Tuesday, March 14, 2017

El Cuini to be extradited to the USA

Translated  by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article

The SRE concedes the extradition of Abigael Gonzalez Valencia, identified as number 2 in the CJNG, but he will be extradited when amparo he promoted finishes.

Reporter: Ruben Mosso
The Secretary for Exterior Relations conceded an extradition to the USA of capo Abigael Gonzalez Valencia, El Cuini, identified as number 2 in the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion, the exchange will be realized when the amparo he promoted terminates.

According to Judicial registers, Gonzalez Valencia was approved for extradition on 21st of December of 2016, a resolution that the complainant contested, was the motive for the stay of disposition of a Judge of the 12th District in Penal Matters of Amparo in City of Mexico, which refers to his personal liberty, in a place where he is imprisoned, and at the disposition of the authority that carries out the procedure of extradition.

In April of 2015, a Judge of the 16th District of Federal Penal Processes of the North Preventative Prison, in City of Mexico, ordered the provisional detention with end of extradition of El Cuini.

In the USA, a Federal Court of District of Colombia solicited the detention of Gonzalez Valencia for crimes of criminal organization, crimes against health and money laundering.

Valencia obtained a definitive suspension, which was authorized by a Judge of the 12th District of Amparo, a measure that prevents for the moment his delivery; in the case the petitioner is denied the amparo, the capo may promote an appeal for review, to review the decision in the first instance.

El Cuini was captured on March 28th 2015 in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, during and operation carried out by Federal forces, where three South Americans and one Mexican were also captured.

According to PGR investigations, Gonzalez Valencia was the leader of a cell called Los Cuinis, in charge of money laundering for the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion.

The CJNG participated, on May 1st of 2015, in the violent events in the Guadalajara metropolitan area, which left eight soldiers dead and Federal policeman after a downing of a helicopter of the Mexican Air Force.

Original article in Spanish at Milenio


  1. Good, make him smoke all that meth he sent to the states. Freekin cjng meth head scum.

    1. He's being accused of supplying Europe. Euros>$

    2. Sorry to burst your bubble pal,but all the meth he mightve shipped to the U.S wasnt enough for your compadres,you have so many tweakers in your country demand will never ease up.

  2. Wrong place to post this but would anyone say its safe for a single 23 yo brit who's clued up on the mexican drug scene to move to playa del carmen to live and work?

    1. You're prob white and a foreigner you're pretty much untouchable unless you get involved with the drug gangs and fuck up on something.

    2. No matter where you go in the world right now stay safe keep to yourself and if anyone harms you and you are a good person those who harm you will pay for it no one gets away with anything in this life

    3. Unless you have connections and authorization from the right people the only thing you should go to Mexico for is to party bro don't go thinking you're a narco can just any regular no set up shop.. they'll find your DNA on the street and that's about all they'll find. Stay in school movies are not real my friend

    4. You only live once!

    5. If salary is most beneficial for you to relocate. Then it's necessary. However please note that being a foreigner in an unpredictable environment where kidnapings are rampant and extortions are common especially for businesses. May want to take time to contemplate for safety reasons.
      Mexico is a beautiful country. Nevertheless turbulent political uncertainty and violence seems to have deepened lately.
      Be vigilant and weary of surroundings .
      And if helps what our parents stilled in our heads : Stranger Danger! Keep that concept in thought and wish you best.

    6. I bet there's a'lot of foreigners living there just like in los cabos and san miguel de allende heck I'd do it but I'd fit right in I'm mexican lol

    7. Why dont u shoot urself in the head now instead

    8. Perfectly safe, perfectly normal

    9. Stay away from the drugs and the night scene and you should be fine. I have lived in Mexico for 16 years and have never had a problem, but I don't go to the wrong places and don't associate with the wrong people.

    10. Awhile back a friend of mine lived out there for 2 years... if your not involved in the lifestyle of the narco world. Then safe to say you'll be fine.. unless you show boating around you have some money. Then you might get date raped... just saying

    11. HELL NO . If your looking for safety Mexico isn't the place . Everybody in Mexico is fighting to go to the usa and fighting to stay . The other day one swan dove off a bridge because he was being deported . I know people from mexico that hasn't been home in years because its so dangerous . I also see those people that say "its not as bad as everybody says , we went and had no problem . Remember it don't happen until it happens . Then its to late . You living there coming and going from your residence , you could be stalked prey . On the other hand you may never have a incident . You don't know until it happens or you move back and it didn't .

    12. Sure no problem come on down just send me your adress when you move over here to playa.........I want to go over the rules while we are both naked and coked up

    13. So long as you know that you have no rights if caught up with the police. You use common sense and don't act stupid and make an opportunity for someone to Jack you. Then go for it.

    14. you'll be fine. most violence is in consentrated area's. every day life has been the norm for my family out there with no violence whatsoever

    15. Yeah but be careful where in Playa del Carmen you live and work. Don't get to involved with the local dealers, they may be friendly at first but will look to use you when they get the chance. Stay on the ball and don't get too comfortable.

    16. Do you plan on selling drugs? If not, then you have very little to worry about.

    17. Live and work, yes, just don't get involved with anything drug related. I would hesitate on dating too.

  3. This man had more power and respect than chapo

    1. Then why didn't they break him out with all this power you speak of. Once he's in the states the cjng will experience the same shit cds is with the power vacumm left.

    2. ya, right. and when you woke up it was already morning...

    3. According to chapo haters anyone had more power and respect than him

    4. Sure he did Buddy...

    5. I got no respect for him or Chapo . The key word in your comment is "had . He will have a bed that's furnished for him by the tax payers of the usa . I leach on us down there and a leach when he gets up here . We need some antiparasidic .

    6. Smartest comment I've ever seen on here

    7. Maybe not power but this dude has carisma...He doesn't fight unless he needs to! Now his brother Eduardo,got dam...Even Mencho would listen to him

    8. To escape from maximum security prison twice and hiring a group of professional tunel builders to do it, now thats power. This dude might have been something, but no where nearly as close as to the extent of the power Chapo achieved.

    9. And a hella lot more money. Filthy rich trafficing to europe.

  4. Que lo metan al manicomio con cadena perpetua. Peor castigo fuera tener los amarrados de sus brazos día tras día. Drogados y aislados adentro de un cuarto blanco. - Sol Prendido

  5. Mexico is finally extraditing criminals to the US like handing out candy on holloween . Great display of human nature on behalf of Mexico. That being of course that the extradition process does not get a delay from judiciary proceedings.
    Good to see justice prevail for Mexicos citizens and the world. Americas prison system will definitely put a hamper to the ongoing criminal activities from within Mexicos prisons. Where as a well known fact that high ranking cartel individuals still run operations in detention centers in Mexico.
    Despite a new criminal to have replaced him momentarily. American prison is one place many individuals of such caliber prefer not to attend.
    Great job BB for a happy Tuesday.

    1. Hopefully the DEA will flip him. It seems like they could use more intelligence on the CJNG's operations.

    2. If the U.S didn't benefit from the extraditions, the U.S never would take them. They are the main cause of the drug cartels in Mexico. If there wasn't so many drug users in the US of A, there would be no cartels in Mexico.

  6. El Mago was arrested from CDS

  7. Cuini is only wanted in the USA for 5yrs,he skipped bail... He'll do 7rs...Out in almost 6yrs...He has no charges in Mexico...6yrs and he'll enjoy his Ferrari and Porsche when he gets out...Ooooo and his his house In Panama

  8. A question for Mexicans pls.

    Considering CJNG's rise, could el presidente be on their payroll??

    I once read that the person chapo bribed to escape the last time could be no other person than el presidente. Is this true??

    Thank you compadres.

  9. cjng is about to start taking hits in about a month or 2

  10. el mencho is like la tuta

  11. Speaking of extraditions, here's a report from CBS news on Chapo


  12. So when the fuck they gonna catch Mencho, Mayo, Licensiado, Lil Chapos..?
    Cant be that hard..

  13. All these fools hanged out in Modesto area

  14. One thing i realize is that all these narcos arent as brave as theyre corridos make em out to be...

  15. First big dog from cjng to go to supermax, expect more to go. Uncle Sam wants his cut

  16. Mencho will not allow the extradiction .

    El 20 CJNG

    1. No he wont

      El 21 CJNG

    2. Mencho can't influence American politicians with the amount of money being thrown at themy even if he tried lol

  17. This man offered like 1 million.usd to.mexican.autorities
    Just to only.not.reveal.his.name.to.the media...
    Hes the man beneath the cjng and.possible.druglord of.mencho


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