Australian Sustainable Hardwoods to close Heyfield timber mill but Victorian Government may step in

Updated March 17, 2017 15:19:02

More than 200 jobs are in limbo after the owners of the Heyfield timber mill in Victoria's east announced it would close, but the Victorian Government may still throw workers a lifeline.

Chief executive of Australian Sustainable Hardwoods (ASH) Vince Hurley said a three-year supply deal offered by VicForests, which is run by the State Government, would have seen the company lose $12 million over three years.

"Over the last six weeks we've worked with the Government, we've shown them the financials, we've done modelling for them to show that this is the case," he said.

"The Andrews Government has come back to us with an offer that remains unchanged.

"Having done the analysis we have no alternative but to close the mill."

The Gippsland mill, which has 260 workers, is the main employer for Heyfield, which has a population of 2,000.

Under its current contract, the mill processes about 150,000 cubic metres of timber each year.

But VicForests said timber supply was dwindling and the current level of production was unsustainable.

It offered the Heyfield board a three-year deal to supply 80,000 cubic metres in the first year, and 60,000 over the next two.

ASH said if another buyer was not found, the mill would completely close within 18 months.

ASH may move operations to Tasmania

Premier Daniel Andrews earlier said if ASH decided to sell the mill and another buyer could not be found, the Government would take the "unconventional" step of a takeover.

Mr Hurley said he had not received a takeover offer from the Andrews Government.

"So we don't know how that would work ... a mill operating at 60,000 cubic metres would employ 60 people, obviously a substantial decrease on today's employment."

He said the company was considering moving its equipment to Tasmania, and had been in discussions with that State Government for 12 months.

Mr Hurley said that meant the mill may not be operational even if the Government took it over, but there may be scope for Heyfield workers to move across the Bass Strait.

Union vows 'to fight for Heyfield jobs'

Clinton Tilley from ASH said the board had told the Premier about its plans before staff in confidence, but he had spoken out first.

"It shows the total lack of respect for the town of Heyfield, our workers, the community and the Latrobe [Valley] at large," he said.

CFMEU district secretary Frank Vari said the union would continue to try and save jobs at the mill.

He said he did not accept VicForest's position that the lack of available timber and the endangered leadbeater's possum was behind the reduction in wood supply.

"The union is calling for an open, honest and robust discussion about ensuring that the mill has the wood supply it needs to keep its workforce," he said.

Topics: state-parliament, parliament, government-and-politics, environment, heyfield-3858

First posted March 17, 2017 14:05:00