Free Red Fawn Fundraising Appeal

DAPL red fawn bw

Red Fawn Fallis.

From the fundraising site: Thank you for visiting here and caring about our sister, Red Fawn. We are her family and this is the only site that is officially raising money for her legal fund.

Red Fawn is a human rights advocate, organizer, community leader and a political prisoner of Standing Rock.

She has been imprisoned and held without bail since Oct 27th. She is facing federal felony charges  and could spend the rest of her life in jail for protecting water. Red Fawn was targeted not only because of her background, and family’s history of fighting for social, racial and environmental justice, but also to send a clear message to others that dissidence to; corporate greed, exploitation of our natural resources and desecration of our sacred sites will not be tolerated, however peaceful the acts may be.

As indigenous peoples, we are born into a legacy of struggle and resistance, gifted the responsibility of stewardship for Unci Maka & Mni Wiconi, mother earth and water of life. Red Fawn understood this more than most & accepted this responsibility with revance honor and respect.

Access to clean water should not be a luxury. IT IS A HUMAN RIGHT.  She was out there sacrificing to protect the water. And she is still sacraficing So our grand children’s children can have access to clean water. If you stand for water, you stand for red fawn.

Please do not let our sister be forgotten. She is in the fight of her life and is fighting for us all.

Please visit the FreeRedFawn Community on facebook…it contains all updated information regarding our sister.

Wopila Tanka

Thank You

To donate visit the site:


Posted on March 14, 2017, in Oil & Gas, Warrior and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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