Trouble Montreal Premiere is excited to announce the launch of Trouble, a brand-new monthly show offering an in-depth anarchist analysis of the dynamics and forces shaping today’s movements. Trouble is an attempt to cut through the fog of misinformation that clouds our understanding of the world. It will broadcast first-hand accounts and perspectives from organizers on the ground, with the aim of provoking people into taking bold, collective action.

Join us on Saturday March 25th at 7:00pm EST for the launch of our first episode of Trouble, “Killing the Black Snake: Behind the Scenes of the #NoDAPL struggle.” takes a close look inside the dynamics that played out behind the scenes at the Standing Rock encampment, including serious disagreements over which tactics to use to best stop the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

Please note that we will be filming the screening, so that we can produce a video called “How to organize a screening” we are asking folks to bring masks, bandanas, balaclavas or anything that could help you mask your identity. If you don’t bring one, we will have a few masks on hand.

Saturday March 25th; 7:00pm
@ Lachoppe (ask a punk)
A discussion following the screening

Featuring performances by :



icky magdala

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 12:20 pm and is poested under Events, Uncategorized category.

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