The Catholic Worker Movement

"The biggest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution that has to start with each one of us."
Dorothy Day

"...why the things are what they are, how the things would be if they were as they should be, and how a path can be made from the things as they are to the things as they should be."
Peter Maurin


CW Farm Gathering: February 17th to 20th
Practical Strategies for Living the Green Revolution.

A Two-day Celebration of Dorothy Day
A symposium at Loyola University, Chicago, February 16-17, 2017

On May 1, 1933, in the depths of the Great Depression, The Catholic Worker newspaper made its debut with a first issue of twenty-five hundred copies. Dorothy Day and a few others hawked the paper in Union Square for a penny a copy (still the price) to passersby.

Today 240 Catholic Worker communities remain committed to nonviolence, voluntary poverty, prayer, and hospitality for the homeless, exiled, hungry, and forsaken. Catholic Workers continue to protest injustice, war, racism, and violence of all forms.

Explore the life and writings of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin.
Discover what Catholic Worker communities worldwide are doing today to fulfill Dorothy and Peter's vision. It is a fascinating story.

This site is the collaborative effort of many people affiliated with the Catholic Worker Movement: workers, scholars, archivists, writers, editors and programmers. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.