‘The Free’- read & download here

The Free is a book and a blog. .”the most detailed fictional treatment of the movement from a world recognizably like our own to an anarchist society that I have read.. imagined strongly enough to allow readers to believe that events could happen this way.281,720 blog reads so far.The updated edition is out, you can read it here.  

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 ‘The Free’: slideshow from the 2014 edition   

Women’s Strike..WORLD MAP OF EVENTS .. 8 March ..Day without a Woman


FIND YOUR LOCAL EVENT: http://bit.ly/womens-strike-map  

a-day-without-a-woman-march-8thj-2017ABOUT/ ACERCA

The International Women’s Strike (IWS) is a grassroots movement established by women from different parts of the world. The inspiration came from Poland and it was created in recent weeks of autumn 2016 as a response to the current social, legal, political, economic, moral and verbal violence experienced by contemporary women at various latitudes. IWS plans general strikes and protests for 8 March 2017, under the common call “Solidarity is our weapon”. Continue reading Women’s Strike..WORLD MAP OF EVENTS .. 8 March ..Day without a Woman

Ecocide re-Legalised: Trump gets Licence for Frackers to Destroy Climate and Environment

Big Oil just Got a Free Pass on reporting lethal Fracking Methane

A farmer lights ground water bubbling up from a fresh water spring on his farm in Western Pennsylvania. The gas bubbles started one day after this property was fracked for natural gas extraction. The farmer's horses stopped drinking this water the day the bubbles appeared. This spring flows into a creek which feeds a larger river.
A farmer lights ground water bubbling up from a fresh water spring on his farm in Western Pennsylvania. The gas bubbles started one day after this property was fracked for natural gas extraction. The farmer’s horses stopped drinking this water the day the bubbles appeared. This spring flows into a creek which feeds a larger river.

adapted  from BRIEFLY with thanks     The Trump controlled Environment Protection Agency,EPA, thumbed its nose at another Obama-era environmental rule, withdrawing a request that operators of oil and gas sites submit information on methane emissions.shutterstock_175228703

Cancelling  crucial methane control is a blatant crime against humanity and the planet perpetrated to feed the naked greed of US billionaire capitalists,. It is also an insult to the thousands of scientists and environmentalists and public who have dedicated years to getting this key step in climate control.

”Satellite data demonstrates fugitive emissions that are an order of magnitude greater during the extraction and storage phase than with non fracked natural gas, with  average losses, including distribution representing 6-8% of production. The figure of 6% makes shale gas two times worse than coal from a climate change perspective”.

Continue reading Ecocide re-Legalised: Trump gets Licence for Frackers to Destroy Climate and Environment

Pope Francis Lets off Priests who Sexually Abuse our Children


Suzy Nauman (R) of Arlington, Massachusetts leads the way as protesters demonstrate about the clergy child sex abuse scandal in the Boston Archdiocese outside Cardinal Bernard Law's Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston, on Mother's Day, May 12, 2002. Law faces a third day of questioning May 13 in a lawsuit brought by alleged victims of convicted pedophile priest John Geoghan over Law's handling of child sexual abuse allegations. REUTERS/Jim Bourg - RTR52F7

by Matt Agorist     In 2014, Pope Francis admitted that “about two percent” or 1 in 50 Roman Catholic priests are pedophiles. He then promised solutions to the history of the church essentially condoning the horrid practice. However, it appears that his solution is to sweep it under the rug Continue reading Pope Francis Lets off Priests who Sexually Abuse our Children

To end Ecocide we must stop Femicide: Berta’s memory and the Struggle Go On.

by Camila Rolando Mazzuca & Brototi Roy    at the Ecologist,  ..  shared with thanks  ..  3rd March, 2017hq720-1

Berta Caceres’ murder and its perpetrators’ non-penalization is not an isolated case, but one among numerous environmental activists across the world whose murders go unpunished. Picture credit: http://www.tercerainformacion.es/antigua/spip.php?article99997

 March 8 is World Women Day, but today (March 3) there’s another good reason to reflect on the role of women in society, write CAMILLA ROLANDO MAZZUCA & BROTOTI ROY. On this day last year the awarded environmental activist Berta Caceres was killed

Lack of governmental investigation, police or military complicity and increasing criminalization of social protest are some of the numerous common features of today’s environmental justice conflicts from all over the world. Continue reading To end Ecocide we must stop Femicide: Berta’s memory and the Struggle Go On.

World Women’s Strike is ON .. Wed.March 8th .. Day without a Woman

The Women’s March just released details on March 8 …….. “A Day Without a Womana-day-without-a-woman-march-8thj-2017

WHAT CAN YOU DO March 8?   (Swedish Group)..


2. TAKE A BREAK FROM HOUSEWORK AND ALL UNPAID WORK, INSTEAD GATHER YOUR FORCES WITH OTHERS WHO REFUSE TO WORK.krcy6c4yrlbrxpwmzpbjoxqfxsrndcdk8con9vqakk4cykicrt6vmf7c9bw9qmwn




CONNECT WITH WOMEN around you, depending on where you are, there are ACTIONS all around the country, and nearby that you can participate in. Do you want to arrange a local action or get involved in one? Do not hesitate! CONTACT us at SOCIALSTREJK8MARS@GMAIL.COM or CHECK THE FACEBOOK EVENT FOR MORE INFORMATION!

For more information:

How To Tell Your Boss ..March 8 Womens March Strike (if you can risk it!)

Protesters march in Washington, DC, during the Womens March on January 21, 2017. Hundreds of thousands of people flooded US cities Saturday in a day of women's rights protests to mark President Donald Trump's first full day in office. / AFP / Robyn BECK (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)
Protesters march in Washington, DC, during the Womens March on January 21, 2017.
Hundreds of thousands of people flooded US cities Saturday in a day of women’s rights protests to mark President Donald Trump’s first full day in office. / AFP / Robyn BECK (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)

Palestinian women lead resistance in Budrus

Amira Awad's son, Lafee, was killed by Israeli forces during a non-violent protest in 2015 [Jaclynn Ashly/Al Jazeera]
Amira Awad’s son, Lafee, was killed by Israeli forces during a non-violent protest in 2015 [Jaclynn Ashly/Al Jazeera]

Fighting back against Israel’s incursions has become second nature for residents of the West Bank village.


Ramallah, occupied West Bank – When Israeli military jeeps approached the village of Budrus last month, every resident was notified within minutes.

Through the speakers of the village’s mosque, a warning was issued: Israeli forces had entered the area and were preparing to demolish a house.

Men, women and children rushed towards the site of the impending demolition. The village’s women were the first on the scene. Continue reading Palestinian women lead resistance in Budrus

Thirty Seconds To Midnight – The Final Wake Up Call??

   more mega-doom from  from celebrated lefties.. only unfortunately they’re quite right

armageddonImage by Ben Salter with thanks

from… Dandelion Salad ..Filmmaker Regis Tremblay states what few others dare to say. Humanity is on the brink of extinction! Nuclear power is not safe. 48 of America’s nuclear power plants are leaking and there is no way to get rid of nuclear waste.

America’s reckless provocations of both Russia and China, two nuclear-armed countries, risk a nuclear holocaust from which no one survives. Climate change and global warming, if not mitigated immediately, will end the human experiment on earth sooner rather than later.

A shocking documentary that traces the origins of U.S. genocides, military interventions and wars from the 15th century when the white, colonial explorers first came to the Americas to the very present. American Exceptionalism, Manifest Destiny, and the right to claim the earth and its resources as their own are the beliefs that are the foundation of American foreign policy in the 21st Century that has humanity on the brink of extinction. Continue reading Thirty Seconds To Midnight – The Final Wake Up Call??

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