Gabriel Kuhn: Anarchism Today

reblogged from: Robert Graham’s Anarchism Weblog Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas Gabriel Kuhn is the author and editor of numerous works relating to anarchism, rebellion and revolution, including Soccer vs. the State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics, Life Under the Jolly Roger: Reflections on Golden Age Piracy, a collection from Gustav Landauer, Revolution…

Peace and Love; e-brochure

this is the best thing EVER! from Sosyal Savaş! (social war – turkish) Peace and Love Visual propaganda brochure from S. and D. Message of authors: We prepared this brochure from the visuals that we produced. The visuals that we were sending to each other and using for propaganda reasons. We wish it will be…

in solidarity with prisoners of the oppressive french state, an attack is made on police collaborating union CGT

originally published on Non Fides, translated with help from google… Paris: Details on attack against HQ of CGT, claimed in solidarity with the CCF NdNF: hi companerxs who, during these last days (and months and years …), denounced the CGT, CFDT, and all unions, due to their historical role of pacifying revolts throughout the entire …

Why we are with the fighters

excellent statement from Return Fire #3, which also includes a lengthy article about anarchist support for the Mapuche people’s fight for autonomy in chile,  The Intensification of Independence in Wallmapu  & fragments of a 500­ year ­old resistance to colonisation, and an interview with a comrade in mexico. We are with the fighters in Kobane,…

En pie de guerra contra la civilización

taking the warpath against civilization “Civilization is the domination of the wild world and the nature of living beings that inhabit the planet. This is the key issue, presently enforced in an era of fierce techno-industrialization, which corrodes the essence of life, freedom. That is why it is necessary to overcome the ruins created in…

the anarchist library – torrent

i highly recommend you download this library archive. not only does it have the entire contents of the Anarchist Library, there’s also some recent additions. like 2015. it certainly does look much larger than i recall, and no matter what your tendency is in the anarchist scene, you’ll find plenty of it in here. could…