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Anglican Evensong was celebrated in St Peter’s Basilica for the first time

The service was presided over by Anglican Archbishop David Moxon, director of the Anglican Centre in Rome

Pope: Conversion doesn’t happen through magic, but concrete actions

You learn to do good through concrete actions the Pope said during his morning homily today

pope francis speaking during an audience at the Vatican

Pope Francis: Listening to each other can make the world a better place

The Pope has discussed the importance of ‘true dialogue’

Anglican Evensong was celebrated in St Peter’s Basilica for the first time

The service was presided over by Anglican Archbishop David Moxon, director of the Anglican Centre in Rome

A picture of Retired Archbishop Ramon Ovidio Perez Morales of Los Teques, Venezuela, speaking about attacks in the country

Attacks show Venezuelan government relations with Catholics deteriorating

A pro-government collective crashed Sunday Mass at a church in Caracas and shouted insults at the priest

Pope Francis victim of fake news after reports claim he changed Ten Commandments

The story claimed Francis made the announcement in Ecuador in 2015

Morning Catholic must-reads: 14/03/17

A daily guide to what’s happening in the Catholic Church

‘Please continue to pray for me,’ says Pope Francis on fourth anniversary of election

The Pope posted the message on his Instagram account

I don’t see things changing on married priests, says Cardinal Nichols

Pope Francis’s comments show that ‘he’s got a spirit that’s open to God’

Hawaii senate votes overwhelmingly in favour of assisted suicide

The proposed law would allow the terminally ill with less than six months to live the right to an assisted suicide

Urban squatters occupy Church-owned land in Rome

Squatter activists have turned the land into a farm used by 75 families

Trudeau’s overseas abortion policy ‘a reprehensible example of imperialism,’ says bishop

Bishop Crosby says investment in overseas abortion services is an attempt to impose ‘so-called Canadian values on other nations’

Blogger goes on trial for playing Pokémon Go in Russian church

Ruslan Sokolovsky is on trial for inciting religious hatred


As a child, I thought Catholics weren’t Christians. Then my mother gave me some wise advice

How my boyhood anti-Catholicism came to an unlikely end

A priest hears a confession at Christ the King Church in Irondequoit, New York

A genuine dubium for confessors

With Humanae Vitae in mind, I have a couple of questions about Confession that need answering

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gestures as he speaks in Istanbul

Banning Turkish political rallies only plays into President Erdoğan’s hands

The rise of feeling in Turkey against other Europeans will not help the Turkish Christian minority in any way

The conflict over Communion is really about the cheapening of God’s grace

Yes, life is ‘complicated’. But God’s grace can still overcome our weaknesses

Why I’ll be returning to Flame in the future

Flame 2017, Britain’s leading Catholic youth event, was hardly my natural environment, but it proved a moving experience

PODCAST: On Retreat with Bishop Mark Davies


Find out what’s really happening in the Catholic Church

‘The Benedict Option risks becoming a ghetto mentality’: an interview with Fr George Rutler

The New York priest and author tells Francis Phillips about his biggest influences, cultural retreat, and Lenten exercises

The CofE’s trajectory is now obvious. Orthodox believers – you’d be very welcome here

Though there are battles here too, it is very possible to get on with mission and ministry without fighting gender wars

Reports of a ‘plot against the Pope’ are not wholly implausible

A Francis resignation seems unlikely – but then he is the ‘Pope of surprises’

The latest Marie Stopes scandal just reflects what Britain’s abortion industry has become

The actual practice of abortion clinics is far more permissive than politicians will admit

What’s inside this week’s magazine?

Take a look inside this week’s Catholic Herald

The end of the ‘Hitler’s Pope’ myth

For 50 years, the truth about Pius XII’s battle against Nazism has been suppressed. But new evidence makes his heroism undeniable