South and East Belfast Sinn Féin -- Building an Ireland of Equals

Maskey launches "A new vision for the Holyland and University areas"

Published: 3 March, 2010

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Sinn Féin south Belfast MLA Alex Maskey this morning launched Sinn Féin's document "A Community in Crisis? A new vision for the Holyland and University areas."

Mr Maskey who was speaking at the launch which took place in the Chinese Resource Centre this morning said;

"I was delighted to see so many of the stakeholders, including the Universities and Students Unions, the City Council and many of the residents and residents associations at this morning's discussion.

At the core of our proposals is the requirement for the Holyland to be categorised as an 'area at risk'. A range of government departments have key responsibilities within the Holyland; we believe that the Executive should appoint a lead Minister to take responsibility for the co-ordination of those departments in rebuilding the Holyland community.

I was heartened to see so many of those affected by the issues in the Holyland at this mornings launch and I was delighted with the high standard of engagement and discussion that took place. For our part, Sinn Féin remains committed to ensuring that this issue is taken forward and put at the heart of the Executive on behalf of the people who live and work in the Holyland and who deserved the same quality of the life as citizens throughout the city." CRÍOCH