TOTW: Natural disasters and other trouble

  • Posted on: 13 March 2017
  • By: thecollective

As anarchists, we may often find ourselves in challenging situations. This TOTW takes a looks at the anarchist relationship with natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, etc) and other major adverse events like insurrection, war, riots, and general trouble.

Anews episode 2 - 3/13/2017

  • Posted on: 12 March 2017
  • By: aragorn

From Anews Podcast

This is the second episode of the podcast for Anarchist News dot org. This is a topical news project emphasizing one of the strengths of Anarchist News, a single source to see (and hear!) what is happening in the anarchist space.

This episode covers content from March 4th to March 11th. This is the March 12th episode.

Anarchist Black Cross’s Annual Overview of Repressions 2016

  • Posted on: 15 March 2017
  • By: thecollective


The Russian authorities continue to prosecute and jail our comrades. In the summer and fall of 2016, demonstrations of solidarity with the convicts were held all across the globe. The anarchists are furthermore suffering repressions in jails, but keep the spirit up. If you think that we have missed something important in our article or are aware of other repressions, feel free tocontact us at  

Floodgates: The Urge to Obey, A Flight from Initiative, and Identity Politics

  • Posted on: 15 March 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Plain Words - Anarchist Counter-Information in Bloomington, Indiana

Traditional systems of authority are dead or dying. It matters increasingly less whether one identifies with their job, loves their country, kneels before God, or worries about tarnishing the family name. In the past, anarchists have fought to the death against these institutions, believing that if people rose up and destroyed them, humanity would be free. While these relics are decaying, it is due to many different forces, rebellion not being primary. As a result, daily life is still bound to alienation, livelihood tied to the whims of the precarious market, and obedience maintained by the threat of the justice system or the normality of habit, or both. Humanity is still submissive, but our rulers are faceless abstractions: invisible flows of capital, imagination-killing technologies, the justice system, etc. These systems have their agents in our midst: police, prison guards, CEOs, judges; but they no longer solicit respect, they just do their jobs to keep the system running, and they are interchangeable in our minds. So we are followers without leaders, waiting to be led.

Montreal Counter-information is now a publication!

  • Posted on: 15 March 2017
  • By: thecollective


The first issue collects content from the last two years. Future issues will be released every several months, to keep the material timely. For those with free access to colour printers, we’ve included a center-fold of 24 posters that can be attached with an elastic.

Slave Patrols and Civil Servants

  • Posted on: 15 March 2017
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

The police are the absolute enemy. Grounded in slave patrols in the early American South, the institution has an unbroken history of protecting and upholding white supremacy. Recent movements in the United States have clarified this lineage of racist violence, beginning with slave patrols and culminating in indiscriminate police killings of black bodies. But white supremacy is not the only function of the police: the history of British policing is one of capturing and controlling unruly workers—of the creation of “white working class” subjects through a process of inclusion, discipline, and education. The police have a dual history: one of violent exclusion, one of insidious inclusion. If our opposition to the police rests only on their heritage of racism or class oppression, then we risk attacking a symptom instead of uprooting the whole. We are against the police not only for their clubs and their guns, but also for the ways they infiltrate our minds, making us citizen-cops and unwitting accomplices.

Chile: In March and all year round: memory, solidarity and anarchic agitation against power

  • Posted on: 15 March 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Insurrection News Received and translated on 13.03.17:

March is a month that is particularly full of milestones that invite us with special strength to take to the streets and spread the anarchic agitation, with memory and solidarity as insurrectionist tools of action.

03-14-2017 Anarchy Radio

  • Posted on: 14 March 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Kathan co-hosts. Portland's anarchist pothole brigade. Alexander Kerensky in 1917 and 1966. Ted K's new book: Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How. James Oberhelm, Irish art provocateur. Who's voting anymore? London air worse than Beijing's. Alaska's Cook Inlet gas line leaking since December. The Void: "truly beyond VR." Action news, one call.

Bloomington, Indiana: Sabotage in memory of Lambros Foundas

  • Posted on: 14 March 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

A few nights ago we sabotaged about 50 parking meters by gluing their locks, coin slots, and card readers. This was a simple act which took no specialized skill. Get some superglue, cover your face, keep your eyes peeled for cops or loyal citizens, and act.

These parking meters were targeted because they fund the Bloomington Police Department and because they force people to pay to be downtown. We hate the police and we hate gentrification and class society, so we chose to attack them.

Portland, OR: Anarchists Are Fixing Potholes On City Streets

  • Posted on: 14 March 2017
  • By: thecollective

From the Portland Anarchist Road Care Facebook via It's Going Down

Anarchists in Portland, Oregon have taken to the streets – to fix the roads! Proclaiming that “We Will Fix the Roads,” anarchists are fixing potholes on city streets and reporting on it on social media.
