens of comrades, students, street youth and wage slaves experimented with new ways of living and found love, laughter and joy. Inside we built barricades and outside a large vegetable garden.

For some of us it was our first time inside, while for others it was a happy return. After exploring the building, retelling old stories and planning the day ahead, we dropped a massive banner off the roof which said:

A 12 hour strike had been called at Sydney Uni by the National Tertiary Education Union for Thursday March 7. It is the first strike at the Uni in over a decade and follows months of failed negotiations regarding the university’s new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, which proposes to cut staff wage and working conditions, sick leave entitlements, reduce job security and sideline the unions as bargaining agents for the staff. Continue reading “Sydney: Anarchist intervention in the Sydney Uni strike”

Doomadgee: Crowd smashes police station after man arrested

Police say just before midnight on Saturday March 2, local officers in Doomadgee, a remote community in north-west Queensland, attended a large disturbance where police allege a man smashed a torch into a female officer’s face, breaking her nose.

The man was arrested and taken to the police watch house.

Police say later that night a large crowd fronted at the local police station and smashed its front doors.

Police reinforcements were sent to the town over the weekend.

On March 7 a few hundred residents staged a peaceful protest.

Community spokesman Alec Doomadgee said the extra police, have heightened the community’s sense of fear. “There’s no respect for leadership in the community from the coppers, the police, at all – they’ve been in mediation the last day or so and still nothing has been resolved,” he said. Continue reading “Doomadgee: Crowd smashes police station after man arrested”

Sydney: Queers against Cops respond to attacks

Indymedia: Following the 2013 Mardi gras parade (the corporate gaystream shadow of a radical and militant queer protest in 1978) a video was released online that showed a young shirtless man being choked by a police officer, then slammed headfirst into the pavement while handcuffed.

Outrage quickly spread across the Queer community and far beyond. Within two days, Community Action Against Homophobia (CAAH) called for a demonstration against police brutality on Friday 8th of March. The rally was to gather at 6pm Taylor square, then to march to Surrey Hills cop shop then back.

Dozens of anarchists and anti authoritarians attended, some came dressed as mock riot cops while others brought about a thousand copies of 6 different leaflets and three large banners reading “NO JUSTICE NO PEACE FUCK THE POLICE” “ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS” and “GAY BASHING IS A NSW POLICE TRADITION”. Throughout the demo the large banners were used to protect demonstrators from police harassment. Continue reading “Sydney: Queers against Cops respond to attacks”

Aotearoa/NZ: Woman ‘sick of police’ punched, bit officers

March 9: A 29-year-old woman bit a police officer on the arm and punched another in the face because she did not like police and was sick of them, the Invercargill District Court was told yesterday.

Anahera Maraea Hurinui appeared before Judge Christopher Somerville for assaulting police, resisting police, injuring with intent to injure and behaving in a disorderly manner on November 9. She was remanded on bail to April 30 for sentence. Continue reading “Aotearoa/NZ: Woman ‘sick of police’ punched, bit officers”