Jeremy Corbyn

Abi Wilkinson: Labour must get back to basics to win over voters

10 March 2017

Jeremy Corbyn and his comrades need to rediscover how to talk about power in a convincing way.

Hillary Benn

David Herdson: Labour moderates should consider a second leadership challenge

3 March 2017

With water under the bridge and a figurehead like Hilary Benn, a second leadership challenge could succeed where the first one failed.

Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon

George Pascoe-Watson: Scotland is the new focus for Theresa May's Brexit battle

27 February 2017

The PM has put ministers on alert as she tries to stop Nicola Sturgeon calling a second independence referendum.

Harold Wilson in 1974

James Millar: Today's politics needs more Clangers from the 1970s

23 February 2017

When Harold Wilson was facing the electorate in 1974 we rated politics important enough to teach young kids about it.

Taylor Swift

James Frayne: Interrupting Taylor Swift is the future of political communications

17 February 2017

A new breed of political consultant is poised to interrupt people as they head to YouTube to watch music videos.

Jeremy Corbyn

How the Hampstead Socialist lost out to the Islington Socialist

13 February 2017

Hampstead used to be home of the Labour intelligentsia, but Islington appears to have wrested the title from its north London neighbour.

Dan Jarvis

Dan Jarvis interview: There’s nothing progressive about ignoring the concerns of voters

22 January 2017

After the intense media storm over his leadership challenge that never was, Dan Jarvis has kept a low profile in Westminster. But the former paratrooper is returning to the frontline of politics as he takes on the government over child poverty targets

Yvette Cooper

Yvette Cooper interview: Labour can make a progressive argument for ending free movement

16 December 2016

Her husband may have sparkled on the dance floor, but now Yvette Cooper is waltzing into the political spotlight as the new chair of the Home Affairs Committee.

Theresa May by Rosa Prince

Book review: Theresa May, The Enigmatic Prime Minister

10 March 2017

Rosa Prince’s instantaneous biography attempts to understand what makes Theresa May tick - and how she reached the top of the Tory party.

Michael Gove launches his leadership bid at the Center for Policy Studies

To be or not to be satirised: how politicians get the Shakespeare treatment

6 March 2017

Michael Gove is one of many politicians to have been compared to a Shakespeare character - as the RSC’s ‘Draw New Mischief’ exhibition makes clear.

Tiff Stevenson

Interview: Comedian Tiff Stevenson on how to own Piers Morgan

27 February 2017

Stevenson talks about her political journey, taking on your enemies  - and parallels between Donald Trump and Bridget Jones.