Treaty '88

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Aboriginal Sovereign Treaty '88 Campaign

The Aboriginal Sovereign Treaty '88 Campaign called for the recognition of Aboriginal Nations and Peoples' sovereign rights, and ownership of Australia, and for the Commonwealth Government of Australia to treaty with Aboriginal sovereign nations through the mechanisms of international law.

Makarrata, NAC sellout, Kevin Gilbert, Aim, official organ of the Aborigines Inland Mission of Australia [newsletter], No. 13, 1980.
Aboriginal Alert, Original artwork by Kevin Gilbert for the cover of Aboriginal Alert: Sovereign Treaty '88 newsletter.
"Can you celebrate '88" By Treaty '88, Bogong No. 4, 1987.
"Interview with Kevin Gilbert, Chairman of Treaty '88 campaign", Ethnic Spotlight No. 12, 1987.
"1988 : make a treaty this time" Treaty '88 campaign advertisement.
"Aboriginal sovereignty – never ceded" Australian Historical Studies No.91, 1988.
Breath of Life: Excerpt from an interview by Vincent Forrester with Kevin Gilbert, broadcast in 1989 over CAAMA radio8 KIN.FM to Aboriginal communities across the Territory … in Breath of Life: moments in transit towards Aboriginal Sovereignty, Kevin Gilbert and Eleanor Williams, Braddon, ACT: Canberra Contemporary Art Space, 1996.