Federal Politics

Fears that 'significant' coral mortality is still to come

Eyes are on us: Coral bleaching has returned to the Great Barrier Reef - and other reefs - in 2017.

The world is 33 months into its biggest recorded coral bleaching event with little sign of it ending, raising the prospect that coral mortality on the Great Barrier Reef will increase "significantly" from the quarter already lost in the past year, scientists say.

PM to confront gas companies at crunch energy meeting

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during a meeting of the government's Regional ...

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will confront some of the nation's biggest gas companies on Wednesday and ask the energy giants to supply gas locally to ease household cost pressures and avoid future blackouts.

Work fewer hours and be happier: Greens

Richard Di Natale is urging Australian society to seek a better life-work balance for the sake of everyone.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale believes many Australians would be better off with a four day working week or a six hour working day even if it meant less money. This would allow people to spend more time on the things that make life worth living, such as family, sport, and volunteering.