Monday, 28 September 2009

Deireadh seachtaine Gaelach den scoth sa Trá Ghearr

Bhí ceiliúradh den céad scoth againn sa Trá Ghearr an deireadh seachtaine seo caite. I measc na himeachtaí bhí leacht cuimhneacháin Liam Ó Dochartaigh, Céilí Mór, lá spraoi do pháistí agus dianchúrsaí Gaeilge.

Rinne muid ceiliúradh ar stair Gaelach an cheantar agus d’amharc muid go dóchasach go dtí an todhchaí.

Is deas mar sin de gurbh é ainm an grúpa nua sa Trá Ghearr na ‘Dóchas na Trá’.

Tá mé dul an cuid eile den bhlag seo a scríobh i mBéarla, mar ba mhaith liom go mbeadh seal ag daoine nach bhfuil Gaeilge acu a bheith ábalta léamh faoi na himeachtaí agus an tábhacht atá leo inár bpobail.

The weekend saw a number of events in the Short Strand celebrating the Irish language and culture. The small community festival was organised by the newly formed group, ‘Dóchas na Trá’.

Dóchas is made up of local Gaeilgeoirí, primarily those who have passed through the Irish medium education system.

Our weekend of events kicked off with a memorial lecture named after local Irish language activist Liam Ó Dochartaigh. Liam was well known in this community and beyond for his enthusiasm and more importantly, his activism to promote and advance the Irish language. Liam raised his family entirely through Irish at their home in the Short Strand. In the 1950’s he contributed significantly to the re-emerging movement seeking not to ‘revive’ the language but to ‘rejuvenate’ it!

The key speaker on the night was well known teacher and Gaeilgeoir Brendy Ó Fiaich, he spoke of the Irish language community in 1950’s Belfast and put into perspective the conditions in which Liam would have been undertaking his activism. The next speaker was Huggy McComb, a former student of Liam, who developed his Irish in the Cages of Long Kesh. Huggy, along with Liam and people like Billy Matthews and Dáithí Power, were to the fore in the formation of ‘An Tine Bheo’ in the late 1970s in the Short Strand. The aims and objectives of this group were to develop the thoughts of people like Liam, as laid out in the 1950’s. It was to promote and develop the use of Irish, to encourage and facilitate it at a community level, to create the conditions where people didn’t just learn it but also had the chance to go out and use it in practical, every day instances.

The next speaker was Eleanor Keenan, one of the small band of fearless parents who formed a bilingual mother and toddler group in the old Mac Airt community centre, which then developed into the first Irish nursery outside of the Bóthar Seoighe Gaeltacht, Naíscoil Mhic Airt. Eleanor spoke of the struggle not just to form the nursery in the midst of the war, but to then be able to send the children on to Bunscoil Phobail Feirste, at that stage the only Irish speaking primary school in the city. As one of the pupils who made that journey everyday in late 80’s Belfast, it was not an easy task, but that story almost deserves a blog of it’s own!!

But nowadays how things have changed!!

Aptly the next speaker was Pilib Ó Ruanaí from An Droichead, the All-Ireland award winning development. Pilib spoke authoritively on his own experience of the Irish language within the Short Strand and how people like Liam, groups like An Tine Bheo and the parents of the nursery children were the catalyst that created An Droichead, a first class Irish Medium School on the Ormeau Road, facilitating children from south and east Belfast and beyond. It is also one of the city’s premier live music venues, it provides music classes, set dancing classes and bog oak carving classes as well as much, much more!

From the days when the British Army would often raid our nursery, arrest those volunteering their time and assistance, to a site that is the envy of Gaeilgeoirí across the country; we have travelled a very long way. It is because of the people in the Short Strand, so committed to an idea, who fought disadvantage, who fought intimidation and who fought ignorance and intransigence, that we now have something to be so proud of.

From little acorns………

Saturday saw an intensive Irish language course for people in the area, a number of people also took tests for their gold Fáinní.

That evening saw the return of Máire and Donnacha Ó Bruadair for a céilí mór in St Matthews Social Club. Máire and Donnacha both taught in the Naíscoil for a considerable period, their contribution was vital to the development of our naíscoil!
They relished the chance to meet up with many of the kids they hadn’t seen in many, many years.

Bhí sé deas iad a fheiceáil!!

Sunday took a different turn, a fun day for children in the Parochial Hall.

The Armagh Rhymers, magicians, face painting, balloons, bouncy castle’s, sweets lemonade and crisps!!!

It’s a great combination for the kids, for those of us helping out, not necessarily!! lol

However, we did have a great day and the kids even more so.

Tá muid ag iarraidh a thógáil ar an tionscadal seo ar an bhliain seo chugainn le cuidiú ó grúpaí áirithe a bhfuil muid fíor bhuíoch daoibh a an chuidiú i mbliana.

We hope to build on this event for next year and the year after that.

Dóchas, like the Mac Airt and An Tine Bheo before it are firmly embedded in our community, we have great plans, not just for the Irish speakers, for the Strand as a whole.

Mar a dúirt Eleanor oíche Aoine, ‘Labhair í agus mairfidh sí!’

P.S. I hope to have some pictures up as soon as I get them!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Seachtain tábhachtach don Ghaeilge sna Sé Chontae

Bhí an coiste ón Eoraip, COMEX, ar chuairt sna Sé Chontae an seachtain seo; buail siad leis an Aire Oideachas maidir le cur chun chin an Cairt Eorpach.

Rinne Caitríona Ruane cur i láthair ar an sár-oibre atá ar bun ag Roinn s’aici maidir leis an Ghaeilge agus cur chun chinn an teanga i dtaca leis an chóras oideachas agus go hinmheánach sa Roinn chomh maith.

Thapaigh sí an deis le himní Sinn Féin a ardú maidir le cúrsaí teanga anseo sa Tuaisceart agus teipeanna an DUP agus Rialtais na Breataine ó thaobh dualgaisí s’acu. Creidim go raibh siad eolach ar cúrsaí anseo go maith. Tá súil agam go mbeidh siad gníomhach i dtaca le cearta Gaeilgeoirí anseo.

Inniu rinne saineolaithe ón rialtais i mBaile Átha Cliath, an Albain agus an Bhreatain bheag cur i láthair ar deá-chleachtais maidir le reachtaíocht teanga.

Buail mé fhéin isteach sa seomra ina raibh an coiste DCAL ag bualadh ag d’éist mé leis an méid a bhí le rá acu. Go forleathan, ba rud deimhneach, fiúntach é ceart go leor ach anois ta orainn lean leis ar bhrú a chuir ar an DUP agus Rialtais na Breataine fa choinne reachtaíocht, fiúntach, bunaithe ar cearta a bhaint amach anseo sna Sé Chontae.

Beidh an Aire nua Nelson McAusland os comhair an Choiste i mí na Nollaig agus is cinnte go mbeidh sin ina imeacht suimiúla!!

Beidh Sinn Féin ag lean linn san obair ar son an Acht agus ar son comhionannas do Ghaeilgeoirí ó Thuaidh. Is cosúil go bhfuil an teanga dúchais faoi bhagairt fud fad na tíre agus ar feadh fáthanna difriúla ach rud amháin a bhfuil cinnte na go bhfuil an phobail ghaelach a’ seasamh le chéile ar son an teanga agus ar sona chéile. Chomh maith le sin, ta orainn díriú isteach ar na rudaí a bhfuil fíor, na rudaí a bhfuil daoine buartha faoi agus go cinnte, na rudaí a gheobhaimis muid tríd an géarchéim seo.
Tá a lán obair romhainn ach gan a bheith saonta faoi seo ach mar a deireann an tseanfhocail “ní neart go chuir le chéile”.
Mar eolais: Seo ráitís ó cuplá lá anuas
Saineolaithe teanga le dea-chleachtais a roinnt leis an Choiste DCAL

Ag labhairt roimh an chur i láthair ó shaineolaithe teanga atá i ndiaidh teacht ó na rialtais i mBaile Átha Cliath, sa Bhreatain Bheag agus in Albain Déardaoin, dúirt Cathaoirleach an Choiste, Barra MacGhiolla Dhuibh:"Tabharfaidh an cur i láthair seo inniu deis iontach léirsteanach agus faisnéiseach do choiste s’againn. Beidh na hionadaithe seo ábalta a gcuid taithí a roinnt linn i dtaca le dea-chleachtais le cur chun cinn teangacha dúchais.
Tarlaíonn an cur i láthair seo sa tseachtain chéanna a thagann na saineolaithe ón Choiste Saineolaithe Eorpach ar chuairt chuig an tuaisceart le bualadh le cuid de na páirtithe leasmhara faoi chomhlíonadh an Chairt Eorpach.
Bhuail Caitríona Ruane leis an choiste saineolaithe Dé Máirt. Thug sí cuntas ar an obair atá ag dul ar aghaidh ina hAireacht féin ach san am céanna thapaigh sí an deis le buarthaí Sinn Féin a ardú ar chomhlíonadh an Chairt.
Tagann an cur i láthair seo amárach ar chúlra an teip le hAcht Gaeilge a thabhairt isteach, le Straitéis Ghaeilge a thabhairt chun tosaigh agus leis an Chairt a chomhlíonadh. Tagann sé fosta ag an am a bhíonn an tAontas Eorpach ag cur brú méadaithe ar Rialtas na Breataine as teip na coimitmintí faoin Chairt agus faoin Chomhaontú Cill Rímhinn.
Ní bheidh Sinn Féin sásta faoiseamh a sholáthar don diúltú DUP seasamh réadúil bheith acu ó thaobh na Gaeilge de.
Ó thaobh s’againn tá Sinn Féin tiomanta go hiomlán le reachtaíocht éifeachtach, ceart bunaithe a fháil do Ghaeilgeoirí sa tuaisceart. Is próiseas leanúnach agus iontach tábhachtach é seo dúinn. Beidh an tAire DCAL ag teacht roimh an choiste 10 Nollag agus beidh muid ag éileamh freagra uaidh ar an teip le reachtaíocht ná straitéis Ghaeilge a thabhairt chun tosaigh, nó an Chairt a chomhlíonadh.
Cur i láthair ó na saineolaithe cruthú eile ar an ghéarghá le gníomh ar reachtaíocht teanga – Mac Ghiolla Dhuibh

Mhol cathaoirleach Choiste DCAL, Ball Tionóil Sinn Féin, Barra Mac Ghiolla Dhuibh inniu na hoifigigh ó rialtais Bhaile Átha Cliath, na hAlban agus na Breataine Bige a tháinig go Stormont inniu agus a thug cur i láthair don choiste ar dhea chleachtais reachtaíocht teanga.Ag labhairt leis ag Stormont inniu dúirt an tUasal Mac Ghiolla Dhuibh:Tá mé buíoch de na hoifigigh a tháinig anseo inniu agus a thug peirspictíocht shoiléir dúinn ar na buntáistí a bhain siad amach de thoradh ar reachtaíocht ceart-bunaithe a chosnaíonn agus a chuireann chun cinn teangacha dúchais.Arís eile taispeánann saineolaíocht intíre agus idirnáisiúnta an bogadh chun cinn gur féidir a dhéanamh le reachtaíocht mar seo a dhéanamh don tsochaí, ó thaobh gnó, oideachas agus na healaíne de.Ar an droch uair, níor chomhlíon rialtas na Breataine go fóill na dualgais orthu faoin Chairt Eorpach agus ón Chomhaontú Chill Rímhinn. Theip ar an DUP chomh maith sna dualgais atá orthu san Aireacht DCAL i dtaca le cur chun cinn na Cairte, ag feidhmiú Acht Gaeilge agus a moladh féin ar Straitéis Teanga a thabhairt chun tosaigh don Ghaeilge.Tiocfaidh Nelson McAusland os comhair an Tionóil roimh Nollaig agus leanfaidh Sinn Féin ag cur brú air leis an reachtaíocht riachtanach seo a thabhairt chun tosaigh.” CRÍOCH

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Gerry; why didn't you take me with you?????

Here's a photo from The Clinton Global Initative of Gerry Adams with Grammy Award winning singer Alicia Keys.

Forget admiring him for leading Irish Republicanism for decades, now I REALLY admire the man!!!


Maith thú Gearóid!!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

If only everyone would stand up against NAMA

latest short strand news bulletin

The Martin/Treacy Sinn Féin Cumann in the Short Strand distributed their latest bulletin to every home in the Short Strand area last month.

I forgot to let you all know it was available to view online @

Another healthy discussion in East Belfast

Once again, sorry for the quality of picture, it was taken on my Sméar Dhubh/Blackberry

Last night I attended the latest in a series of panel discussions, jointly organised by the Short Strand Partnership and the East Belfast Mission.

The first was held in the Mission on the Newtonards Road and was entitled ‘Constitutionally different – politically similar’ and then Sinn Féin Mayor of Belfast Tom Hartley and the PUP’s Dawn Purvis were on the panel, the second discussion was held in the community centre in the strand and was entitled, ‘Civil Rights or Civil Unrest’, this time you had Fergus O’Hare, Francie Molloy, Roy Garland and Paul Bew.

More on that here

Last night the discussion centred on the issue of parading; on the panel this time were to authorities on this matter, Sinn Féin MLA for north Belfast Carál Ní Chuilín and senior Orangeman and member of the Strategic Review on Parading, Mervyn Gibson.

While you could get into the minutia of each discussion I don’t think it serves any great purpose; the discussion are had, they are always courteous, civil, tempered and most importantly, honest.

Each one has given me on a personal basis a tremendous amount of consider and think about, not just as a Republican or a member of the Short Strand community but as an individual.

Much like the previous two, last night could have gone on for hours (although obviously people wanted to catch the end of the soccer matches!!) and I think people leave in the realisation that while these discussion aren’t going to suddenly change the world, they do contribute immensely in our endeavours to understand and respect each other.

I am delighted as an Irish Republican that a bus load of people from the Protestant/Unionist/Loyalist community can freely enter the Short Strand and have these discussion; I am equally humbled that I too can now head up the Newtonards Road and have similar discussions in those areas; in a very small way, but deeply recognised by those who take part, it is an indication of just how far we have moved.

I look forward to the next discussion which no doubt will be yet another worthwhile experience for all involved.

A special word must go to Joe and Gary who put so much into organising and facilitating these events; go raibh maith agaibh.

As I have stated on this blog previously, as an Irish Republican my politics and my ideology compels me to engage with those of opposing political viewpoints, I am committed to doing that, especially in an area like our own in East Belfast.

As Carál rightly said last night I’d sooner take the most die hard and have the conversation with them, because ultimately that is where we need to end up anyway!!

Almost immediately after the violence that flared on our streets at the beginning of the month, I and others from Sinn Féin, were on the Newtonards Road, granted it might have been a slightly more ‘heated’ discussion than last night but not by too much. I think there is realisation, as we continually seek to move out of conflict that we can leave the politicking and the cynical, brass neck media opportunities to others; we’ll get things resolved together, without being ‘wishy washy’ about this, but by talking and getting to know each other as people.

Go n-éirí linn!!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

East meets West

Click on the picture for all of the details

Ag súil go mór leis na himeachtaí seo agus cinnte go mbeidh an-suim ann sa cheantar
Really looking forward to these events and delighted to have played a part in organising some of it.
Our new Irish Language Group in the Short Strand, 'Dochas na Trá' have big, big plans for developing and promoting the Irish language in our community.
Is deas an rud é go bhfuil muid ceangailte le muintir Baile Andarsain agus iad ag dul de himeachtaí s'acu chomh maith!!
Tá fáilte romhaibh páirt a glacadh linn!!

Sunday, 13 September 2009

East Belfast Herald - Platform Piece

The following is a copy of the platform piece from myself which was printed in this week's East Belfast Herald. It focuses on the work that has been ongoing and which needs to continue following the violence that broke out a fortnight ago:

The work to build relationships at a cross community level following last week’s violence continues unabated. Obviously there are fundamental differences that exist but thankfully we have moved beyond allowing that to get in the way of delivering for all of our people at a grassroots level.

After the trouble that flared on Monday night, and the attack on my parent’s home, I met with both representatives of the Loyalist community as well as the PSNI in east Belfast. This continued engagement will see us through difficult times that present themselves, it will also see us working together to make real and positive change for our communities. While others cast blame and choose to focus on releasing statements, we plough on with the programme of work that needs to be done.

Obviously representatives from the Loyalist community raised a number of concerns with me; this is the nature of our engagement, that we have a mature and responsible forum in which to highlight our concerns and issues. Obviously I too raised concerns from my own perspective. It is always amazing how similar our concerns regarding anti social behaviour at the interface are.

The established links between community workers and representatives have seen real delivery and real progress on the ground, in fact during last week’s trouble representatives were in contact via telephone during the whole period. I have no doubt that this engagement and work will continue in the time ahead and understand that at times that is difficult for all involved.

I have very real concerns with the use of plastic bullets during the trouble that occurred; I don’t believe they have any place within a civic policing service nor within broader society. Sinn Féin raised these concerns with the PSNI Command in east Belfast and will raise this issue at a higher level in the coming weeks.

The violence inflicted upon us last week is the culmination of eighteen months of trouble, most often pre-planned and orchestrated using social networking websites and mobile phones; those of us who are out at the interfaces week after week know this. I am sure that I can speak for both communities when I say that we will continue to step up in terms of our leadership role in challenging those who are intent on inflicted such hurt and trauma on the people who live at the interfaces.

The reality is that we cannot nor should we be expected to do this in isolation. East Belfast must see the necessary support offered to our community and youth workers, it must see direct action from Belfast City Council the DPP’s, Social Services and all the other key statutory bodies in order to help prevent so many of our young people being enticed into these situations where they then find themselves caught up the criminal justice system, we must also target the necessary resources into supporting those people who work on the interface with these young people but also towards the people who live on them and have suffered so much, often in silence.

I am proud to be from the Short Strand community, I live and work here. I am determined to continue the work I have been involved with in building relationships and understanding between both communities, be sure that I will continue that work undetracted by those who seek to exploit certain opportunities for cynical publicity purposes. No one said this task would be easy and I don’t believe it will be, but I do believe we owe it to ourselves, our families and our communities to do all that we can to make east Belfast a safer and better place to live.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Annual Brian Keenan challenge 2009

So we once again found ourselves at the Brian Keenan Mourne Mountain Challenge on Saturday afternoon; this time thankfully, we were on the right mountain!!

This was the second year of the event and the second time that our small team from Short Strand took part, in what is truly a formidable challenge!

Brian Keenan was himself a formidable man, an inspirational Republican and leader. I had the privilege of meeting him a number of times, his passion, commitment and dedication to our struggle was palpable.
He spoke and be sure, you listened!

It isn't surprising therefore that Brian's friends and family started this annual event in his memory. Brian faced many difficult challenges in life and faced them all head on; he remains a figure of great inspiration for those of us who continue in struggle.

The walk itself is a 26 mile track across the Mournes, for those of us less 'out-doorish' we can drop off at 13 mile (which I still maintain is an achievement in itself!!)

The walk itself allows us to meet up with friends and comrades from across the country, it also gives us the chance to make new friends. Both years have given our team great memories of great craic, tough challenges but working and sticking together all the while.
It also gave our team from the strand a chance to bring new people along and get to know them, and also allow them to get to know us. It gave the them the opportunity to learn about Brian and directly flowing from that Irish Republicanism.

I suppose as we track through the mountains we all inevitable think of Brian and the life that he led, it certainly spurs us on to complete the challenge of the day but more importantly the challenge that faces us all and the challenge that Brian committed his life to, the establishment of a 32 county, democratic and socialist republic.

British stance hypocritical

Over on Léargas, Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has been blogging on the issue, currently dominating the media, of compensation for victims.
You can read his piece over at
Just recieved this video through of Gerry speaking on this issue at a press conference yesterday.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Éire 2 - 1 Cyprus

Comhghairdeas buachailí, coinnigh libh ar an bhothár seo!!
I didn't get watching the match as I was travelling home from the annual Brian Keenan Walk in the Mourne Mountains yesterday evening. We caught some of it on the radio on the way home.
Here's hoping Ireland can keep up the standard of football required to send the nation back into world cup football and bring all of us with them!!!
Go n-éirí libh lads!!