• Tuesday, March 14th, 2017

    Tuesday, March 14th, 2017

    Call for Week of Solidarity Against Repression April 1-7

    from It’s Going Down

    From Standing Rock, to Sacramento, to DC

    In cooperation with CrimethInc., Submedia.tv, and others, we are calling for a week of solidarity to support everyone targeted for standing up to the Trump regime and rising fascism. The past four months have seen unprecedented waves of action—from the post-election rebellions and the defense of Standing Rock to the J20 demonstrations, the airport blockades, and the shutting down of advocates of nationalist violence like Milo Yiannopoulos. These efforts have emboldened dissidents from Slovenia to the White House itself, catalyzing global resistance and destabilizing the Trump administration from within. In response, the authorities are bringing felony charges against hundreds of people and seeking to criminalize protest altogether. How effectively we support arrestees will determine how effectively we can continue resisting.


  • Monday, March 13th, 2017

    Monday, March 13th, 2017

    Shell Has “Officially Shelved” Its Plans For the Prince Rupert LNG Project

    by Kelly Cryderman / The Globe and Mail

    Royal Dutch Shell PLC has officially shelved its plans to build the Prince Rupert LNG project, which had been planned for Ridley Island in British Columbia.

    But the Anglo-Dutch giant will continue in advancing the $40-billion LNG Canada plant, another liquefied natural gas-export venture.

    Shell had placed the Prince Rupert LNG proposal on the back-burner since it inherited the project through its 2016 acquisition of BG Group PLC. Earlier this year, Shell had said it was in the process of reviewing the combined Shell and BG portfolio, including the project located at the southern end of Ridley Island at the Port of Prince Rupert.

  • Sunday, March 12th, 2017

    Sunday, March 12th, 2017

    No DAPL Banner Drop at Wells Fargo Exec’s Virginia Beach Mansion

    from Earth First! Newswire

    In the witching hour of March 11th, we crept up to the Virginia Beach oceanfront mansion of Elizabeth Duke, Vice Chair of Wells Fargo. As we all know, Wells Fargo is one of the financial institutions funding the Dakota Access Pipeline and a number of other exploitative energy projects. As vice chair, Elizabeth has specifically been chosen as a target in order to apply the pressure needed to get Wells Fargo to defund and divest from the DAPL. Alongside the NoDAPL March on Washington yesterday, and in coordination with the call to action last month, we felt it was time to do our part and pay Mrs. Duke a visit.

    In the cold morning under the full moon we were able to take our time as we strung up our banner, a huge Anarcho-Communist flag with the words “Wells Fargo: Divest DAPL” painted over the flag.  We are grateful to the great oaks that were our allies in helping us hang our banner from their gorgeous trunks right on the corner of Booty Lane for all of Elizabeth’s neighbors to see. Even in the whipping wind, our banner remained taught as we slipped away unnoticed into the night.

    In solidarity with indigenous struggles every where, and uncompromisingly toward the liberation of all creatures and life forms, our Green Antifa crew will continue to fight and build to defend the magical wild we love. Particularly with the looming threat of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, we will be fighting alongside the indigenous people and tribes of Eastern Virginia Coalition of Woodland Nations to defend their sacred land and to honor our sacred duty to protect our Mother, our kin, and ourselves.

    For the Wild,

    Tidewater Earth First!

  • Saturday, March 11th, 2017

    Saturday, March 11th, 2017

    Native Nations Rise March in DC Against DAPL and Trump

    by Chris D’Angelo / The Huffington Post

    WASHINGTON — Thousands of demonstrators, including members of dozens of indigenous tribes, marched through the streets of the nation’s capital on Friday morning, capping a four-day protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline and President Donald Trump.

    With a combination of rain and snow falling and temperatures in the high 30s, protesters gathered at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers headquarters before heading toward the White House, chanting “You can’t drink oil, keep it in the soil” as they marched.

    The Native Nations March, organized by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Indigenous Environmental Network, comes a month after the Army greenlighted completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline without an environmental study.

    Raymond Kingfisher, of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe in Montana, told The Huffington Post that he traveled to Standing Rock six times over the last year to join the protests. His message to the Trump administration: “We’re still here.”


  • Saturday, March 11th, 2017

    Saturday, March 11th, 2017

    Mexico: Campesinos Shot At As Fight Against Mexico City Airport Continues

    from It’s Going Down

    A group of between 30 and 40 people violently attacked members of the Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra (FPDT) and others of the state of Mexico that are opposing the construction of the new international airport of Mexico City. This violent group was armed and shot on various occasions at campesinos that were protesting with a road blockade in Tocuila. The campesinos stated that, “We are blocking the entries and freight trucks that transport material for the new airport because it passes through our lands and we are not allowed to plant alfalfa and corn that are appropriate for this season. This construction is happening in spite of the various legal challenges demonstrating that it is illegal.”

    Since Thursday morning, ejido members have organized to destroy the road that allows cargo trucks to pass, transporting construction material extracted from hills and natural reserves of the east of Mexico City—the road is almost two kilometers long and 20 meters wide on each side. The ejido members also put piles of dirt to block the continuing damage of the ejidal lands of the area.

    Around 3:30 in the afternoon the aggression with firearms began. Fortunately the protestors were able to retreat without any major mishaps. We directly denounce the federal government of Enrique Peña Nieto—who has already ordered brutal repression in the municipality of Atenco in May of 2006—as well as the Airport Group, CIPSA, and PINFRA, the principal licensees of this megaproject of death.

  • Saturday, March 11th, 2017

    Saturday, March 11th, 2017

    South Africa: Legal Victory Against Proposed Coal-Fired Power Station

    by Tessa Khan / The Guardian

    The South African government has lost the country’s first climate change lawsuit after the high court ruled against its plans for a coal-fired power station, the latest in a rising tide of international climate litigation.

    Environmental NGO EarthLife Africa challenged the government’s approval of the proposed Thabametsi coal-fired power station on the grounds that it should have been preceded by an evaluation of its climate change impacts. The North Gauteng high court agreed and ordered the government to reconsider its approval, taking into account a full climate change impact assessment.


  • Friday, March 10th, 2017

    Friday, March 10th, 2017

    Call Senator Nelson in Solidarity With Student Walk-Out Against Sabal Trail

    from Greenpeace Jacksonville

    Today students across the state are walking out in protest of the dangerous Sabal Trail pipeline being built next to their schools.

    Please call Senator Nelson today in solidarity with those taking a brave stand!

    Washington DC 202-224-5274

    Here is a sample script: “Hi my name is __________. I am calling today to ask that Senator Nelson protect Florida’s students. Today teachers, parents, and students alike are taking a stand against the dangerous Sabal Trail pipeline being built near their schools. They know that this pipeline poses a serious risk of explosion. We are asking that the senator call for a revised environmental impact study. One that takes schools and the children at risk into account. Thank you.”

  • Friday, March 10th, 2017

    Friday, March 10th, 2017

    Call for Submissions for “Learning From Standing Rock” Project

    submitted to the Earth First! Newswire

    Learning from Standing Rock

    Hey! This is a call for submissions of texts about strategic lessons that can be learned from the resistance at Standing Rock. As one phase of the resistance has ended and another has begun, I think that it would be valuable to take a minute to reflect on the lessons learned from this game-changing moment in movement history. (more…)

  • Friday, March 10th, 2017

    Friday, March 10th, 2017

    Call out for an Anti-Colonial July 1st Everywhere in Canada

    from CLAC

    We’re reaching out to allied groups and individuals all over so-called “Canada” because we want to organize an anti-colonial Anti-Canada day on July 1st in Montreal. We’d like to propose you do the same in your city, to have demonstrations, events, disruptions and anti-colonial actions all across Canada.

    As you might know, this year is the 150th anniversary of Canada. The government will spend half a billion dollars in 2017 to organize ceremonies, parades and parties to celebrate the colonialism, imperialism and racism so characteristic to nation-states. Those amounts will be invested in questionable projects that will benefit the tourism industry, rather than local residents.

    We should never forget that the territory we call “Canada” has been stolen by European settlers from the Indigenous peoples who have lived here for thousands of years. The land was taken in order to appropriate natural resources to make the English and French crown richer. Why should we celebrate that?


  • Friday, March 10th, 2017

    Friday, March 10th, 2017

    Radical Mapuche Struggle: Ancestral Resistance Against the State and Capital (Eng/Esp)

    from Insurrection News

    “Each individuality, group, tribe or original people have their own ways of resisting this system. However they have the same enemy who represses and oppresses them and the ultimate goal of their struggles is to live freely and autonomously.” – Compañero Carlos Gutiérrez Quiduleo

    1. Brief journey on a path of resistance.

    It is well known that the struggle of the Mapuche people has lasted hundreds of years. Even before fighting the Spanish conquistadors, they had already halted the advance of the Incan empire by preventing its advance towards the south of the territory now called Chile and forcing it to maintain its position in the central zone of ‘Chile’.

    Also known are the battles and clashes with the Spanish conquistadors, where for more than a hundred years a war was fought that put in check the ambitions of the conquistadors to dominate the territory without any major obstacles, forcing them, after periods marked by extermination and captivity, to establish a border that allowed the Mapuche to maintain their territory south of the Bio Bio River.

    Once the Chilean State was created, the oppression in Mapuche territory was intensified in what the history of the powerful hypocritically calls the ‘pacification of the Araucanía’, which was in fact a mass ethnic and cultural extermination that deepened the dispossession by delivering Mapuche lands to German settlers with the aim of ‘civilizing’ the lands of the ‘savages’.

    In recent decades, the logic of dispossession has intensified following the implementation of neoliberal economic policies imposed by the dictatorship, delivering ancestral Mapuche lands to forestry and hydroelectric companies, clearing forests, flooding lands, planting pines that kill the native ecosystem and installing pulp processing plants that devastate the territory.


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