"We have the warriors that are standing now, willing to go far. We are not here to make requests, We are here to demand attention,"



If ‘Talking Eagle’...

If 'Talking Eagle' would like an actual 'Indian Name' how about this one
Via – meettheharpergang.com I cherish equality and individual rights for ALL Canadians. We are all governed by ONE set of laws. We are all equal before the law. No special-interest groups...


Ahousaht Warriors Win B.C. Salmon...

B.C. Salmon Farm Standoff
Jeff Matthews – huffingtonpost Video from – Cameron Dennison “I’m shocked it was this easy with just a handful of warriors… imagine what we can do with a Nation. Imagine...


UNCEDED: Reconciliation in B.C. is...

Reconciliation in B.C. is Bullshit
Amarc Resources (TSX-V: AHR) will commence drilling this week at a site inside the Dasiqox Tribal Park — despite not having the consent of the Tsilhqot’in Nation. The drilling, located in a...

Indian Act

PM to AFN: education bill not...

PM to AFN - education bill not moving ahead
By Steve Rennie, The Canadian Press OTTAWA – The new national chief of the Assembly of First Nations says Prime Minister Stephen Harper personally told him that the Conservative government will...

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Feds Raid Sovereign Native...

Federal Agents Raid Sovereign Native American Land To Destroy LEGAL Marijuana Plants
countercurrentnews.com Native American reservations are legally recognized as sovereign land. That’s why it’s so shocking that federal agents in Menominee County, Wisconsin stormed the property...


OCT 01: United Against Enbridge...

United Against Enbridge - SOLIDARITY RALLY!
via – United Against Enbridge Eight First Nations are taking Enbridge to court to oppose the Northern Gateway pipeline. On Oct.1, the first day of hearings, come show your solidarity and...


Canada’s driverless oilsands...

Canada’s driverless oilsands trucks - and the threat of big layoffs
  Geoffrey Morgan, Financial Post CALGARY – The 400-tonne heavy haulers that rumble along the roads of northern Alberta’s oilsands sites are referred to in Fort McMurray as “the biggest...

Trust Fund

When will First Nations leaders...

When will First Nations leaders ensure that Canada is accountable for First Nations money “Held In Trust”
Canada has held First Nations money “In Trust” for hundreds of years. Canada and the United States have the same “Held In Trust” system. Nearly all lands of aboriginal Tribes, however, are...

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LIVE at Occupy INAC

"We have the warriors that are standing now, willing to go far. We are not here to make requests, We are here to demand attention,"