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Rob (Los Ricos) Thaxton, "Circle A Cellmates"

Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network writes:

"This statement was sent to a contact of the Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network by anarchist prisoner Rob los Ricos (Robert Thaxton). This is being circulated for March 18th, the International Day for Political Prisoners and anniversary of the Paris Commune. Listed after the statement are ways which you can help Rob."

"Circle A Cellmates"

Rob (Los Ricos) Thaxton

"I find you guilty."

This year started on an interesting note. On January 2nd, Oregon Department of Corrections Security Threat Group manager came by to visit. He threatened to send me into exile in Eastern Oregon -- far from my daughter in Portland -- if I didn't move out of the cell I shared with Brian McCarvill. Brian is currently suing ODOC over their mailroom policies, which result in the rejection of anarchist literature sent to him. This has been something that has bothered me the past 3 years -- I have over 200 mail violations notices concerning letters and publications sent to me here in prison. Their favorite reasons for such "violations" are because the publications are
"anarchist-related" or because of "STG symbol" -- in this case, a circled "a", a symbol used internationally for "anarchy".I support Brian's lawsuit. Plus he is a valued and trusted friend. We chose not to split up. On January 7th, we received write-ups about "unauthorized activity" and "disobedience of an order". This had to do with a card writing campaign I'd initiated a month earlier. I'd asked people to send postcards to us with a circled "a" symbol on them, along with the caption -- "This is not a gang symbol".

Two days after receiving the write-up, we were called to a disciplinary hearing. After discussing the issue with me, the hearings officer told me, "I find you guilty of continuing to be involved in the anarchist movement". Pretty illuminating, as this was not what I was charged with. But it does actually sum up ODOC's attitude towards me. It has not been easy, but I have attempted to stay involved with events on the outside of these walls. I've been incarcerated since the international Reclaim the Streets day of solidarity to oppose the G-8 summit in Cologne, Germany, June 18th 1999. I've missed out on the Battle of Seattle, the anti-IMF/WB protests, the protests against both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and GW Bush's bloodless coup.

The summary of my hearing contained a few lies and half-truths, designed to make me appear to be a threat to the safety and the security of ODOC facilities, if not the world at large.

The hearings officer noted that I threatened to use my 30 years of organizing skills to "cause trouble" for ODOC. What I actually said was that I'd assured Benny Ward as well as the STG managers here at OSP that I would not use my extensive organizing skills to create trouble for them. And I asked if it would be too much to expect that I be allowed to have my mail? Apparently it is.

The most alarming aspect of this, though, is the fact that ODOC has come to the conclusion that I am a member of the Earth Liberation Front. This despite the fact that I?ve never been arrested for an action by the ELF, nor have I ever been questioned about any actions by the ELF. Indeed, there is no evidence or rumor of evidence that can connect me to the ELF in any way what so ever.

The ELF is a clandestine group whose sole purpose is to carry out acts of sabotage against corporations and research facilities that the ELF considers responsible for despoiling the earth.

As such, it has been listed as a terrorist organization, and is one of the targeted focal points for several Joint Task Force(s) on Terrorism in cities, and stated across the US.
I am a writer and an activist. It has been a deliberate decision on my part not to undertake acts of sabotage, since I lack the skill and knowledge to do so effectively and safely. So far, no one has been hurt or killed by an ELF action.

Despite losing my job in the prison infirmary, being sent to the hole for 120 days and being labeled a "terrorist", I will continue to write for anarchist and "alternative" publications. I am an enemy of the New World Order. We, the people, shall overthrow the rule of corporate power.

Sì Se Puede!

Robert Thaxton # 12112716

Oregon State Penitentiary

2605 State Street

Salem, OR 97310

Military utilization of Depleted Uranium is a war crime. Ban the use of Depleted Uranium in ammunition and armor.

The UK has national health care right?
So, why don't they have Tony Blair's lips surgically removed from GW's ass?



1. Write letters of support to Rob and Brian (envelopes must contain a full name and return address):

Robert Thaxton #12112716

Brian McCarvill #11037967

Both at:

Oregon State Penitentiary

2605 State Street

Salem, OR 97310

2. Contact ODOC Interim Director Ben de Hann and OSP Acting Superintendent Brian Belleque. Inquire about Rob and Brian's situation and demand that they be returned to general population at OSP immediately. (Please send copies of all text messages and ODOC responses to APLAN for our records. Contact information below.)

Interim Director Ben de Hann

ODOC Central Administration Office

2575 Center Street, NE

Salem, OR 97301-4667

Tel: 503.945.9090

Fax: 503.373.1173

Acting Superintendent Brian Belleque

Oregon State Penitentiary

2605 State Street

Salem, OR 97310

Tel: 503.378.2445

Fax: 503.378.3897

The Oregon Department of Corrections may also be emailed at:

3. Donate funds. Rob and Brian will need funds in the coming months for basic expenses (Rob lost his prison job) and to fight ODOC attacks. The Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network also needs funds to continue and improve its support for Rob, Brian and other imprisoned radicals.

Funds for Rob (checks / money orders to "Rob los Ricos") should be sent to:

Rob los Ricos Enterprises

PO Box 50634

Eugene, OR 97405

Donations for Brian McCarvill may be sent through APLAN, or as checks / money orders made payable to "DOC for Brian McCarvill #11037967" and sent to:

Central Trust -- ODOC

PO Box 14400

Salem, OR 97309-5077

Funds for APLAN's ongoing prisoner support may be sent as concealed cash, or checks / money orders with "Pay to:" section left blank, to:

818 SW 3rd Ave PMB 354

Portland, OR 97204