Amazon Web Services offers a comprehensive suite of products and services for video game developers across every major platform: mobile, console, PC and online. From AAA console and PC games, to educational and serious games, AWS provides the back end servers and hosting services for your game studio.

Build, deploy, distribute, analyze and monetize with AWS. Pay as you go, and only pay for what you use.  Focus on your game, not your infrastructure.


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The Developer's Quest will walk you through the heroic journey of game development on AWS. It's not all monster-guarded treasure!

We can help you get started with a consultation from our sales and architecture organization, or you can begin your own quest today.

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The Game Developer's Quest with AWS
The Developer's Quest with AWS

Mobile Gaming

AWS supports Android, iOS, and Unity game app development with our SDKs. AWS can power your back-end with a wide variety of services and products for mobile developers.

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Global presence, global scale, and rock solid for Day One launches. Get peace of mind your game plays where you need it, when you need it. From hosting to analytics, AWS is here to help.

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AWS provides the infrastructure to scale for the viral growth and adoption with today’s social network game platforms. Data-driven design cycles are supported by extensive analytics.

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Amazon Lumberyard is a free, cross-platform, 3D game engine for developers to create the highest-quality games, connect their games to the vast compute and storage of the AWS Cloud, and engage fans on Twitch.

This game engine helps developers build beautiful worlds, make realistic characters, and create stunning real-time effects. With Amazon Lumberyard's visual scripting tool, even non-technical game developers can add cloud-connected features to a game in minutes (such as a community news feed, daily gifts, or server-side combat resolution) through a drag-and-drop graphical user interface.

Amazon Lumberyard is available for download in beta for PC and console game developers, with mobile and virtual reality (VR) platforms coming soon. Amazon Lumberyard is free to use, including source. There are no seat fees, subscription fees, or requirements to share revenue. Developers pay standard AWS fees for any AWS services they choose to use.

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Amazon GameLift is a new service for deploying, operating, and scaling session-based multiplayer games, reducing the time required to create multiplayer back-ends from thousands of hours to just minutes. 

With a few quick steps in the AWS Management Console, developers can deploy game servers across the AWS Cloud, start connecting players to games, and scale capacity up and down to meet player demand. Developers can also identify operational issues using Amazon GameLift’s real-time reporting of game server capacity and player demand.

With Amazon GameLift, developers can create multiplayer back-ends with less effort, technical risk, and time delays that often cause developers to cut multiplayer features from their games.

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Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), provides developers and IT teams with secure, durable, highly-scalable object storage.

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Amazon EC2 is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers.

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Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, data warehouse solution that makes it simple and cost-effective to efficiently analyze data.

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Amazon DynamoDB is a fast and flexible NoSQL database service for all applications that need consistent, single-digit millisecond latency at any scale.

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We’ve tried to put it all in one place for easy review and access.

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At the 2015 Game Developers Conference (GDC) AWS presented a full day of developer session on everything from architecting your game on AWS to streaming cloud-rendered gaming to a tablet.  If you missed the sessions you can view them on-demand.

View the Amazon GDC presentations »