Guardian global readers' editor

For full details of our editorial corrections policy, read about how to make a complaint about Guardian and Observer content

The role of the Guardian’s global readers’ editor

The readers’ editor is the Guardian’s internal ombudsman. The job of the readers’ editor is “to collect, consider, investigate, respond to, and where appropriate come to a conclusion about readers’ comments, concerns, and complaints in a prompt and timely manner, from a position of independence within the paper”.

Paul Chadwick is the Guardian’s fourth readers’ editor and took up the role in June 2016. Paul, journalist and lawyer, was director editorial policies at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, where he was responsible for reforming the broadcaster’s self-regulatory framework.

Daily corrections and clarifications

Read the most recent corrections and clarifications column.

Paul Chadwick
Paul Chadwick Photograph: Jill Mead for the Guardian

The Guardian’s policy is to correct significant errors as soon as possible. Corrections appear on the relevant web page and/or in the newspaper.

If you see an error please contact the readers’ editor’s office and provide a web link, or the date and page number from the newspaper:

Phone: +44 (0)20 3353 4736 between 10am and 1pm UK time
Twitter: @GdnReadersEd

Weekly column

Open Door is a regular column by the readers’ editor about your suggestions, concerns, complaints and other things.

Useful links

The full terms of reference for the readers’ editor can be found here. The Observer has its own readers’ editor.

How to make a complaint about Guardian and Observer editorial content
Guardian editorial code
The Guardian and Observer style guide
Daily corrections column
FAQs on how user comments are moderated on the Guardian’s website
Full list of Guardian and Observer contacts