World News


  1. Dutch deja vu for France?

    Voters in the Netherlands may have turned their back on the anti-Islamic, populist candidate Geert Wilders, but do not assume this means France will do the same.

  2. The hard sell

    Donald Trump has been out revving up the faithful again and plans to hold a rally every fortnight now but away from the bluster the president is butting heads with everyone from Breitbart News to Snoop Dogg.

  3. Indyref 2.0

    Scotland could get another chance to vote on independence from the UK — but this time Brexit has raised the stakes even higher, Barbara Miller writes.

  4. Baldwin on Trump

    Alec Baldwin has reached new levels of fame for his Donald Trump impersonation, and says the key is finding the insecurity behind the facade.

  5. Dutch opt for tolerance

    He may have led in the polls, but on election day in The Netherlands, anti-Islam, anti-EU candidate Geert Wilders fell well short, writes Steve Cannane.

  6. Photos from Otherworlds

    Michael Benson painstakingly creates a series of photographs showing off our solar system's far-flung spectacles.

  7. The news, American style

    The build up to the reveal of Donald Trump's 2005 tax returns was breathless, but all we got was a reminder of the difference between US and Australian media, writes Connor Duffy.

  8. Unpredictable regime

    North Korea's launch of ballistic missiles has unnerved the US, and it's decided enough is enough, writes Philip Williams.

  9. Birth in Afghanistan

    For women in Afghanistan, having a baby can be deadly — with about one in 50 women dying as a result of pregnancy or childbirth.

  10. New independence push

    After shadow-boxing for months about the impact of Brexit, Nicola Sturgeon demands a new Scottish referendum.

  11. Vietnam's forgotten cinema

    Sheila Pham travels from the suburbs of Melbourne to the south of Vietnam in search of the lost cinema of Tan Hiep.

  12. 'Fake news' in Asia

    How is "fake news" being used and abused in the Southeast Asia region?

  13. Mahmoud's journey

    In the United States, Mahmoud Hallak is waiting anxiously to hear if he will get his green card.

  1. Prized coral reef damaged by ship

    British company Noble Caledonia incurs the wrath of the Indonesian Government after its ship MV Caledonian Sky hit a prized coral reef causing irreparable damage.

    The 4,200-gross-ton ship, with 79 crew and 102 passengers on board, rammed into the reef in the waters of Radja Ampat.

  1. China 'optimistic' on US relations

    China's Premier Li Keqiang reject the notion that the Asia-Pacific needs to make a choice between China and the US.

  2. Park Geun-hye 'abandons' dogs

    An animal rights group accuses the impeached South Korean president of animal abandonment after she leaves her dogs at the presidential palace.

  3. Manus detention centre

    PNG Chief Justice finds the Manus Island detention centre has been closed, despite the fact that roughly 860 men remain in it.