Coburg clashes: Police Minister calls for face masks to be banned

Updated May 30, 2016 18:13:43

Victoria's Police Minister has called for face masks to be banned after violent clashes between anti-racism and anti-Islamic activists in Melbourne's north at the weekend.

Key points:

  • Police Minister to meet with Victoria Police's Chief Commissioner today
  • Police Association Victoria says public safety at risk
  • Seven people were arrested after rival rallies in Coburg on Saturday

Hundreds of people took part in the duelling rallies at Coburg on Saturday.

Police arrested seven people and doused some sections of the crowd in capsicum foam.

Police Minister Lisa Neville met with Victoria Police's Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton today to discuss the State Government's response to the violence.

Among the issues discussed were the use of face masks, which were employed by activists from both sides at Coburg, and stronger penalties for those who commit violence at public events.

Before the meeting, Ms Neville said activists who used face masks to cover their faces while committing crimes and attacking police were cowards.

Protesters clash with police in Coburg Video: Protesters clash with police in Coburg (ABC News)

"It's a really disturbing trend that we've seen over the last few rallies ... where people cover themselves with either a full mask or partially [cover] their face in order to perpetrate violence," she said.

"We don't want to see this on our streets. We have, every year, hundreds of peaceful protests in Victoria.

"There is no room in Victoria for the violence and the attacks that they perpetrated on police ... each other and the community."

Ms Neville said two other people were arrested on weapons charges and there could be more arrests today.

"They [police] did a pretty good job," she told 774 ABC Melbourne.

"They are also going to be looking at CCTV cameras today."

Public safety at risk: police association

Also discussed at the meeting were changes to police powers to allow officers to stop people or groups intending on causing violence from entering a protest area.

A requirement for local councils to consult with police before allowing permits for some protests was also raised.

Police Association Victoria chief Rod Iddles said laws were watered down by the State Government last year, which has put public safety at risk.

"Before [the rallies] started on Saturday, you would have thought there would be a breach of the peace," he said.

"So what you do is tell both parties to move on [and] don't come back for 24 hours — if they don't move on, they commit an offence.

"But, because there is an exemption within the Summary Offences Act, which talks about demonstrating or protesting about a particular issue, you can't ask them to move on."

Mr Iddles said, under the changed laws, police were only able to act once protests get out of control.

Victorian Attorney-General Martin Pakula rejected Mr Iddles' criticisms and said police still had move-on powers.

"The act is very clear," he said.

"It says that a police officer or a protective services officer can move people on if they suspect, on reasonable grounds, that the person is breaching, or likely to breach the peace, if they are endangering or likely to endanger the safety of any person, or if the behaviour of the person is likely to cause injury to a person, or damage to property or is otherwise a risk to public safety."

Traders complain about lost business

Coburg Traders Association president Jason Sennitt said local businesses suffered significant losses due to Saturday's events.

"On a Saturday morning, when all the young families with children flock to our malls for their morning coffee, there's this protest which is potentially attracting violence, and that wasn't even considered from what we could tell by the organisers," he told 774 ABC Melbourne.

"The worst-off businesses that chose to close obviously lost 100 per cent of their trade on the busiest day of the week.

"Traders like myself, we lost 50 per cent of our trade and ... my business isn't even in the heart of Coburg. I'm around the corner and I still suffered."

Topics: activism-and-lobbying, government-and-politics, police, law-crime-and-justice, coburg-3058, melbourne-3000, vic, australia

First posted May 30, 2016 07:15:17