Tuesday, 31 August 2010

O’Leary attempts at blackmail will only hurt workers

Sinn Féin representative for east Belfast Niall Ó Donnghaile has slammed the move by Ryanair to pull their services from Belfast City Airport.
Speaking this afternoon he said;
“This is nothing more than the typical type of behaviour most people will have come to expect from Michael O’Leary of Ryanair.It appears that the decision to pull their services from the City Airport is down to the public inquiry due to take place into the proposed runway extension; it would seem that because Ryanair haven’t gotten their own way, they are punishing workers, the Belfast economy as well as current customers.
Sinn Féin’s position on the proposed runway extension has been clear for some time, an inquiry is needed so that all arguments for and against the extension could be articulated, not least the very real health and environmental concerns of the many thousands of residents across Belfast and north Down who are affected by traffic in and out of the airport.
While I’m sure many residents will not be mourning the apparent loss of Ryanair, I think this move by Michael O’Leary is an extremely retrograde step and will only punish Ryanair workers as well as the local economy and air travel commuters.” CRÍOCH

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