Radio 4 The Rise of the Lifestyle Nutritionists

March 25th, 2008 by Ben Goldacre in bad science, history of quackery, nutritionists | 31 Comments »

Well, very excitingly – to me – the first half of my two-parter on Radio 4 went out over the airwaves last night. You can listen to it here:

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Part 2 is here.

It’s Radio 4’s “Choice of the Day” for Monday Read the rest of this entry »

The Hadacol Boogie – Radio 4 Quack Show Listen Again…

March 24th, 2008 by Ben Goldacre in bad science, history of quackery, nutritionists | 8 Comments »

Ben Goldacre
The Guardian,
Monday March 24 2008
[This is much longer than the Guardian version]

hadacol.jpgMaking a show for radio 4 on the history of diet fads [tonight Monday 24th at 8pm listen again here], I began to wonder what our modern gurus will come out with, when the cheques are all cashed, and the companies fold. Dudley J Le Blanc was a Louisiana senator in the 1940s, and the greatest quack ever to live. After a doctor cured his gout with a secret potion, Dudley stole a bottle, and copied the ingredients to make his own: Hadacol. “I had’da call it something”, he would later explain, once he had nothing to lose.

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Hadacol was made from Read the rest of this entry »