That Small Fundraiser Time of Year Again

Once a year, the podcast has to pay a bill.

As I said this time last year…

With these podcasts I try (or have to try) to keep the direct costs as low as possible and I generally keep it down to the following

Internet bill

A decent new set of headphones with microphone every so often

An mp3 voice recorder for out and about recordings

Phone calls when it is not possible to record over skype or in person

And this is the biggest one – Internet hosting for all the episodes

That said, I am basically self-employed and all time spent on the podcasts is time I could otherwise spend working, and therefore does actually cost me. A basic rule is that if you hear an hour of podcast, between finding guests and agreeing what/how/when we are going to do the podcast, research, recording, editing, uploading, fixing glitches, promoting and blog posts, that one hour of audio has taken 7 or 8 hours to put together. A day’s work if you like.

All of that still applies, and we are a little short of target to pay the bill tomorrow.

If you would like to donate to help out, the button is on the right of this page. Without meeting the target, the podcasts will be offline for a week or two until I can get it sorted out.

Anything small or large is much appreciated.

Scottish Independence Podcast 145 Stewart Kirkpatrick & Sarah Beattie-Smith

stewart-kirkpatrickEpisode 145 of the Scottish Independence Podcast continues the series of talks given at the recent Scottish Independence Convention.

This time round there are two talks. The first was given by Stewart Kirkpatrick, former Digital Operations Manager for Yes Scotland, and the second by Sarah Beattie-Smith of the Green Party and Women For Indy.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you click THIS LINK .

img_8352_1You can listen online at show’s spreaker webpage, or you can subscribe with itunes. We can also be found on youtube and on facebook.

Scottish Independence Podcast 144 – Cat Boyd & Yes 2

16412799663_82464c3dc0_bEpisode 144 of the Scottish Independence Podcast continues the series of talks given at the recent Scottish Independence Convention.

This time round there are two talks. The first was given by  Cat Boyd and the second by the people from Yes 2  – Tony McCandless and John McHarg.

Hope you enjoy.

12670884_660889390716022_4058940454628469593_nYou can download here if you click THIS LINK .

You can listen online at the spreaker webpage, or you can subscribe with itunes. We can also be found on youtube and on facebook.

New Podcast Feature

Regular listeners will know that on the podcasts I have always tried to put on a range of guests as broad as the independence movement.

bukiobwcyaakgqq-largeI say “tried” because often people can’t come on because of prior engagements or are too nervous about sitting down to do an interview of half an hour or an hour. Indeed, the list of who I have asked to come on, compared to those who have come on, is much broader still.

However, I would still like to open it up to more and more people.

Therefore, if you have something you’d like to get off your chest,something funny, something you have noticed that you think needs attention, a question you’d like addressed, even just a 10 second comment, or something longer, why not record it as an mp3 and send it to me? Then I can stick it in the show and address your point.

This was you can have your say and not the pressure of a full interview (and anyway, there isn’t any real pressure – I don’t bite).

The vast majority of smartphones have an app already installed for doing this so it is incredibly easy. Record it and send it to the email you see here.

Obviously, there will be some rules for this…

  1. No racists
  2. No sexists
  3. No lunatics (this includes people who believe David Icke stuff)
  4. No Noel Edmonds
  5. I will not respond to unionist trolling unless I decide to show it up for what it is, good points may be addressed

Someone will have to do it, so I will be the judge on whether the comments sent in obey the rules.

Go for it. Trust me, people will be happy to hear you.

Scottish Independence Podcast 143 -Richard Walker on the Scottish Media & Independence


Episode 143 of the Scottish Independence Podcast is a talk given by Richard Walker (interviewed in episode 135)  at the recent Scottish Independence Convention.

Richard is now the consulting editor of The National, but was also involved in the formation of that paper and the decision made at the Sunday Herald to begin openly supporting Scottish independence.

In this talk Richard talks about the relationship between the Scottish Independence Movement and the Scottish mainstream media.

Hope you enjoy.

You can download here if you click THIS LINK .

You can listen online at the spreaker webpage, or you can subscribe with itunes. We can also be found on youtube and on facebook.