UN Human RightsOvjeren akaunt


The United Nations office is led by High Commissioner . Follow us on FB & IG at *unitednationshumanrights*.

Geneva, Switzerland
Pridružio/la se kolovoz 2009.


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  1. prije 2 sata

    : UN experts urge Congress to decriminalize termination of pregnancy in specific circumstances

  2. prije 3 sata

    Freedom of Religion: UN human rights expert Shaheed announces first official visit to Albania

  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 8 sati

    review of concludes. Report of WG w/ recomendations made today to be adopted on Thurs, 11 May

  4. prije 8 sati

    : first visit of the UN expert on sale & sexual exploitation of children

  5. Enforced disappearances: UN expert group to review more than 600 cases from 29 countries

  6. 6. svi

    We thank for donating $ 20 K to help us promote human rights worldwide! ขอขอบคุณ !

  7. 5. svi

    China: Disappearance of Chen Jiangang is deeply alarming, coming amid a continuing pattern of harassment of lawyers

  8. 5. svi

    HR Committee: Chile & Georgia improve civil & political rights implementation. More info needed for Russia & Ireland

  9. 5. svi

    must reform counter-terror law & free peaceful critics - UN rights expert

  10. 5. svi

    must reform counter-terror law & free peaceful critics, says UN rights expert

  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    4. svi

    Les filles doivent être éduquées. L'islam a été répandu grâce à Aïcha, une femme instruite.

  12. 5. svi

    Moves to impeach Nepal Chief Justice are an assault on human rights –

  13. 4. svi

    " can shape a strong & cohesive society which truly benefits all" - Chief

  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    4. svi

    'Economic, social & cultural rights are inseparable from civil & political rights' High Commissioner @ a presser in

    , , i još njih 4
  15. 4. svi

    : urges Govt to halt military offensives against 50,000 beleaguered civilians in Aburoc:

  16. 4. svi

    : Weary, frightened displaced civilians in Upper Nile at imminent risk of further violence

  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    3. svi

    : Impunity for crimes against journalists is widespread & deeply entrenched. Every 4 days, a media prof. is killed

  18. 3. svi

    Download our new mobile app via Google Play & App Store to put the power of human rights at your fingertips

  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    3. svi

    Dir regrette le recul de la liberté de la presse pour la 2ème année consécutive

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    3. svi

    Liberté de presse = essentielle pour crédibilité du processus électoral day

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