the anarchist library – torrent

i highly recommend you download this library archive. not only does it have the entire contents of the Anarchist Library, there’s also some recent additions. like 2015. it certainly does look much larger than i recall, and no matter what your tendency is in the anarchist scene, you’ll find plenty of it in here. could use more rob los ricos, if you ask me…

From the depths of January 2016 comes a new torrent of all 8 languages (including Swedish and German libraries for the first time) currently on The Anarchist Library. This torrent includes all of the various formats including plain PDF, A4 imposed PDF, letter imposed PDF, ePUB, HTML, XeLaTeX, plain text source, and source files with attachments that make reading texts from the library easily digestible on various mediums.

You can find the torrent file here:

And the magnet link here.

This is a snapshot of the anarchist libraries as seen on January 18, 2016. If you are unfamiliar with torrents or don’t have a favourite client, two options are qBittorrent and Transmission among the many.

Each archive is packaged as an ISO image. If you don’t know exactly what to do with an ISO image, please visit: The library torrent for our how-to guide. You can mount the files on your computer to keep a copy of the library permanently (forever!), extract the files to another location, put them on your e-reader, or burn the ISO image to a set of discs that one could use to start a distro for example.

If you encounter any problem with this distribution or have other questions and comments about the library, please feel free to join the IRC channel #anarchistlibrary on Freenode servers or via web browser here



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