
This DeSmog investigative series examines the impact of drilling, fracking, and recent oil and gas...
31 Jan, 2017
The success of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) created an oil boom from fields in North Dakota's...
27 Sep, 2016
On 6 February 2016, Matthew Hancock, Conservative Minister for the Cabinet Office, announced that a...
19 Apr, 2016
ExxonMobil has a long history of funding climate denial. In September 2015, it was revealed that...
5 Feb, 2016
Amber Rudd was appointed Secretary of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)...
18 Nov, 2015

Recent Series

Pope Francis released on July 18, 2015 an unprecedented encyclical on climate change and the...
28 Aug, 2015
In July 2015, DeSmog UK broke the story that Koch Industries, the largest privately owned energy...
9 Jul, 2015
The 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework...
2 Jun, 2015
David Cameron’s Conservative Party won a surprise majority government during the May 2015 UK...
2 Jun, 2015
Matt Ridley is a powerhouse of climate denial in Britain. The self-styled 'Rational Optimist' is an...
17 Mar, 2015
The Tate was forced to release its sponsorship arrangements with oil giant BP on 26 January 2015....
12 Mar, 2015
In August 2014, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) released a heavily...
12 Mar, 2015
The UK Infrastructure Act was passed on February 12, 2015 by David Cameron's coalition-government...
12 Mar, 2015
Hosted by DeSmogBlog contributor Farron Cousins, the DeSmogCAST is a weekly show and podcast that...
18 Nov, 2014
The DeSmog UK inaugural series begins with the shrewd Lord Lawson speaking alongside the...
5 Sep, 2014
The climate denial movement is the anti-science wing of the neoliberal network, funded by oil and...
28 Aug, 2014