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  • An end to austerity politics

    Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall is working with progressive alternatives across the United Kingdom, such as Plaid Cymru and the SNP, to bring an end to the austerity agenda of the London-based political parties.
  • Decent public services for all

    Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall is committed to a just and fair society. We believe effective public intervention is needed to combat poverty, tackle social deprivation and fight for the disadvantaged, and to tackle ills in Cornish society, such as social deprivation, unemployment, low wages and poor housing.
  • A strategy for a sustainable economy

    Mebyon Kernow is campaigning for the rebalancing of the United Kingdom economy, away from the present concentration on London and the South East of England. This includes a commitment to an Economic Fairness Act to ensure that Cornwall gets its fair share of government investment.
  • A fair tax system

    MK is committed to effective public intervention to tackle ills in society such as unemployment and poor housing. This means that there is a need for a sufficient public resource and this implies fair and redistributive taxation.
  • Planning in and for Cornwall

    Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall supports well-balanced planning policies which protect the Cornish countryside, while allowing appropriate developments that meet the needs of local communities (ie. proper local-needs housing).
  • Affordable homes for local people

    Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall believes that local families have a fundamental right to good quality housing, both for purchase and rent, in their own communities and at a price that is truly affordable to people of Cornish wages.
  • A Climate Change Act for Cornwall

    Mebyon Kernow understands that unsustainability is truly global and must be tackled through action at worldwide as well as local levels.
  • Fair funding for Cornwall

    Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall has a proud record of campaigning for fair funding for Cornwall and its local communities. We know that Cornwall gets a raw deal from Westminster.
  • Greater self-government for Cornwall

    Mebyon Kernow believes that the historic nation of Cornwall, with its own distinct identity, language and heritage, has the same right to self-determination as other constituent parts of the UK, such as Scotland and Wales.
  • A more just and peaceful World

    Mebyon Kernow is an internationalist and outward-looking political party. Our vision for Cornwall and the World is underpinned by respect for the diversity of the planet, both its human cultural traditions and its natural environment.
  • A reformed Europe

    It is our belief that nations and regions throughout the World should work together, but that does not mean we are not critical of how the European Union is presently constituted. The Europe of today is one of centralisation, limited democratic control, big business and bureaucracy, and MK – along with many other progressive groups in the European Free Alliance – is campaigning for the increased democratisation of the EU, greater transparency and increased Cornish representation.
  • Recognition for Cornwall

    In 2014, central government bowed to years of pressure and recognised the Cornish people through the Framework Convention on National Minorities. This cultural recognition, embodied in minority status, is a landmark ruling. The challenge now for the people of Cornwall must be to achieve a wider acceptance of our right to greater control over our political, civic, and economic lives through the creation of a legislative National Assembly of Cornwall.
Putting Cornwall First
Mebyon Kernow is a progressive left-of-centre party in Cornwall. We are striving to build a confident and outward-looking Cornwall that has the power to take decisions, directly affecting the people of Cornwall, locally.

Our policies are founded on three core values:

  • Prosperity for all
  • Social justice
  • Environmental protection
The historic Nation of Cornwall has its own distinct identity, language and heritage. As one of the four nations inhabiting the British mainland, Cornwall has the same right to self-determination as England, Scotland and Wales. Mebyon Kernow is leading the campaign for the creation of a National Assembly for Cornwall, with the necessary powers to unlock Cornwall’s true potential.
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The leader of Mebyon Kernow has lodged a petition on the UK Government's website, which objects to the creation of a cross-Tamar "Devonwall" parliamentary constituency.
10th March 2017
Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall has welcomed the publication of an Opinion from the Council of Europe which includes a number of recommendations which relate to the Cornish as a national minority.
10th March 2017
As Party Leader of Mebyon Kernow, I would like to wish everyone the very best on St Piran's Day!
5th March 2017
The leader of Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall has appealed to everyone in Cornwall to redouble their efforts to oppose the creation of a cross-Tamar constituency.
1st March 2017
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I have lodged a petition on the UK Government's website, which objects to the creation of a cross-Tamar "Devonwall" parliamentary constituency. Please sign, and please share as widely as you can.
10th March 2017
The UK Government response to the Council of Europe Opinion stretches to over 9,700 words, but the Cornish are hardly referenced at all. The document also fails to address the recommendations drafted by the Advisory Group.
10th March 2017
Listed in this article are the actual recommendations from the Council of Europe report on the National Minority status of the Cornish.
10th March 2017
The “Boundary Commission for England” (BCE) today opened its second consultation on proposals for new parliamentary boundaries across the UK – which include a “Devonwall” seat.
1st March 2017