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"English" signs not permitted for children's race?

Fortunately, it appears the culprit has been apprehended:

Children taking part in a run on a mist-covered Welsh mountain lost their way after a man removed safety signs and course markings because they were written in English.

The signs were apparently taken down because they were in English

Race organisers said the man was seen carrying one sign and removing another shortly before the youngsters, some as young as seven, set off. Of course, until he's charged, then it remains still an "apparently taken down because they were in English"   but if it is indeed the case then let's hope Welsh language activists are prepared to condemn his wreckless actions:

“It is ridiculous. We had put the run on to raise money for the local primary school and we faced a situation where kids’ safety was put at risk.”

“Some of the kids were clearly in distress and were crying, so we gave them something to eat and drink. Fortunately they all got back safely.”

Mr Blake added: “I was told this fellow had gone and taken the signs away and took them to a dump.

''He was carrying one of the signs and undoing another. Apparently, he took them down because they were in English.

“We went to the police because what happened was dangerous."