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Jon Faine to fight ABC ruling over on-air interview 'lapse'

ABC broadcaster Jon Faine has rejected a management decision to apologise for a heated interview he conducted on-air with a protagonist in the Australian Workers Union slush fund scandal that has dogged Julia Gillard.

In responding to public complaints about the November 23 interview with former 2UE presenter Michael Smith, the ABC ruled that Faine had demonstrated a "lapse in standards" and the matter would be reported to the board, while Faine had been "reminded of his obligation to gather and present news and information content with due impartiality".

Michael Bodey

'There was also a hint that those intolerant of anyone with a brown face would really enjoy the show.'

THE ratings result for last Sunday night's episode of My Kitchen Rules was the kind we only see a few times a year but it tapped into barely disguised racism.

Mark Day

`If things are so bad in sport, why hasn't anyone blabbed before now?'

IF things are so bad in sport, why hasn't anyone blabbed before now?

Errol Simper

`The ABC doesn't have too much to fear from scrutiny, however unforgiving'

THE ABC doesn't have too much to fear from scrutiny, however unforgiving.

Darren Davidson

'Warburton's hopes for a rebound were dashed last week by the performance of MasterChef: The Professionals'

JAMES Warburton's hopes for a rebound from 2012 were dashed last week by the performance of MasterChef: The Professionals.


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