Auf Wiedersehen, Miss American Pie

You might find some solace in the fact that a country with a partial electorate this gullible and people in positions of power this insane and/or manipulative…


…is going to get what it deserves. But the question came up regarding this prediction when I was discussing it the other night:

Travis Getty, “Here’s How the US Empire Will Devolve Into Fascism and Then Collapse — According to Science,” Raw Story, 7 December 2016:

[a Norwegian professor at the University of Hawaii and Transcend Peace University, Johan Galtung] predicted in his 2009 book, “The Fall of the American Empire — and then What?” that the U.S. was plagued by 15 internal contradictions that would end its global power by 2020, and Galtung warned that phase of the decline would usher in a period of reactionary fascism.

American fascism would spring from its capacity for global violence, a vision of exceptionalism, a belief in an inevitable and final war between good and evil, the cult of a strong state leading that battle, and a cult of the “strong leader.”

Galtung said all of those elements presented themselves during the Bush era, but he fears fascist tendencies could sharpen under Trump as those cultists lash out in disbelief at the loss of American power.

The sociologist identified unsustainable economic, social, military and political contradictions that would eventually topple the U.S. as a world power.

“What’s going to take its place?”

What indeed?



While a portion of this is nothing new, the point is I had not carried my thinking quite far enough. The point? There are people in government who don’t just want to cripple the federal government; they want to completely destroy it.

They want to set up Ted Cruz’s Dominionist/Seven Mountains kingdom, reflecting more Saudi Arabia than true Sharia Law, though certainly there are elements of legislating the bedroom that would fit with this nutty element’s intrusion upon what occurs between consenting adults. This while ignoring what occurs in the military between a non-consenting adult and a rapist. Since this works in the favor of multinationals who are waiting their turn to run the world, it continues and the loony tunes march toward inverted fascism and/or fascism seems inevitable. Imagine the Saudis controlling the Taliban and you get the idea with the difference being a Western spin with Jesus instead of Mohamed on the war banners.

This is because only a state–and then only a powerful one–could possibly present an obstacle to direct corporate control of the planet.

And that is largely because the intelligence community is just following orders. Nur nach Befehlen. Can you hear me now?

{Some tags are unrelated to the main point, eg., FINDERS.}


BBD – GHBary Federal

{Just a little joke and nod to Barrett Brown in the title there. HBGary Federal is/was an intelligence contractor, now a subsidiary of Mantech. Say that over and over again…Mannnnteck. Rolls of the tongue, doesn’t it?}

You probably don’t recall the incident in early January 2010 {I think, or just before} where I thought I had lung cancer due to a near constant salt taste in my mouth. When it turned out that I didn’t, I chalked it up to so much salt on the streets and sidewalks there to melt ice.

Now I have another hypothesis.

GHB {gamma Hydroxybutyl acid}, when used as a daterape drug, is most often delivered in the form of a salt in drinks:

Wayback Machine of DEA’s GHB page

Victims may not be aware that they ingested a drug at all. GHB and its analogues are invisible when dissolved in water, and are odorless. They are somewhat salty tasting, but are indiscernible when dissolved in beverages such as sodas, liquor, or beer.

Not sure that that was all that I was given, but consider going from couch potato to casual runner and dropping several pounds in a month, month-and-a-half’s time, and GHB is also sometimes used as an athletic enhancement. Not to mention the loopiness.


Way Down We Go

It’s obligatory, isn’t it? I was going to go with a different title, but apparently Caitlin Sweet, et al, beat me to it, referring to the deserving portion. Instead you get a step away from that with a Kaleo lyric from a song containing a similar phrase.


Let me get the personal crap out of the way first. The party that decided it would be fun to screw me over in 2010-2011 got their asses handed to them last night. Am I gloating? Only a little.

But then I’m not looking for housing in Canada {again}, planning mass protests, or even sharpening my hacker skills either.


I see three or four different issues here.


A very quick but interesting rundown on manufacturing job losses in the US and where they occurred by Andrew Flowers over at Nate Silver’s FiveThiryEight. Note how well it matches the red you may have seen on your various e-screens last night. In 2008, Edwards was the only candidate talking about poverty. After he dropped out, there was no candidate talking about poverty. And, so, eight years later the working class gave Washington, DC the finger. I’d cheer except of course I see several problems with Trump bringing back manufacturing, assuming he even intends to do so.

Automation is one. Even if there were a manufacturing boom in the US in a few years, much of it would be automated. Sorry, Joe the Widget-Assembler.

Two, there would be the unattractive choices of either lowering minimum wage {which Trump has already suggested he wants to do} or raising pay so that people can buy whatever it is being manufactured. Of course, they could also reduce the requirements to get loans in order to afford the stuff. You know, what almost destroyed the world economy back in ’08.

This is a recipe for a second Great Depression. But don’t get too worried yet. I will explain how this is going to be President Pence anyway, with Trump sticking his head in every few months shouting at people and screwing things up until he disappears again to do whatever he can to build his fortune further.


The Republicans have done such a great job of painting Hillary as a radical liberal {she really, really isn’t even a moderate one} while joining her at bible study for decades and decades that they couldn’t pull it back…assuming they really wanted to. The Bushes may have publicly endorsed her, but I wonder who they really voted for in the booth.

I’m still hearing this ridiculous mantra. “Never-you-mind we’ve had solid pro-business running things since Carter. Trust us, they want to tax you to death. And we can’t steal your money as quickly if it goes to the gubberment first.”


The saying went, “Bill Clinton took a step to the right and the Republicans in Congress took three.” So the Dems decided to keep stepping to the right to watch the GOP fall off the cliff.

Except the working class didn’t give a shit about the rest of that. Didn’t care about Trump’s personal baggage. Didn’t care that he was a racist. DC failed working people. Here’s a guy talking negative about NAFTA. F— the Times and MSNBC, they aren’t helping either and are stuck on shit like who gets to use which bathroom while these non-working working people are struggling to pay bills. Maybe I should have gone with “It’s the Economy, Stupid.”

In essence, given the choice between a Republican in name and a Republican in policy only, they chose the former. The Democrats also abandoned the unions in order to move that far right. Turns out Wall Street does have immense influence over media but when people are pissed off enough they don’t listen to it. Wall Street provides cash, but it doesn’t actually vote. This fact should give us hope but look what we wound up with.

At the last moment, the Republicans fell to the ground and the Democrats were the ones who went over the cliff. This is what they get for abandoning people and embracing multinationals. They forgot where their strength came from.


Read: Racism and xenophobia. Watts {see the first link up top} covered this. It is very likely in the genes and that makes sense if you think about human history. It would be nice if we started surviving via cooperation, but there’s those hardwired things in the head again.


Right. The Republicans have control of it all for now. It will be the Pence-Ryan show. Repeal Obamacare. Maybe try to repeal or mess with gay marriage, we’ll see. More corporate welfare in the guise of creating jobs {again, multinationals make money by providing services while eliminating jobs and paying less for those that remain; they are the real enemy}.

Trump is going to find out, probably very, very rudely, that he isn’t in charge, not really. What will he do? Hard to say, probably have a meltdown.

The racism and poverty problems will be exacerbated. Trump will have his fingers in his ears and it won’t be him running the show anyway. There will be months of disconnect between what Trump says and what Pence is doing, providing much confusion.

Wars will continue and maybe we’ll even have new ones. In other words, the status quo.


BBD – Local Update {Updated x2}

Details are going to be sparse on this one. There are reasons. Sorry.

Last weekend had two occurrences that require documenting. This is because they have the earmarks of being something that may or may not continue or become something else.

First, a female co-worker received a phone call while at work. The person identified himself using my first name. She filled in the blanks by confirming the man meant me and he confirmed it. He then proceeded to discuss how he wanted to take her in the back and have sex.

Second, possibly related or maybe not given that this man entered my place of work after this other event occurred, a man picked up a customer of mine {a transgender female}, offered her a drink–which she accepted–and was clearly drugged. While she has full memory of what occurred–she was not raped–she lost control of her arms and legs. He moved her around like a rag doll, explaining that he could have been Jeffery Dahmer or Ted Bundy.

If he was the same man I saw while working, he is over six feet tall, of Mexican descent, tattooed enough to suggest time in prison as well as affiliation with one of the cartels, and was wearing a long-sleeve “safety orange” work shirt. She described his vehicle as a large truck, probably a 4WD, with side steps.

8 November 2016 UPDATE:

Not the guy described above. In fact it seems that there are two people doing this and neither matches the description of the man described in the previous paragraph. One, I have identified. The other, I have not.

10 November 2016 UPDATE:

Turns out it is likely one guy using multiple vehicles.

That’s most of it. For the rest, I expect to be posting a new short story {8 November 2016 update: link here} later on this evening.

New Short


BBD – Cleaning House

This post is a bit spur of the moment and something of a stream of consciousness. Think of it as a sudden urge to clean the toilet without having properly prepared; not having gone to the store with a list of what you need.

It involves a strange thing many of us experience. Call it intuition. Call it just knowing someone really well to the point when you know somehow in your gut or your bones what they’re feeling. Call it ESP. Call it something unexplained if you’re so inclined. Whatever it is, we, most of us, have experienced it.

Whatever it is under normal circumstances–most likely the brain emphasizing the times it happens to be correct when daydreaming or thought-wandering while simultaneously downplaying those times it was very wrong–we come to accept it even if we try to ignore it because it doesn’t seem to have any logical explanation.

For example, last week I planned several days in advance with a friend to hit a bar or two. An hour or two before I was to head out, I had a quick image of what I imagine Orlando must have been like. Less than half an hour later, I got a call from someone who had the bare bones details about this story.

That wasn’t the first time something like that had happened. But it got me thinking…

What if instead of some kind of coincidence or other unexplained phenomena–even if those do happen and exist–it was instead surveillance followed by the kinds of things I’ve talked about here, V2K, acoustic psycho-correction or some as yet unknown-to-the-public technology? What are the possible uses for these kinds of ops? What can be done with these methods and means? How do we, as civilians, humans, respond and how can toilet scum covertards use it to cause harm?

Simple really. We would first become dependent on it or at least come to be used to it happening. We would expect it. We would, all being the centers of our respective Universes, assume whatever it is passes for a god, is smiling upon us and protecting us by making sure we know when someone we care about is in trouble, having a good/bad day, etc. It would, over time, become a new normal.

Then, once that new normal has been established, they could “feed” one or the both of you whatever they wanted. Like Le Pooch d’Pavlov, we would tend to continue to rely on that gut feeling even though the gut feeling has now been completely replaced by the instructions of that which should instead be wiped away whilst wearing rubber gloves and replaced with that blue tidy bowl liquid…so to speak.

And of course one wonders, because we don’t live in each others’ pockets, if that isn’t at least one part of the story where destroying my LTR was concerned though of course there was the surreptitious drugging and a ton of PSYOP to go along with it to make it all more effective.

Anything they can do, they eventually will. And that’s why we really need to clean up that toilet bowl over in Virginia.

WARNING: May leave a stain.

WARNING: May leave a stain.

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