Opponents of the Trump ban demand that the borders be opened at Los Angeles International Airport

Victory 2.0 against Trump's Muslim ban?

A revised Muslim travel ban was blocked hours before it was meant to take effect, but we need to remain mobilized to be sure it stays that way.

Fear defeats a mosque

A proposal to build a mosque in Bayonne, New Jersey, was blocked by an Islamophobic campaign that made headlines.

More top articles of the week

Taking their fight to Trump

Thousands gathered for the Native Nations Rise events in Washington, D.C., focusing attention on the ongoing struggles for Indigenous rights.

Feminism for the 99 percent

People around the U.S. marked International Women's Day with events designed to put working women's struggles at the forefront.

Still a tale of two cities

The hopes of many that Bill de Blasio would dramatically shift the level of inequality in New York City have been totally dashed.

The needs of disabled students

Under Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, already under-resourced programs for children with disabilities will face more cuts.

Rauner versus the people

State workers in Illinois voted to authorize a strike in the face of harsh austerity measures pushed by Gov. Bruce Rauner.

For a strike against autocracy

One hundred years ago, Russian socialists called for an insurrectionary strike--on the day centuries of Tsarist rule finally ended.

New this weekend

Trump prescribes poison for a failing system

The GOP drive to repeal Obamacare and replace it with their scheme would push the health care system out of the frying pan and into the fire.

South Korea's president falls

After almost five months of mass protests, the corrupt and repressive Park Guen-hye has been driven from South Korea's presidency.

American horror stories

Trump's outbursts about being wiretapped and the like are shocking and stupid, but they're in keeping with the right wing's message for years.

Putin's White House allies?

Clockwise from top left: Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions

The continuing controversy over the Putin-Trump relationship points towards a deeper debate over the decline of U.S. imperial power.

Running an agency to wreck it

Trump's appointment of Scott Pruitt to head the EPA is another step in the energy giant's scorched-earth war on a warming planet.

Zionist and anti-Semite unity?

Trump's election was followed by a wave of anti-Semitic attacks. So why the warm regard for him among pro-Israel figures?

Trump's threat to trans youth

Trump's reversal of the right of transgender students to use the bathroom corresponding to their identity will have a deadly impact.

The controversy at Middlebury

Middlebury College student protesters turn their backs on Charles Murray during his scheduled lecture

The disruption of a lecture by right-winger Charles Murray at Middlebury College has led to a firestorm of criticism and debate.

We stand for solidarity

ISO members in Portland, Maine, respond to a campaign of slander about an International Women's Day meeting they hosted.

The politics of the ISO

Where We Stand: The Politics of the ISO

In this extended series of articles on the politics of international socialism, Paul D'Amato, author of The Meaning of Marxism, looks in detail at the ISO's "Where We Stand" statement.

Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization
The Russian Revolution of 1917
International Socialist Review | ISReview.org

The current issue of the ISR features an article by Lance Selfa on "Sanders and the left: Where do we go from here?" For that and more articles on socialist theory and practice, go to the International Socialist Review website.

This VOICE tells racist lies

Donald Trump delivers his first speech to Congress

Trump's plan to create an agency publicizing crimes committed by the undocumented is a dangerous attempt to whip up more hatred.

Foxes tear down a flimsy fence

Is it a surprise that an administration filled with banksters is unraveling the Dodd-Frank rules they opposed back on Wall Street?

South Asians face wave of hate

The recent attacks on Indian-Americans are a new and deadly chapter in a long history of racism in the U.S. against immigrants from South Asia.

Will CPS schools end early?

Chicago school officials blame Illinois' Republican governor for their threat to end school early, but they helped make the mess.

The original alt-Reich

When Hitler was pondering how to keep the "master race" pure, he was inspired by what he learned about U.S. immigration policy.

Marxism and democracy

Socialists have always fought for the widest possible expansion of democracy and political rights as an essential part of the class struggle.

How to bring down a president

Members of Vietnam Veterans Against the War on the march

Trump's crisis-ridden presidency has people asking: What would it take to force him out? The Nixon era shows what it takes to topple a president.

She stood on the barricades

Elisabeth Dmitrieff was a socialist and a fighter in the Paris Commune who sought to improve conditions for working women.

Mapping morbid symptoms

A recent show by artist Sarah Levy links portraits of suffering and struggle from the U.S. to the Middle East.

Racism is horrifying

The movie Get Out offers the perspective of people of color dealing with the racist terror that undergirds everyday life in the U.S.

Cultivando resistencia

La oposición a Trump abre oportunidades cruciales para aumentar la influencia política y el alcance organizacional de la izquierda.

Fighting for women's rights

Our hope is in ourselves

On this International Women's Day, and on every other day, we must remember that none of us are free until we all are free.

Voices raised for liberation

The celebration of International Women's Day this year will bring protests, forums and strikes--a tribute to the relevance of this socialist holiday.

An anti-abortion feminist?

Women need the right to abortion if we are to achieve equality, so our movement can't be "inclusive" of opposition to choice.

A new resistance is emerging

The call for an International Women's Strike shows the potential for organizing a common front against reactionary policies.

We have to punch together

Teachers march in Mexico City against the Peña Nieto government's austerity measures (Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educacion (CNTE))

Mexican teachers are waging a fight against the government's for privatization drive--and asking for solidarity from fellow workers.

Solidarity with Aporrea.org

The ISO stands with the Aporrea.org website against recent attempts to silence a critical voice of the Latin American left.

United with Peña Nieto?

Mexico's government is trying to counter Trump by stealing a page from his nationalist playbook with its "Vibra Mexico" campaign.

We need to invite debate

Controversy erupted after a recent decision by an SJP chapter in North Carolina to take back an invitation to a left journalist.

Read SW's series on the Russian Revolution, which began 100 years ago today.

How the stage was set

This first installment in a series on the Russian Revolution explains the events and factors leading up to the 1917 uprising.

The February Revolution

The barbarism of war and the tyranny of Tsarist rule inspired the Russian working class to rebellion in February 1917.

Find a list of articles from the full Socialist Worker series on Russia 1917.

Five days that ended an empire

In the space of less than a week in 1917, workers in Russia overturned the old order and set the stage for a year of revolution.

Looking closer at free speech

A Marxist defense of freedom of speech will look different from a liberal one, with its primary concerns about "respectful debate."

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