Apps Stories March 9

AAPL: 138.68

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Facebook has officially announced its new Messenger Day feature for iOS and Android after previously testing the Snapchat Stories clone with a limited number of users. Messenger Day is rolling out globally to Facebook’s Messenger app beginning today.

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Apps Stories March 8

AAPL: 139.00

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Skoove is a new iPad app launching today that helps you learn how to play piano from iOS. The app includes more than 250 interactive lessons and courses that you can follow along with at home as if your iPad was a private piano instructor.

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Finances 2 is a new personal and business bookkeeping app for iOS and macOS from developer Matthias Hochgatterer. Prior to Finances 2, Hochgatterer created the excellent third-party HomeKit app Home before Apple’s version in iOS 10. Like his Home app, Finances 2 takes advantage of modern iOS technologies including 3D Touch, Spotlight integration, and Split View on the iPad.

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Apps Stories February 28

AAPL: 136.99

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Apps Stories February 27

AAPL: 136.93

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Pocket, the popular read-it-later bookmarking service, has been acquired by Firefox developer Mozilla, according to Recode. Pocket has client apps on the iPhone, iPad, and even the Mac including both a browser extension and dedicated reader app.

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Apps Stories February 20

AAPL: 135.72

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