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Households abandoning the grid have 'lost faith'

 The federal government has been warned that the rise in spending on solar energy systems is clear evidence households have "lost faith" in their energy suppliers, as they move to get greater control over the cost of their electricity bill.

In its submission to the Finkel Review which is being conducted into the future security of the electricity market, Energy Consumers Australia said its research has highlighted the shift that is now emerging.

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Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg says the PM's plan to boost capacity of the Snowy Hydro scheme will secure energy supply for the east coast. Courtesy ABC News 24.

"While assumptions are often made that generous feed-in-tariffs and solar PV's clean attributes have been the primary motivators for their uptake, our research indicates that the primary reasons consumers are investing in this technology is to manage consumption and gain control of costs. The desire for independence from the grid is a particularly strong driver for early interest in battery storage," it says.

"We see this as a clear indication that consumers have lost faith in the traditional market's capacity to deliver value for money, and are taking matters into their own hands."

Energy Consumers Australia undertakes regular detailed surveys of household attitudes to their energy supplies and while most households are not actively engaged in the retail market for electricity, due to a variety of factors, as many as 1.5 million households have engaged by making a significant investment in solar rooftop photo voltaic systems, it said.

And even as the historically generous subsidies supporting the installation of these systems is being wound down, its research has found that a third of households are considering installing these systems over the next five years, with as many as 27 per cent considering installing battery storage systems. But these options are more limited for households which rent or live in accommodation which is unsuitable for the installation of these systems.


"This risks the costs of building and maintaining the [national electricity market] being increasingly recovered from a subset of consumers who are on lower incomes, haven't been able to break into the housing market, or small businesses in commercial premises subject to investment decisions by owners," it noted in its submission to the review.

Similarly, its community consultations have found more consumers want to be able to trade or share electricity at the local level.

"In more than one location, the idea was raised that consumers should be able to 'gift' their excess electricity from their solar PV system to households in need," it noted.

While the national electricity market was created to facilitate interstate trade in electricity, in the future it must also support local trading, it said.

And, as the electricity market transitions towards a low carbon future, "not only is there a risk that the investment required .. will see increased costs passed through to already stretched households and small businesses, but also that the uneven deployment of new cost and control technology will lead to a two-tier energy market", it noted in its submission.

The Public Interest Advocacy Centre pressed the case for wholesale changes to the electricity sector due to "systemic weaknesses".

"There is an urgent need to deregulate, consolidate and reduce complexity in order to enhance competition," the non-profit consumer lobby group told the review in its submission. "Partial changes are unlikely to address the systemic weaknesses, especially the unbalanced nature of the rule making.

"The changes must be accompanied by enhanced consumer representation, as well as making governance arrangements more democratic, transparent and accountable," since the "energy markets favour incumbents, at the expense of competition from emerging players.

"It [is] critical that the overriding objective of reform related to innovative technologies and distributed energy resources should be to expand the reach of competitive markets for contestable services and to restrict the reach of monopoly regulated businesses," the group told the Finkel review.

And despite the publicity garnered by battery storage systems, the head of one of the largest power companies, AGL's Andy Vesey warned the technology could be a few years off yet before being adopted more widely.

"Given current trajectories I think within five years you're going to see the kind of price points that we are now providing to participants in the [subsidised virtual power station project in Adeliade] so that basically we'll get to about a seven year payback on battery investment at a residential level.'

"At the grid level...depending on whether its capacity release, grid stabilisation, it's not time sharing yet, it's power sharing - taking getting energy from one period of time and putting it in the next - you can provide value today."

Consumers who use electricity at peak demand times such as during extreme heat or cold weather should have to pay more, Snowy Hydro told the committee.

The surge in use of air conditioners has forced expensive upgrades to the grid, so called 'gold plating' with billions of dollars spent on equipment which is used only a matter of hours a year, with the cost borne by all households, not just those with air conditioners.

"If a consumer is using the network at peak times and creating the need for more peak capacity to be built ... then they should contribute to the costs of any upgrade," Snowy Hydro argued in its submission to the review. "Alternatively, if a consumer is using the network in a manner that avoids peak periods then they will pay lower off-peak tariffs"

A  number of submissions argued in favour of "cost reflective" tariffs but as Snowy Hydro noted, any change should be gradual.
"It must be a transitional process to avoid bill shock for consumers," it argued.

As well as operating the iconic Snowy Hydro scheme, the company is one of the largest energy retailers via its Lumo and Red Energy brands.

- with additional reporting by Patrick Hatch