¡Hasta la pasta compañerxs!

Some idiot somewhere once said that all good things have to come to an end. But why? Who the fuck knows, but after doing this show for 10 fuckin years, we decided to call it quits and try something new. What the new thing is, you’ll just have to wait...

What is Class?

Class struggle, the struggle within and against capitalism, is an intrinsic guiding force of anarchist theory and practice. Nonetheless, many enduring myths and misconceptions continue to cloud popular understanding of the social relationship that lies at the root of this conflict…. namely, class itself. So…. what is it, exactly, and...

Trouble Montreal Premiere

subMedia.tv is excited to announce the launch of Trouble, a brand-new monthly show offering an in-depth anarchist analysis of the dynamics and forces shaping today’s movements. Trouble is an attempt to cut through the fog of misinformation that clouds our understanding of the world. It will broadcast first-hand accounts and...

Call for a Week of Solidarity

In cooperation with itsgoingdown.org, subMedia.tv, and others, we are calling for a week of solidarity to support everyone targeted for standing up to the Trump regime and rising fascism. The past four months have seen unprecedented waves of action—from the post-election rebellions and the defense of Standing Rock to the...

Montreal: Cops protect fascists

As the far-right attempted to mobilize demonstrations all over North America on Saturday, anti-fascists came out in force to oppose them. In Montreal, the far-right organized under the banner of La Meute (The Wolf Pack), an anti-Muslim group which was founded by a former soldier in the Canadian army. Anti-fascists attempted...

Normalizing Repression

Last week, the Conservative Political Action Convention, or CPAC, was held in National Harbor, Maryland, and was put on by the American Conservative Union, the NRA, the Heritage Foundation, and several right-wing media groups. Speaking at the conference was Trump, members of his administration, and a variety of far-Right talking...


Greetings Trouble Makers, At the end of last year, we decided to put an end to our flagship project, “It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine” after a decade-long run. We did this in order to focus our energies on developing a new...

Black Snakes

Today water protectors will face off with police as they fight to maintain the last protection camp of the #NoDAPL battle. In honor of these brave comrades, we leave you with an inspiring track by “Prolific the Rapper” aptly called “Black Snake” To learn more about this struggle check out...


via Ciro Carrillo Fight DESPAIR with DEFIANCE! Be a Radical! Be Revolutionary! RESIST! This is a video about how it’s totally way more baller to be a radical than it is to be a boring-ass liberal! Are you ready to do more? Read this Or start your own via Ciro...

Who Are the Anarchists?

Who Are the Anarchists? Why Resistance Is Coming from Below America is in the throes of crisis. Polling as the least popular starting President in history, Donald Trump has taken the reins and intends to force his agenda on the world by brute force. Alongside him, outright white supremacists are...

No More Presidents

From our friends at Global Uprisings: The inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States has unleashed a wave of anger across the country. Faced with the frightening prospect of an authoritarian right wing government, many people have chosen to take their opposition to the streets. In the...

How to counter Black Bloc detractors

As the smoke clears from the #DisruptJ20 actions, liberals and conservatives alike are having a field day denouncing the brave comrades who defied the heavily polices US capital, and smashed a number of symbols of capitalism. Thankfully, we’re not new to these types of denunciations, as they have happened time...

Call for a Week of Solidarity

In cooperation with itsgoingdown.org, subMedia.tv, and others, we are calling for a week of solidarity to support everyone targeted for standing up to the Trump regime and rising fascism. The...


via Ciro Carrillo Fight DESPAIR with DEFIANCE! Be a Radical! Be Revolutionary! RESIST! This is a video about how it’s totally way more baller to be a radical than it...

Who Are the Anarchists?

Who Are the Anarchists? Why Resistance Is Coming from Below America is in the throes of crisis. Polling as the least popular starting President in history, Donald Trump has taken...

How to counter Black Bloc detractors

As the smoke clears from the #DisruptJ20 actions, liberals and conservatives alike are having a field day denouncing the brave comrades who defied the heavily polices US capital, and smashed...

#DisruptJ20 takes Portland

New video report about #DisruptJ20 actions in Portland via Daniel V. Media Music: Cliterati – Virtue [ https://cliteratipdx.bandcamp.com/ ] L.I.A.R. – The Police Are A Gang [ https://liar.bandcamp.com/ ]  ...

Support the Comrades!

On Friday, January 20, more than 200 comrades were arrested in DC during the protests against Trump and the hatred and bigotry he represents. They risked their freedom not only...

Riots in the nation’s capital

This 14 minute video by jake westly anderson shows the courage of the Black Bloc, as they rampaged through Washington DC, during at the time that Trump was being inaugurated. Needless...

#DiruptJ20 rocks Chicago

Thousands invaded the streets of Chicago on the evening of January 20th to express their rejection of incoming president Donald Trump. They blocked traffic and some smashed bank windows.  Via...

#DisruptJ20: Black Bloc rushes riot cops

A new video report by Ross Domoney shows the Black Bloc rushing a line of riot cops with the aim of breaking a “kettle” This went down on January 20th,...

#Antifa confront #AltRight at #Deploraball

Outside the #Deploraball an #AltRight supporter got frisky with an AntiFa comrade and the sparks flew. Outside the #Deploraball an #AltRight supporter got frisky with an AntiFa comrade and the...

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