Translated by Actforfreedomnow/boubourAs

For the connection of the struggles of the captive anarchists and the communities of fighting prisoners with the struggles which are being manifested in society.

For the attempt of bridging the gap of communication between the communities of struggle, inside and outside the walls, through the quest of critical solidarity and friction.

For the continuous revealing of the existence of political prisoners, not so much for terminology purposes but in the frame of the multilevel making of an underlying daily social civil war.

Of a war which already has losses (hostages, structures), because some parts of the oppressed chose to not capitulate to its single-sided expression from the side of dominance.

For the promotion of the anarchist speech and connection/composition of the struggles inside the society-prison.

Beginning therefore, with the matter of the hostages of democracy, we want to extend the solidarian relations between all the people and the communities who do not beg, neither do they tolerate, but organize anti-hierarchically and act against the state and capitalism.

Lets meet our refusals on a anti-state/liberation prospect.

Lets organize our attack.

Solidarity between all those who fight, revolt, rebel.

assembly of anarchists for the connection of the struggles inside the society-prison

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