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The World Socialist Web Site is a daily source of news and analysis published by the International Committee of the Fourth International.
World Socialist WS 36m
Into 1918 and on into the 1920s, it stimulated revolutionary unrest throughout Europe and not only Europe.
World Socialist WS 37m
rejects club status for IYSSE for second semester
World Socialist WS 1h
UK: Up to 250,000 protest attacks on National Health Service - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 2h
As US deploys anti-missile system, China warns of nuclear arms race - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 3h
Register now for the 1917-2017: Russian Revolution Centenary - An International Online Lecture Series -
World Socialist WS 3h
Michigan school closures “on hold” while privatization plans move ahead - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 3h
Suecia restablece el servicio militar obligatorio - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 3h
New York University rejects club status for IYSSE for second semester - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 4h
Identity politics is used to fight for a more favorable share of the income within the top 10 percent of earners
World Socialist WS 4h
March 6-12: February Revolution erupts in Petrograd - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 5h
Trump administration maintains silence on claims of wiretapping by Obama - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 6h
WikiLeaks reveals vast CIA spying, cyberwar operation - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 7h
As US deploys anti-missile system, China warns of nuclear arms race - World Socialist Web Site
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reveals vast CIA spying, cyberwar operation - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 10h
Australia: Three homeless people killed in arson attack | World Socialist Web Site
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“We are still fighting the same things they fought out 100 years ago”
World Socialist WS 12h
Unionism loses its grip on Northern Ireland in March 2 election | World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 14h
Massive increase in attacks on refugees in Germany | World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 16h
Warning of neo-fascist victory in France, Hollande promotes EU militarism | World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 16h
Read and Study Leon Trotsky | In Defense of Marxism (ePub) | Available from Mehring Books
World Socialist WS 18h
Doctors strike highlights catastrophic health care crisis in Kenya | World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 18h
“We are still fighting the same things they fought out 100 years ago”
World Socialist WS 20h
Sanders covers for UAW at Mississippi Nissan rally | World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 22h
General Motors announces 1,100 job cuts at Lansing, Michigan plant | World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS 24h
North Korea tests missiles amid huge US-South Korean war games | World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS Mar 7
PSA-GM-Opel deal: IG Metall trade union pledges collaboration with management - World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS Mar 7
Eight Arkansas death row inmates to be put to death over ten days | World Socialist Web Site
World Socialist WS Mar 7
Registrations from throughout the world as interest in Russian Revolution centenary lectures grows | WSWS
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1917-2017 Centenary Mar 7
is today's Bolshevism. Register for the online lectures on the Russian Revolution
World Socialist WS Mar 7
Trump issues new version of Muslim travel ban | World Socialist Web Site