Down with patriarchy: On the social, racist & patriarchal problems faced by women in prison (Germany)


Here we publish a letter from our anarchist comrade who has been locked up in a German prison, in Köln, for several months. She is accused of carrying out a bank robbery in Aachen and is currently facing trial. She wrote this letter in the context of the 8th of March International Day of Women’s Struggle.

Down with patriarchy: On the social, racist & patriarchal problems faced by women in prison 

It is generally well known that German society is rife with inequality. The upper classes are secure and cared for, they have no existential concerns and, despite all the wider problems of the world, they are able to offer their children a promising future which is not available to the under classes. Whilst a small minority of people are able to get richer, the majority are left to exist on the bare minimum, working for a shitty low wage and constantly being pushed towards pointless consumption so that the profit driven system that we live in can continue to function. While some sun themselves on their extravagantly expensive yachts in the Mediterranean, or get flown around the globe in their private jets, many cannot afford to go on holiday once in their lives, or to pay their rent or electricity bill or to buy a couple of new teeth. While the super-rich save their abundant wealth from taxes by securing it in off-shore tax havens or mailbox companies, for which they never face any serious judicial proceedings, the poor are doing months or years in prison for fines or petty crimes- for sums of money that the rich spend in minutes on a daily basis.

The state and the media promote the idea that every child is born into a world of equal opportunity, but every child knows that those who are rich and powerful don’t end up in prison because they are able to afford an expensive, good lawyer. Those who have a bad lawyer or, due to social or racist reasons, are perceived as one of the ‘usual suspects’ are simply dealt a bad hand. Those who aren’t able to use the German language or who aren’t able to read or write have practically no chances of being defended and are constantly dependent on the help of others which is often not available. Society doesn’t care about any of this. As per usual an image of the enemy is created around the idea of the criminal foreigner, the Arabic and north African terrorist and the dangerous refugee who should all be either locked up or deported as quickly as possible. Germany likes to promote itself as a country that is open to the world and that takes in refugees but this is only the case when they either successfully integrate into the work system so that they can be profited from, or when they allow themselves to be labelled as victims. When, however, they come to Germany as families or in their so called ‘gangs’ logically hoping to find a better way to survive in a richer country where people have more than they do, then they are not only locked up or deported but are also made an example of and used to justify xenophobic politics. For the state this is all about the protection of the rich and their property. Those who reject this notion of ownership will be punished hardest. Prisons are filled with so called burglars, fraudsters, robbers and thieves, not with murderers and rapists as is so often presented. And of course the quota of foreigners is very high but not because foreigners are more criminal than Germans are but because in general they belong to the under-classes. In a land of immigrants like Germany this was always the case and this is how it will stay.

There is another point that must be mentioned here that perhaps even surpasses the already stated inequalities and structural oppressions: patriarchal violence. And that affects the women in prison even more. Women make up a tiny percentage of the prison population. As a whole and for this reason their needs are hardly considered. The health, medical and hygiene related options available to women in prisons or women’s facilities are shockingly bad. There are fundamentally more activities, sports options and educational or training options for men than for women. Most women come directly from situations of domestic or sexual violence, often they will have been forced into stealing or shop lifting by their husbands or fathers or are imprisoned because they have defended themselves against their tormentor. If women take part in criminal activity the state and society scandalises them on a sexual level especially if the women take on roles that normally men fulfill. Aside from this the state even now maintains its hold on and decisive power over women’s bodies and, when necessary, holds them criminally responsible if they refuse to give their bodies up to authority. Nothing has really changed since the middle ages, it is simply the case that instead of women being burnt at the state they now end up in prison.
While men are often visited by their wives in prison, the reverse is much more rare. Often the husbands of women in prison are also incarcerated themselves, on the run, or do not take care of them. In addition almost all women in prison have children on the outside and therefore the problem of who is able to look after them. So women are forced to look after their families and to keep them together from inside prison despite it being enormously difficult to organise. In the best case the women still have contact to their own mother. Finally, in almost all cultures women in prison are frowned upon and scorned at, and even more so if they are suspected of having been violent as any act of self-empowerment rejects the classical role of women. In this way it can been seen how patriarchal state structures and the law work together with family power dynamics towards the complete domination and oppression of women.
And despite this crushing reality small initiatives of self-determination and self-organisation between women in prison continue to exist. It is perhaps the case that empathy is stronger than between men, in certain situations people will sometimes help each other and show solidarity with those who are weaker or less privileged or rebellious. Each example of such behaviour and gestures, although so small, is vital to each individual in prison but also as a sign against oppression and the structures of repression.

The struggle continues- until all prisons are destroyed!
For total liberation from all social, racist and patriarchal power structures.

Strength, rage and rebellion for all those in struggle!
Freedom for everyone!

January 2017

(via Linksunten Indymedia)

Posted in Aachen Bank Robbery Case, Analysis, Anarchist Prisoners, Germany, International Women's Day, Prison Struggle, Women Prisoners, Women's Struggle

Chile: Free at Last! Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar onto the Streets!


SANTIAGO – Chilean Anarchists, Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrived this morning at Santiago’s International Airport, after having been expelled from Spanish custody and deported back to their home country.

Mónica and Francisco had been charged under Spanish Anti-terrorism legislation for the alleged bombing of the Basilica del Pilar Church in Zaragoza, on Oct 2nd, 2013, and were arrested a month after the incident. Spanish prosecution initially sought a 44 year sentence for the accused, but instead received a 12 year sentence in 2014. The Defense took Mónica and Francisco’s case to the Spanish Supreme Court, where the sentence was further reduced to 4 and a half years this past December, having dropped one of the initial charges. At the time, the Spanish Supreme Court recognized that the intent of the bombing was to cause structural damage to a religious symbol  and thus were charged for loses and damages.

As a final recourse, the Defense submitted a claim under Spanish Penal Law No. 89, which states that foreigners can be deported to their country of origin after having spent a year in prison. The claim was accepted by the court, resulting in the expulsion of Mónica and Francisco back to Chile where they will be completely released from custody, pending any possible infractions with the Chilean justice system. Since they have none, they are able to walk free upon arrival passing through Chilean customs. Neither Mónica or Francisco ever recognized their involvement in the bombing, and in fact alleged the charges were part of broader state political persecution as Anarchists.

Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar first came to Spain after their charges in the Chilean Anarchist Bombs Case were withdrawn by the Santiago court in 2012. The case was heavily publicized by the mass media throughout Chile when it first came to light in 2010, publicly broadcasting the arrest of the 12 accused who were depicted as terrorists. But the case quickly fell apart after insufficient and flimsy evidence was presented by State Prosecution in courts, resulting in the absolution of the Anarchists, as well as a governmental crisis of legitimacy. The Santiago Court ordered the State Prosecution to award $460 million Chilean pesos (approximately $700,000 USD) to the former Anarchist accused for losses and damages of having gone through the legal system, which was later upheld by the Chilean Supreme Court. Francisco Solar was awarded $100 million pesos, while Mónica Caballero was awarded $80 million pesos, which they then used to start a new life together as a couple in Spain.

Today, Mónica and Francisco will be able to walk free on the streets of Santiago and begin a new life together with their friends, family and comrades. We salute them in their brave dignified efforts throughout all these years of repression and persecution in resisting the confines of State prisons around the world.

In love and rage,

Viva la Anarquia!

The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Chile, Francisco Solar, Mónica Caballero, Spain

Radical Mapuche Struggle: Ancestral Resistance Against the State and Capital (Eng/Esp)


“Each individuality, group, tribe or original people have their own ways of resisting this system. However they have the same enemy who represses and oppresses them and the ultimate goal of their struggles is to live freely and autonomously.” – Compañero Carlos Gutiérrez Quiduleo

1. Brief journey on a path of resistance.

It is well known that the struggle of the Mapuche people has lasted hundreds of years. Even before fighting the Spanish conquistadors, they had already halted the advance of the Incan empire by preventing its advance towards the south of the territory now called Chile and forcing it to maintain its position in the central zone of ‘Chile’.

Also known are the battles and clashes with the Spanish conquistadors, where for more than a hundred years a war was fought that put in check the ambitions of the conquistadors to dominate the territory without any major obstacles, forcing them, after periods marked by extermination and captivity, to establish a border that allowed the Mapuche to maintain their territory south of the Bio Bio River.

Once the Chilean State was created, the oppression in Mapuche territory was intensified in what the history of the powerful hypocritically calls the ‘pacification of the Araucanía’, which was in fact a mass ethnic and cultural extermination that deepened the dispossession by delivering Mapuche lands to German settlers with the aim of ‘civilizing’ the lands of the ‘savages’.

In recent decades, the logic of dispossession has intensified following the implementation of neoliberal economic policies imposed by the dictatorship, delivering ancestral Mapuche lands to forestry and hydroelectric companies, clearing forests, flooding lands, planting pines that kill the native ecosystem and installing pulp processing plants that devastate the territory.

2. Dispossession, repression and resistance against the State and Capital.

With the arrival of democracy, the commercialization logic intensified, but as was the case in centuries past, Mapuche resistance returned to emerge with organizational proposals and direct actions that led towards the autonomy of the Mapuche people through the reclamation and defense of their ancestral territory. This objective has been realized in recent decades via the cooperation between communities as well as direct action against diverse targets, such as incendiary attacks against the infrastructure of forestry companies, landowners, holiday homes of politicians, churches etc that are part of the interests of the capitalists and the Chilean state present in the area.

The movement that we call the ‘Mapuche Struggle’ is very heterogeneous. Existing within it simultaneously we find communities and groups that have been assimilated by the Chilean institutional path, discourses of victimhood, communities in conflict, armed resistance groups, military political organizations, anti-capitalist / revolutionary proposals, ideas of national liberation etc.

In the midst of this diversity the Chilean State seeks to solidify the resolution of the conflict via the institutional path, by projecting an image of respect for diversity by putting Mapuche people alongside the authorities during political speeches, inserting the Mapuche language (the Mapuzungun) in State buildings and school texts, appointing people of Mapuche origin to political posts in the ‘conflict zone’, etc.

Alongside this, a policy of intense repression has been underway for years against the Mapuche communities in struggle that have not surrendered to the impositions and offers from the State. They are attacked by the State with continuous raids, assaults on children, imprisonment, murders, torture, special prosecutors, surveillance, wiretapping, use of undercover witnesses, use of informants in exchange for benefits, militarized police, paramilitary groups and the whole range of counterinsurgency techniques that are at the disposal of the well resourced State and Capital.

3. Recovering the experiences of a struggle without truce.

In spite of all their repressive machinations, the State has failed to stop the most radical expressions of the Mapuche struggle, making us aware of the differences that separate us from any victimized or ethnocentric positions that do not pay attention to the existence of other tendencies in the war against State and Capital.

Once certain distances are assumed, we can recover the permanent action against State and capitalist interests and see how, despite the repression, this action continues and even extends and intensifies, surpassing all the anti-subversive policies deployed in the Mapuche area with hundreds of men deployed and millions of pesos spent on human and technical resources for repression.

We can learn many lessons from studying the continuous radical Mapuche struggle, elements of which could undoubtedly contribute to the insurrectionary struggle against all authority. Its rhythm of war is already an example to follow, intensifying and diversifying the combat, on the one hand against the centuries of dispossession that still continue, and on the other hand in response to the repressive assaults.

For example, in April 2016 while the State, its public prosecutors, police and intelligence agencies were still celebrating and boasting following the arrest of a group of communeros accused of participating in an incendiary attack where two landowners died (2015), Mapuche resistance groups carried out various incendiary attacks in defiance of the authorities, demonstrating that imprisonment is not synonymous with defeat and that the struggle continues and intensifies.

Something also important to consider is that this continuous action despite the arrests and murders of Mapuche comuneros, the raids and endless harassment of communities, and even the betrayal of Mapuches who ended up collaborating with the State, does not necessarily have anything to do with a military professionalization of the Mapuche – although the authorities try to present it this way. On the contrary, it is individuals and collectives that with ingenuity and decisiveness take an active part in the radical struggle without giving truce to the enemy in a war that begins within the same communities that have made advances in reclaiming territory and resisting the police onslaughts.

Their attitude in the struggle, their rhythm of war, are an example for us. Bringing the war everywhere from our position of continual confrontation is something that is undoubtedly feared by authority.
How much stronger we would be if more compañerxs had this attitude of breaking from their own routine and comfort, to unleash their rage against domination, to return the blows of the enemy and to give everything to the permanent insurrection against power.
We have the experience close to us and the desire and conviction within us.

In the forests, fields and cities…To spread the war against domination!

(Text originally published in Contra Toda Autoridad #4, translated by Insurrection News)


Lucha radical mapuche: Resistencia ancestral contra el Estado y el Capital

“Cada individualidad, grupo, tribu o pueblo originario tiene sus formas de resistir a este sistema, tiene sus propias visiones y formas de organizarse. Sin embargo tienen el mismo enemigo que los reprime y oprime y el fin último de sus luchas es vivir libres y autónomos”  – Compañero Carlos Gutiérrez Quiduleo

1.Breve recorrido de un camino de resistencia.

Es sabido que la lucha del pueblo mapuche lleva ciento de años. Incluso antes de combatir a los conquistadores españoles, ya habían frenado el avance del imperio inca impidiendo su avance hacia el sur del territorio hoy llamado Chile y obligándole a mantener su posición en la zona central de “Chile”.

Conocidas son también las batallas y enfrentamientos con los conquistadores españoles, donde por más de cien años se libró una guerra que puso en jaque las pretensiones de los conquistadores de dominar el territorio sin mayores obstáculos, obligándoles, luego de procesos marcados por el exterminio y el cautiverio, a delimitar una frontera que permitiera a los mapuche mantener su territorio al sur del río Bio Bio.

Una vez creado el Estado Chileno, se volvió a intensificar la opresión en territorio mapuche en lo que la historia de los poderosos aparece denominado hipócritamente como la “pacificación de la Araucanía”, lo que en verdad se trató de un exterminio étnico y cultural masivo que profundizó el despojo entregando tierras mapuche a colonos alemanes con el objetivo de “civilizar” las tierras de los “salvajes”.

En las décadas recientes, la lógica del despojo se ha intensificado tras la instalación de las políticas económicas neoliberales impuestas en la dictadura, entregando tierras ancestrales mapuche a empresas forestales e hidroeléctricas, talando bosques, inundando tierras, plantando pinos que asesinan el ecosistema nativo e instalando plantas de procesamiento de celulosa que devastan el territorio.

2.Despojo, represión y resistencias contra el Estado y el Capital.

Con la llegada de la democracia se intensificó la lógica mercantil, pero al igual que durante los últimos siglos, la resistencia mapuche volvió a emerger con propuestas organizativas y acciones directas que apuntan a la autonomía del pueblo mapuche a través de la recuperación y defensa de su territorio ancestral. Este objetivo ha tratado de materializarse a través de las últimas décadas con la articulación entre comunidades así como también con acción directa contra objetivos de diverso tipo, como los ataques incendiarios a infraestructura de empresas forestales, de latifundistas, casas de veraneo de políticos, iglesias, etc. que forman parte de los intereses de los capitalistas y del Estado chileno presentes en la zona.

Heterogéneo es el panorama en lo que podemos llamar “lucha mapuche”. En su paisaje encontramos al mismo tiempo comunidades y grupos asimilados por la vía institucional chilena, discursos victimistas, comunidades en conflicto, grupos de resistencia armada, organizaciones político militares, propuestas anticapitalistas/revolucionarias, ideas de liberación nacional, etc.

En medio de esta diversidad el Estado chileno busca profundizar la resolución del conflicto a través de la vía de las instituciones, mostrando al mismo tiempo una imagen de respeto a la diversidad poniendo gente mapuche al lado de las autoridades en discursos políticos, insertando el idioma mapuche (el mapuzungun) en edificios estatales y textos escolares, poniendo gente de origen mapuche en cargos políticos en la “zona de conflicto”, etc.

En paralelo a esto, una política de intensa represión se ha desatado desde hace años contra las comunidades mapuche en pie de lucha que no se pliegan a las imposiciones y ofertas estatales. A ellas se les ataca desde el Estado con allanamientos continuos, agresiones a niñxs, encarcelamientos, asesinatos, torturas, fiscales especiales, seguimientos, escuchas teléfónicas, uso de testigos encubiertos, uso de informantes a cambio de beneficios, policías militarizadas, grupos paramilitares y toda una gama de recursos propios de la guerra contrainsurgente al servicio del Estado y el Capital.

3.Rescatando experiencias de una lucha sin treguas.

A pesar de todas estas herramientas represivas, el Estado no ha logrado frenar la lucha mapuche en sus expresiones más radicales, con las cuales nos hermananos conociendo las diferencias que nos separan con cualquier posición victimista y etnocéntrica que no ponga atención a la existencia de otras tendencias en guerra contra el Estado y el capital.

Una vez asumidas ciertas distancias, rescatamos el accionar permanente contra los intereses  estatales y capitalistas y cómo a pesar de la represión este accionar continúa e incluso se extiende y se intensifica sobrepasando toda la política de guerra anti-subversiva desplegada en la zona mapuche con cientos de hombres y millones de pesos gastados en recursos humanos y técnicos para la represión.

Varios aprendizajes podemos obtener para nosotrxs mismxs mirando la continua lucha radical mapuche, elementos que sin duda podrían aportarnos en la lucha insurrecta contra toda autoridad. Su ritmo de guerra es ya un ejemplo a seguir, intensificando y diversificando el combate, por un lado contra el despojo de siglos aun vigente, y por otro lado como respuesta a los golpes represivos.

Así, por ejemplo, en abril de 2016 mientras el Estado, sus fiscales, policías y agentes de inteligencia aun no paraban de celebrar y alardear tras la detención de un grupo de comuneros acusadxs de participar en el atentado incendiario donde murieron quemados dos latifundistas (2015), grupos de resistencia mapuche realizaron diversos atentados incendiarios que descolocaron al poder demostrándole que el encarcelamiento no es sinónimo de derrota y que la lucha sigue y se intensifica.

Algo importante también a considerar es que ese continuo accionar a pesar de los arrestos y asesinatos de comuneros mapuche, de los allanamientos y continuos hostigamientos a comunidades, e incluso de la traición de mapuches que han terminado colaborando con el Estado, no tiene necesariamente que ver con una profesionalización militar mapuche -aunque así lo quiera mostrar el poder-. Todo lo contrario, se trata de individuxs y colectividades que con ingenio y decisión toman parte activa en la lucha radical sin dar treguas al enemigo en una guerra que comienza en el interior mismo de las comunidades en conflicto que avanzan en la recuperación territorial y resisten las embestidas policiales.

Esa actitud en la lucha, ese ritmo de guerra, son un ejemplo para nosotrxs. Llevar la guerra a todas partes desde nuestra posición de continua confrontación es algo sin duda temido por la autoridad.
Cuán fuertes seríamos si más compañerxs tuvieran esa actitud de romper su propia rutina y comodidad, para pasar a desatar la rabia contra la dominación, para devolver los golpes del enemigo y darlo todo en la insurrección permanente contra el poder.
La experiencia la tenemos cerca, las ganas y la convicción dentro de nosostrxs.

¡En los bosques, campos y ciudades…A propagar la guerra contra la dominación!

(Texto publicado en revista Contra Toda Autoridad #4)

Posted in Analysis, Chile, Decolonization, History, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Insurrection, Mapuche Struggle, Wallmapu

Santiago, Chile: New explosive attack claimed by Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla

At about 01:40AM on Monday, February 27, 2017, a loud explosion shook the wealthy suburb of Providencia on Suecia avenue between Cornel and Lota streets.

A fire extinguisher filled with gunpowder detonated in the Cap Ducal restaurant in front of the headquarters of the ultra-right political party UDI (Independent Democratic Union) without causing any major damage or any injuries. Immediately after the bombing, police and personnel from GOPE (Group of Special Police Operations) and LABOCAR (Criminal Laboratory of the Carabineros) arrived to inspect the area.

A leaflet was found at the scene which, according to quotations in the media, proclaimed:

“The justice of the street does not forgive nor does it forget. We are getting closer! …The real terrorists are in the Congress, the Palace and the institutions that govern the State..Take note, because we have returned. Neither Chileans, nor Argentines. Internationalists”.

The bastard secretary general of the ultra-right UDI, Pablo Terrazas said “We do not want to get used to these facts. This is not the first time that the UDI has been the victim of a bomb attack…It is unfortunate because we know that this comes from the left, who always try to silence us…I would like to see (some reaction from) the Communist Party, an announcement to the left, who are part of this government. Why do they not condemn these facts? There is always silent complicity in this (type of) attack that are always against the UDI”

The investigation of the attack, as with other attacks of this nature is in the hands of the Southern Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office.

Not long afterwards, the Teodoro Suarez Vandalism Gang from the Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla claimed responsibility for the explosive attack against the Cap Ducal restaurant. The group previously claimed an attack against the Mutual Circle of Retired Non-commissioned Officers of the Federal Police in Buenos Aires in July 2011.


Responsibility claim for the explosive attack against the Cap Ducal restaurant

“We warn you: be careful. In any part of the places you frequent there may be a bomb; In your homes, in your supermarkets, gyms, shops and restaurants. In short, your days of tranquility are over. Your neighbourhoods will be transformed into minefields, so take care of every step you take, because you may encounter our explosive charges.”

Iconoclastic Caravans For Free Will

Just like we did a couple of years ago in the territory dominated by the Argentine state, bombing its sacrificial banks (Palermo and Nación), the branches of two major airlines (American Airlines and Alitalia) and the Mutual Circle of Retired Non-commissioned Officers of the Federal Police, today we again attacked capitalist interests. This time it was the turn of the Chilean political-business mafia that stubbornly insists on believing that places like the one that we visited last night are safe.

The restaurant Cap Ducal, located at #281 Suecia Ave in the bourgeois Providencia commune was not a random target. Here the most diverse group of fascists meet. Sinister characters such as ex-DINA (National Intelligence Directorate) and former colonel, Cristian Labbe, currently prosecuted for various crimes against humanity, or the presidential candidate and daughter of the former Air Force Commander and member of the Military Junta, Fernando Matthei, Evelyn Matthei, who, like her father, played an important role during the Military Dictatorship, being the head of the AFP (Pension Funds Administration), are all recurring faces at this place. It should be noted that the disastrous pension model that this filth worked for is still to this day a headache for millions of Chileans. As you can see, the fruit never falls far from the tree, and in this case, its small and despicable daughter is no exception.

But it is not necessary to look for those responsible in the pages of the dictatorial history of this filthy country to realize that this place shelters rogues and leeches of all kinds. With that in mind it makes sense to take note of some of the endless provocations that have been realized by some of these dark characters, for example:

* Joaquín Lavín Infante: Supernumerary member of Opus Dei; Married to the daughter of former Fatherland and Liberty Nationalist Front member Alberto León Fuentes, one of his sons married the popular mayor of Maipú, Cathy Barriga, giving continuity to his political-economic legacy; During the dicatorship he was appointed dean of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences at the University of Concepción for being functional to the policies of Pinochet; He is a Chicago Boy and directly responsible for the implantation of neoliberal doctrines that have made Chile one of the most unequal and unjust countries in the world; Today his is mayor of Las Condes; Between 2010 and 2011 he served as Minister of Education during the government of Piñera, his resignation was demanded for having capitalist interests in this area, since he was a founding member of the fascist University of Development and, as if that wasn’t enough, he profited from it along with his dear and despicable friends from the Penta group because, apart from being the owner of a percentage of the university, he was also an active member of Ainavillo real estate, who were responsible for the ‘lease and sublease of real estate, construction or modification and exploitation, as well as the administration and management of real estate business’ for the above mentioned house of studies where he managed to avoid the legal provision that, theoretically, prevents foundations and corporations for the purposes of profit; To all of the above, as if that were not enough, it should be added that he sold the rights over water to the company Aguas Andinas SA when he was mayor of Santiago (2000-2004), giving enormous financial support to his compadre, the fascist dog Andrés Chadwick, who was, along with others, a shareholder of the company. This is Joaquín Lavín, an experienced criminal who has used his strategic positions in national politics for his own benefit; Needless to mention, in addition to all of the above, is his total adherence to the Pinochet regime.

* Jacqueline van Rysselberghe: This psychiatrist currently serves as President of the UDI; His family has a history strongly linked to the political world (Tatarabuelo – Minister of Public Works – Abuelo – Director of Municipal Works, Councillor and then Mayor of Concepción – Father – Deputy of Concepción – Brother – Councillor for Concepción). For a while she was Intendant for Biobío region and a Councillor for Concepción as well as Mayor of this commune; Member of Opus Dei; in 2000 her father’s company (Constructora Rysselberghe and Co. Ltd) faced a lawsuit for a debt with CORFO for non-payment of a mortgage loan and another loan of $514,719,516 (plus IPC adjustments) from the Municipality of Concepción for the extraction and commercialization of non-patent aggregates between 1973 and 19996. On that occasion she faced the complaint without any consequences after she was elected Mayor; in 2011, the Comptrollers Office investigated left for the municipality of Concepción left during her term, which amounted to a deficit of 3 billion pesos, in addition to 623 million pesos that were not recorded in accounting, checks drawn for 157 million without being recorded in accounting and 4,133 million pesos listed as expired cheques; Today she is being investigated for bribery in the Corpesca case, after some emails between the current Senator and Luis Felipe Moncada (former president of the Fishing Industry Association) were leaked.

* Andrés Chadwick Piñera: This fascist dog was Deputy and Senator during his tenure; He was appointed president of FEUC by the Military Regime for being a faithful hound to the dictatorship’s designs; In 1977 he participated in the meeting organized by the Youth Front of National Unity in Cerro Chacarillas. Joaquín Lavín, Patricio Melero, Julio Dittborn, Pablo Longueira, Carlos Bombal and Juan Antonio Coloma, among others, also attended this meeting; Already in power, this piece of garbage did not think of anything better than imposing his limited doctrine, trying to promulgate, along with Longueira, a law in which marriage was consecrated as exclusive for men and women; Being a shareholder of Banco Penta saw his actions fall to the ground after the tremendous scandals in which his cronies were enveloped; As a shareholder of Enersis SA and Copec SA (of the Angelini group), it was not uncommon for the Energy Minister Jorge Bunster of having a conflict of interest with his portfolio; How can we forget when this pig, trying to protect politicians linked to emblematic cases of corruption, tried to whiten them as Government Spokesperson under the command of Sebastián Piñera (his cousin-brother), saying that these little white doves could delete the investigated emails for being a part of their private lives; Nor can we forget when this coward applauded what today still terrifies thousands of poor and marginalized people in the countryside and the cities, the infamous Preventative Identity Control, which empowers the police to undo and redo in the sectors of popular origin; And not to mention when this fascist hound supported the terrorist actions of the carabinero who violated students following the massive mobilizations of protest during an already distant year of 2011. As if this were not enough, he did whatever was humanly possible to remove his heroes of the homeland from the prisons of luxury where they were serving sentences for human rights violations, as all of Chile could hear in the Chamber of Deputies in his capacity as Minister of the Interior; This is Andrés Chadwick, a facetious dog thirsting to bite back.

* Ena von Baer Jahn: Until recently she was the vice-president of the UDI; She has been Senator of the Republic twice; She was spokesperson during the rule of Sebastián Piñera; Her grandfather was a member of the Nazi Special Forces who very bravely escaped at the end of the conflict, evading any responsibility to justice, which, by the way, now seems to be a family trait (cowardice); She has been part of the putrid Liberty and Development Institute, being the director of the Politics and Society Program, where among other topics, she had the temerity to speak about the anarchist comrades Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero and about the peñis and lamienes who resist in militarized Wallmapu; She has taught at the elitist Adolfo Ibáñez University as well as the Development University (owned by her idol Joaquín Lavín), where she has been heard on more than one occasion to venerate dictatorial work and defend profiting from education; We also had to listen to this scum vomit their ‘pseudo-ideals’ on several Sundays in the year 2010 via the television program ‘National State’; but if all this was not enough, this snake is also being investigated in two case of corruption, after communications were leaked on December 18, 2013 where this piece of garbage asks for 100 million pesos from Carlos Alberto Délano to pay her debts from her election campaign. Subsequently extracts of the statement of the latter were leaked to the prosecutor investigating the case, where he notes that Von Baer personally went (together with Jovino Novoa) to request financial support for her candidacy.

* Jovino Novoa: Founding member of the UDI and in his time he was also its President; He was President of the Senate, during his time he was also Senator for Santiago; Under Secretary General for Pinochet between 1979 and 1982, during the time that Tucapel Jiminez was assassinated by elements of the CNI linked to the Department of Civil Organizations, which was under his command; That same year he assumed the role of publisher of informative sevices for the daily liar The Mercury, which did not cease in covering up the sinister assemblies of the CNI in those years; in 2003 he was involved in the Spiniak Case, being acquitted by the benevolent justice of the rich; Today he has been condemened to a ridiculously light sentence for tax crimes by the rich bourgeois justice for the Penta and SQM cases, where he received the sum of 30 million pesos to finance political campaigns in an illegal manner after recognizing that he had occupied ideologically false ballots, evaded tax and made false returns from the SII to the Pena group.

* Hernan Larrain: Like the dog Chadwick and the miserable wretch Longueira, he was instructed by his mentor, the now dead Jaime Guzmán, in Colonia Dignidad (Dignity Colony). In fact, this pig was a member of the Friends of Colonia Dignidad Corporation, a place known for providing various types of support for the Pinochet regime and the continuation of human rights violations; He was President of the Senate and until recently was President of the UDI; He joined the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Decentralization, Regionalization, Legislation and Justice, and taking advantage of his powers as a senator – which he still has – approved the ‘Monsanto Law’, which greatly benefits foreign capital by giving them legal coverage in the regime that regulates licences for crop farmers, promoting privatized seeds and genetically modified food to the detriment of natural biodiversity. It privatizes the seed and assigns it a code which is then paid for by the consumer, taking advantage of a loophole in the genetically modified food categorization in favor of big industry. It is also worth mentioning the strong debate regarding the generation of cancer cells following the consumption of genetically modified foods, which are incredibly harmful to people’s health. Is there any doubt as to who this pig is?

* Juan Antonio Coloma: This homophobic cockroach was Deputy from the beginning of the Transition (period between the end of the dictatorship and the beginning of bourgeois ‘democracy’) until 2002, later he became Senator, a position that he still occupies until the present day; He has been Secretary General and President of the UDI, and is currently its Vice President; in 1977 he was designated President of the FEUC (Federation of Catholic University Students) to adhere to and be functional for the regime, That same year he participated as president of the organization that chaired the meeting in Cerro Chacarillas; He was a member of the Standing Committee on Agriculture in which he voted as a parliamentarian in favor of the ‘Monsanto Law’, giving a strong economic backing to the family of ultra-fascist Senator Ena Von Baer, as his father owns a large genetically modified seed company in the south of the country.

* Pablo Longueira: This xenophobic snake began his political career during his university days as president of the Center for Engineering Students and then of the Feceh (University of Chile Student Federation, an organization which replaced the Fech – which was banned during the dictatorship), to later become one of founders and most revered members of the UDI; From the ‘democratic’ Transition until 2006 he was Deputy, to then become Senator until 2011, a position that he also left to take charge of the Ministry of the Economy under the government of Piñera; This cowardly former presidential candidate has enriched himself enormously, taking advantage of his extensive powers to try and promote various initiatives as a parliamentarian; Most well known is the famous ‘Fisheries Act’ or ‘Longueira Law’, which greatly benefited big industry to the detriment of the artisanal fishermen. In this way, this individual received – via different suppliers – no less than the sum of 730 million pesos between September 2009 and March 2015 from, among others, the Corpesca company, controlled mainly by the Angelini family as a bribe to ensure that the law would be favorable to them; But this scoundrel has not only been enriched at the cost of our ignorance, but he has also mocked us all on countless occassions. How can we forget when this opportunist pirahna to use the sensitive issue of Disappeared Detainees for his own self-benefit; Not to mention the paradoxical result of the so-called ‘Lago-Longueira Agreement’ of January 17, 2003, to modernize the state and make a politically negotiated settlement to the numerous cases of corruption that affected institutional stability; The SQM case, controlled by Julio Ponce Lerou, Pinochet’s former son-in-law, where he was also involved, only serves to corroborate the political life of a wolf dressed sheep’s clothing.

* Jaime Orpis: This shameful and cowardly bird of prey used nothing more and nothing less than the current account of his own secretary for the payment of bank credits with which he even gave to the luxury of paying up to the Yacht Club of Frutillar, funds received, by the way, with the bribes from Corpesca in exchange for voting in the Senate in favor of the interests of the fishing industry; if this were not enough, to this xenophobic parliamentarian we can attribute, in addition to the more than 235 million pesos stolen via ideologically false ballots, the responsibility for the fact that areas of Parinacota, Arica and Tarapacá are practically war zones for undocumented and illegal migrants, since that under his management as Senator of the 1st Constituency the border and security systems were strengthened. As well as being a thief and a coward, he also turns out to be a xenophobic discriminator.

All these filth are militants of the extreme right and assiduous diners at the Cap Ducal. Also, we have seen them ourselves, we have observed them at their meetings, while they eat, drink and laugh.

The Cap Ducal is not a neutral restaurant, quite the opposite. It is an entry point, of meetings, linkage, planning and support that shelters miserable politicians, many of them involved in multiple scandals. Additionally, it should be noted that the owner of this chain of hotels and restaurants is none other than Tomas de Rementaria, founder of not only these club, but also (along with Ricardo Lagos) of the PPD (Party for Democracy). It is worth pointing out that this guy besides being a prominent businessman, was Councilman of Viña del Mar and a militant of the Chilean PS (Socialist Party). After all, they are all the same, they all have lunch together, they do business, they are friends and family. Repeated cases of corruption can account for this. They shake hands, smile and pose in photographs for posterity while people are swindled.

In the face of such infamy our response is forceful! We light the dynamite of Emile Henry and we blow up their centers of power!

With this text, we claim the explosive attack that occured before dawn on Monday (27/02) in this area. We attacked one of the dens where Chilean fascism meets disguised in suits and elegant costumes to cook the laws and decrees with which they crush civil society as a whole purely for their own benefit. And they should thank us for having the decorum – which they certainly do not deserve – to visit this place at night and not in broad daylight, since we could have done so, and of course we would not have missed. We decided on this course of action as a clear political position so as not to hurt inoccent people and workers at the restaurant.

We dedicate this action to the revolutionaries of yesterday and today, Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda and Juan Aliste Vega, unyielding prisoners who hold firm to their convictions from the High Security Prison with a dignity that is greater than the walls that enclose them, facing fascism in all its various manifestations and forms.

In conclusion, we do not want to limit our words to mere justifications for our action. We can attest that it was a great pleasure to carry out this attack. We toast the fact that we were able to operate in the commune where these gentlemen feel untouchable. We will continue to take the Social War right up to the doors of their homes.

The justice of the street does not forgive nor does it forget! We are getting closer!

The real terrorists are in the Congress, the Palace and the institutions that govern the State!

Take note, because we have returned!!
Neither Chileans nor Argentines!!
As long as there is misery there will be rebellion!!

Teodoro Suarez Vandalism Gang
Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla

(via Noticias de la Guerra Social, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla, Chile, Direct Action, Explosive Attack, Freddy Fuentevilla, Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villarroel, Political Prisoners, Teodoro Suarez Vandalism Gang

Greece: Incendiary attack against the IIRSA by Earth Liberation Front Cell of Anti-Civilization Agitation (Eng/Esp)

fire isolated over black background

ELF Thessaloniki – Responsibility claim

Because of the call from South America against the new destructive plans IIRSA (Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America) which had as its primary concern the development and opening of trade between developed roads, telecommunications, sea and air networks, we decided to take action. On Wednesday 15/2, at 2AM, we torched two excavation machines, in the center of Thessaloniki.

The new profitable plan will proceed to a massive destruction of the Amazon which includes deforestation, elimination of the fauna and flora and the persecution of indigenous populations, as well the pollution of the waters aiming at the economic growth of the industrial complex. A complex that is inextricably connected with authority and dominance, while simultaneously being diffused within society, which in turn feeds it, mostly willingly. A society that reproduces the social standards that have been enforced, that perpetuates the regime of waged slavery, that is the observer in the onslaught of dominance. A totality clouded by propaganda, formed to follow the journeys dictated by subjugation.

Against their miserable journeys, we propose the anarchist revolutionary action. The spreading of discourse and action, and the destabilization of social peace, order and security.

Just like dominance, thus the material targets are everywhere. The authoritarian complex consists of different but interconnecting institutions and structures. The bet for us is the attack on here-and-now, against every aspect of authority, and the maximization of direct actions, so our strikes can be as chaotic and effective as possible.

Against development projects and structures of the techno-scientific complex.

For the destruction of civilization.

Strength to the anarchist hostages of war.

An incendiary signal to all comrades who fight authority with all means.

Fire to the machines.


ELF – Cell of Anti-Civilization Agitation

(via Athens Indymedia, translated by Act For Freedom Now!)

(Tesalónica) – Ataque incendiario contra el IIRSA. FLT-Célula de agitación anti-civilización.

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde Act For Freedom Now]

Ante el llamado desde Sudamérica contra los nuevos planes destructivos del proyecto I.I.R.S.A. que tiene como principal preocupación el desarrollo y la apertura del comercio entre las redes de carreteras, las telecomunicaciones, el mar y el aire, decidimos tomar medidas.

El miércoles 15/2, a las 2 de la mañana, incendiamos dos máquinas de excavación en el centro de Tesalónica.

El nuevo plan rentable procederá a una destrucción masiva del Amazonas, que incluye la deforestación, la eliminación de la fauna y la flora, persecución de las poblaciones indígenas, así como la contaminación de las aguas destinadas al crecimiento económico del complejo industrial.

Un complejo que está inextricablemente conectado con la autoridad y el dominio, al tiempo que se difunde en la sociedad que a su vez lo alimenta, la mayoría de las veces voluntariamente. Una sociedad que reproduce las normas sociales impuestas, que perpetúa el régimen de la esclavitud asalariada, que es el observador en la embestida de la dominación. Una totalidad nublada por propaganda, formada para seguir los trayectos dictados por la subyugación.

Contra sus miserables trayectos, proponemos la acción anarquista revolucionaria. La difusión del discurso y la acción, y la desestabilización de la paz social, del orden y la seguridad.

Al igual que la dominación, los objetivos materiales están por todas partes. El complejo autoritario consiste en diferentes pero interconectadas instituciones y estructuras. La apuesta para nosotros es el ataque aquí y ahora, contra todos los aspectos de la autoridad, y la potenciación de acciones directas, para que nuestras luchas sean lo más caóticas posible.

Contra los proyectos de desarrollo y las estructuras del complejo tecnocientífico.

Por la destrucción de la civilización.

Fuerza a los anarquistas rehenes de guerra.

Una señal incendiaria para todos lxs compañerxs que luchan contra la autoridad con todos los medios.

Fuego a las máquinas.
Que viva la Anarquía.

Frente de Liberación de la Tierra (FLT)- Célula de agitación

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Anti-civilization, Cell of Anti-Civilization Agitation, Direct Action, Earth Liberation Front, Fuck the IIRSA Project, Greece, Incendiary Attack, International Solidarity, Thessaloniki

Ukraine: Anarchists attack a Nazi from Misanthropic Division in Kiev (Video & action report)

A Neo-Nazi activist from Misanthropic Division has been attacked by anarchists. This Nazi activist was also a weapons seller, owned his far-right group in social network and actively encouraged his companions to RaHoWa (Racial Holy War). He has written that he is ready to fight “like a dead man” on his page in social network. Apparently, he has been wrong.


Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Direct Action, Kiev, Ukraine

Ukraine: Anarchists attack Nazis from C14 in Kiev (Video & action report)

Kiev anarchists have attacked C14 building with molotov cocktails. C14 were famous for their anti-anarchist attacks before and during Maydan in Ukraine. For example, C14 threatened to attack anarchists if they created their self defense squad at Maydan, so anarchists have refused this idea.


Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Direct Action, Kiev, Molotov Attack, Ukraine