
Race attack - Red Action on multiculturalism

G. O'Halloran argues that by its betrayal of principle, multiculturalism is a major propaganda gift to the far right, as well as laying the foundations for the political extermination of the working class itself.

Race, class and organisation - Workers Solidarity Federation

An interesting analysis of race, anarchism and class from South African organisation the Workers Solidarity Federation from 1998.

Multitude or working class - Paolo Virno

Virno explores the relationship of the concepts...

The housing question

Aufheben's incredibly detailed and comprehensive history and analysis of housing and the working class in UK.

The distraction of class, 2002 - AYN discussion

An article written by one member of the Anarchist Youth Network in its more lifestylist wing. It is reproduced here as a useful example of the attitudes of this individualist trend in the organisation against class analysis, with a response to it.

Jack Common - selected articles

A selection of articles by the undeservably obscure Jack Common, a Geordie who wrote both novels and essays on various aspects of culture and class relations. His friend George Orwell had written of Common: "he is of proletarian origin, and much more than most writers of this kind he preserves his proletarian viewpoint".

Review of The enemy is middle class by Andy Anderson

A review of "The Enemy is Middle Class" by Andy and Mark Anderson from Black Flag magazine.

Multitude or working class? - Antonio Negri

Negri explains his concept of ‘multitude’ in a response to the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party’s Alex Callinicos at the European Social Forum in Paris, 2003.

Unfinished Business - The politics of Class War

Unfinished Business

The definitive book about the politics of the Class War Federation, including brief histories and descriptions of the capitalist system and how it functions.