Athens, Greece: Police evict 2 squats, 7 anarchists and over 100 refugees detained

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13.03.17: Via Enough Is Enough: In the early morning hours Greek police evicted the Villa Zografou and The Hospital squat on Alkiviadou in Athens, Greece. About 200 people were detained. We publish a statement from Khora Social Centre about the evictions:

This morning at 5am, 2 squats in Athens, 1 housing refugees, were evicted by the police.
Around 200 people are currently being held in police stations, with no access to a lawyer. One person we are in contact with was told she doesn’t have the right to see a lawyer, telling her she “isn’t being detained, just ‘held back’ before being referred to a camp.”
Those with papers have been separated from those without papers, and we don’t yet know what will happen to them.
A policeman we spoke to outside the police station this morning admitted to following orders that he knows go against the refugees’ rights.


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