Tuesday, 22 February 2011

An explanation please?

No, not of the sign in the picture, like most multi-lingual signage that's very straightforward and easy to understand!
Unless of course you're in the Alliance Party, for whatever reason, they are of the opinion that it's, "divisive", "confusing" and probably worst of all, "tribal".
Personally, I don't see it.
But while the Alliance Party seek to retain the votes they recieved within Unionist East Belfast at the last election, perhaps they could actually come out and tell us 'how' this kind of signage (in areas of course where there is a demand for them and where they are sought out) would be "divisive", "confusing" and "tribal"????
PS: I snapped the picture while canvassing in Chapelizod for sitting Sinn Féin TD Aengus Ó Snodaigh

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