Semana de Agitación a la memoria de Javier Recabarren del 11 al 18 de Marzo 2017 (Chile)

March 10th, 2017

“Kon todo el amor subversivo al pekeño hermoso niño rebelde Javier Rekabarren… Vegano/Anarko/Antijaulas, inmensamente conciente de sus inkontenibles deseos de libertad… Te llevamos en los corazones indómitos pekeño hermano!!!”.
Marcelo Villarroel, Prisionero Libertario. 05/11/2015.

La memoria, un arma en la guerra contra el Poder.

Asumidxs hasta la muerte como enemigxs del Estado, asumidxs hasta las últimas como enemigxs del poder y toda representación de autoridad.

Lanzamos una vez más un llamado abierto de agitación y propaganda a 2 años de la muerte del compañero anarquista Javier Recabarren, quien falleciera el 18 de marzo del año 2015 tras ser atropellado por un bus del transantiago en Santiago, Chile.

Nuestra intención es clara, prevalecer la memoria de un compañero que con apenas 11 de años de edad comenzaba a cimentar su camino en la lucha antiespecista y antiautoritaria conociendo sus ideas a través de la propaganda. Acudiendo a actividades, ferias del libro y manifestaciones; y sin dudarlo, pasó a la acción armando barricadas, atacando a las policías, encapuchándose, para darle vida al desborde desde el anonimato. Read the rest of this entry »

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Letter from anarchist comrade Joaquin Garcia (Chile)

March 10th, 2017

It has been five months since I returned to inhabit the cells of the Maximum Security Section of the High Security Prison and I think it is necessary to refer to both the personal and the prison scenario. The reasons for not writing before are obviously personal; but more than anything it is due to the belief – despite being convinced that sharing experiences generates inexhaustible links – that the virtual platforms and their set of communications is far removed from the real and approaches an abstract idea of the day to day life of jail and that of the individual. Irreducible? Yes, whether or not there is a swing of emotions, neither conviction nor mind falters, but that disgusting idea of the steel martyr behind the bars must fall. By the suicide of the image and the fetish, by the real destructive complicity. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Down with patriarchy: On the social, racist & patriarchal problems faced by women in prison’ – Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade (Germany)

March 9th, 2017

Here we publish a letter from our anarchist comrade who is locked up in a German prison, in Köln, since several months. She is accused of carrying out a bank robbery in Aachen and is already facing the trial. She wrote this letter in the context of the 8th of March, International Day of Women’s Struggle.

Down with patriarchy: On the social, racist & patriarchal problems faced by women in prison

It is generally well known that German society is rife with inequality. The upper classes are secure and cared for, they have no existential concerns and, despite all the wider problems of the world, they are able to offer their children a promising future which is not available to the under classes. Whilst a small minority of people are able to get richer, the majority are left to exist on the bare minimum, working for a shitty low wage and constantly being pushed towards pointless consumption so that the profit driven system that we live in can continue to function. Read the rest of this entry »

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Free at Last! Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar onto the Streets! (Chile)

March 9th, 2017

SANTIAGO – Chilean Anarchists, Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrived this morning at Santiago’s International Airport, after having been expulsed from Spanish custody and deported back to their home country.

Monica and Francisco had been charged under Spanish Anti-terrorism legislation for the alleged bombing of the Basilica del Pilar Church in Zaragoza, on Oct 2nd, 2013, and were arrested a month after the incident. Spanish prosecution initially sought a 44 year sentence for the accused, but instead received a 12 year sentence in 2014. The Defense took Monica and Francisco’s case to the Spanish Supreme Court, where the sentence was further reduced to 4 and a half years this past December, having dropped one of the initial charges. Read the rest of this entry »

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Updates on the appeal trial against anarchist comrades Silvia Guerini, Luca Billy Bernasconi and Costantino Ragusa (Italy)

March 7th, 2017

Turin, 15th February 2017

The appeal trial against Silvia, Billy and Costa took place this morning.

In the grounds for the first-grade sentence the inadmissibility to carry on the proceedings owing to a fault in the jurisdiction had been pointed out, which can be only appealed through the court of Cassation. The appeal submitted by the prosecutors was therefore rejected and forwarded to the Cassation for a final decision.

The Cassation will have to deliberate on the validity of the appeal; if it is not considered valid everything will end there, otherwise there will be an appeal trial.

Translated by act for freedom now!

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Radical Mapuche Struggle: Ancestral Resistance Against the State and Capital (Chile)

March 7th, 2017

“Each individuality, group, tribe or original people have their own ways of resisting this system. However they have the same enemy who represses and oppresses them and the ultimate goal of their struggles is to live freely and autonomously.”Compañero Carlos Gutiérrez Quiduleo

1. Brief journey on a path of resistance.

It is well known that the struggle of the Mapuche people has lasted hundreds of years. Even before fighting the Spanish conquistadors, they had already halted the advance of the Incan empire by preventing its advance towards the south of the territory now called Chile and forcing it to maintain its position in the central zone of ‘Chile’.

Also known are the battles and clashes with the Spanish conquistadors, where for more than a hundred years a war was fought that put in check the ambitions of the conquistadors to dominate the territory without any major obstacles, forcing them, after periods marked by extermination and captivity, to establish a border that allowed the Mapuche to maintain their territory south of the Bio Bio River. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago: New explosive attack claimed by Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla (Chile)

March 7th, 2017

At about 01:40AM on Monday, February 27, 2017, a loud explosion shook the wealthy suburb of Providencia on Suecia avenue between Cornel and Lota streets.

A fire extinguisher filled with gunpowder detonated in the Cap Ducal restaurant in front of the headquarters of the ultra-right political party UDI (Independent Democratic Union) without causing any major damage or any injuries. Immediately after the bombing, police and personnel from GOPE (Group of Special Police Operations) and LABOCAR (Criminal Laboratory of the Carabineros) arrived to inspect the area.

A leaflet was found at the scene which, according to quotations in the media, proclaimed:

“The justice of the street does not forgive nor does it forget. We are getting closer! …The real terrorists are in the Congress, the Palace and the institutions that govern the State..Take note, because we have returned. Neither Chileans, nor Argentines. Internationalists”.

The bastard secretary general of the ultra-right UDI, Pablo Terrazas said “We do not want to get used to these facts. This is not the first time that the UDI has been the victim of a bomb attack…It is unfortunate because we know that this comes from the left, who always try to silence us…I would like to see (some reaction from) the Communist Party, an announcement to the left, who are part of this government. Why do they not condemn these facts? There is always silent complicity in this (type of) attack that are always against the UDI”

The investigation of the attack, as with other attacks of this nature is in the hands of the Southern Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office.

Not long afterwards, the Teodoro Suarez Vandalism Gang from the Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla claimed responsibility for the explosive attack against the Cap Ducal restaurant. The group previously claimed an attack against the Mutual Circle of Retired Non-commissioned Officers of the Federal Police in Buenos Aires in July 2011.


Responsibility claim for the explosive attack against the Cap Ducal restaurant

“We warn you: be careful. In any part of the places you frequent there may be a bomb; In your homes, in your supermarkets, gyms, shops and restaurants. In short, your days of tranquility are over. Your neighbourhoods will be transformed into minefields, so take care of every step you take, because you may encounter our explosive charges.”

Iconoclastic Caravans For Free Will

Just like we did a couple of years ago in the territory dominated by the Argentine state, bombing its sacrificial banks (Palermo and Nación), the branches of two major airlines (American Airlines and Alitalia) and the Mutual Circle of Retired Non-commissioned Officers of the Federal Police, today we again attacked capitalist interests. This time it was the turn of the Chilean political-business mafia that stubbornly insists on believing that places like the one that we visited last night are safe. Read the rest of this entry »

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Berlin: Attack against Securitas in the context of the Global Anarchist Urban Guerrilla (Germany)

March 7th, 2017

Bon Soir!

On the evening of the 28th of February, six Securitas (private security company) vehicles were torched at Anhalter railway station. Securitas have been gaurding the entry to the occupied school on Ohlauer Strasse in Kreuzberg, Berlin for two years, forcing the remaining refugees to a jail-like existence. Through constant displays and harassment of the residents, their number has been constantly reduced – many have disappeared in jail, have been deported or have a house ban.

If we were able to identify more deeply with society’s slaves we would now complain that ‘guarding’ costs millions of euros for taxpayers. But no. Then we would have to complain about the bad working conditions in the security sector. On the contrary we are working on the destruction of the bridges of this society, which are still being preserved via the security sector in order to integrate even the partly autonomous milieus with reluctant practice. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘ELF – Cell of Anti-Civilization Agitation’ take responsibility for arson solidarity action (Greece)

March 3rd, 2017

E.L.F. Thessaloniki – Responsibility claim

Because of the call from South America against the new destructive plans I.I.R.S.A. which had as its primary concern the development and opening of trade between developed roads, telecommunications, sea and air networks, we decided to take action. On Wednesday 15/2, at 2am, we torched two excavation machines, in the center of Thessaloniki.

The new profitable plan will proceed to a massive destruction of the Amazon which includes deforestation, elimination of the fauna and flora and the persecution of indigenous populations, as well the pollution of the waters aiming at the economic growth of the industrial complex. A complex that is inextricably connected with authority and dominance, while simultaneously being diffused within society, which in turn feeds it, mostly willingly. A society that reproduces the social standards that have been enforced, that perpetuates the regime of waged slavery, that is the observer in the onslaught of dominance. A totality clouded by propaganda, formed to follow the journeys dictated by subjugation.
Read the rest of this entry »

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Anarchist May Day Weekend 2017 – Invitation (Poland)

March 2nd, 2017

3rd Anarchist Congress

Working People’s Day

Discussions | Meetings | Lectures | Books | Art | Gigs + more

Join us in Wrocław [PL] for the 3rd Anarchist Congress and May Day celebrations!

Kongresono is a grassroots initiative – together we try to create space for meetings and discussions, encourage dialogue within the anarchist movement and strengthen contacts between its members. We strive for integration of anarchist circles and – through the exchange of experiences and mutual education – wish to introduce and promote anarchist thought and social practice in all their various shapes and forms, reaching a wide-ranging audience.
During the two-day conference we will have a chance to examine a broad spectrum of current issues and reflect on the perspective of our future activities, their goals and possibilities for action.

On 1st May we are taking to the streets to put the theory into practice through action! By returning to the original meaning and ideals that this date represents, we refer to the long tradition of workers’ movements. Although it has been over 100 years since the beginning of the struggle for such fundamental rights as 8-hour workday, they are still being breached. On that day we shall manifest workers’ pride and call for self-organisation and solidarity.

Details about the programme and venue coming soon!

For more information and updates visit us at kongresono.bzzz.net.
E-mail: kongresono2017@riseup.net

* The conference will be held in Polish. For non-Polish speakers we can provide whispered interpreting (Polish → English).

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Athens: Bomb left outside Dafni police precinct in memory of Revolutionary Struggle member Lambros Foundas (Greece)

February 28th, 2017

: According to the corporate Greek media police bomb disposal experts defused an explosive device comprising of a hand grenade on Saturday after an anonymous caller telephoned a threat that the bomb would detonate outside the police precinct in Dafni, southern Athens.

The bomb was found in a bag that had been placed in a small park behind the police precinct.

The bomb is said to have had an unusual composition: a hand grenade, a timer, a detonator, a battery and an undisclosed amount of explosives. It was destroyed in two controlled explosions.

The anonymous caller who phoned the police shortly before 3 a.m. had warned that the bomb would go off in 40 minutes from then. The caller said the attack would be in memory of Lambros Foundas, a member of Revolutionary Struggle who died in a shootout with police in the area in March 2010.

More information as it becomes available.

From InsurrectionNews

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Anti-Prison Demo at HMP Berwyn, Wrexham – 27th Feb (UK)

February 23rd, 2017

Meet outside the main gates of HMP Berwyn, Wrexham on Monday the 27th of Febuary at 12pm

On February 27th 2017 the second biggest prison in Europe will open in Wrexham, North Wales.
Local people lobbied for five years against this prison and campaigners blockaded the construction site and disrupted recruitment for the prison multiple times.

It is with a heavy heart that we see the opening of a cage of this industrial scale. We will be there the day it opens showing our opposition to all mega prisons being built and the continuing growth of the prison-industrial complex.

How many families will be ripped apart by HMP Berwyn? How many communities will lose their young men to it? In this factory of misery people will die – be it from overdosing on drugs trying to escape from reality or by taking their own lives in despair. Read the rest of this entry »

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