Magic Panda Eye


Click for full-sized image.

© Liu Bolin, Courtesy of Galerie Paris-Beijing (from PDN Photo of the Day by way of Mick Hartley).

Liu Bolin, also known as ‘the chameleon man’ is a Chinese artist (b. 1973) who disguises himself in his surroundings, constantly playing along the boundary between visibility and invisibility. Using various media including sculpture, body art, painting, and photography, Liu Bolin creates performance art installations where he poses motionless for hours, completely swallowed up by the environment. He eschews Photoshop post-production, and makes meticulous use instead of painting and perspective–and many test shots–to capture the camouflage effects of his installations on film.

Liu Bolin’s solo exhibition, Hiding in the City, will open on January 10th in the gallery‘s Paris space and remain on view until March 9, 2013.

4 Responses to “Magic Panda Eye”

  1. Trespassers Will Says:

    That’s just stunning Alec. Took me quite a while to suss out his outline.

    Do you have any info about what has happened to HP? Is it a DDOS attack?

    • efrafandays Says:

      And the most amazing thing is that there’s no optical illusion… it’s all due to his position and body-art.

      Yes, there was a DDOS attack, as Brody would have done in the bunker with the cream of US military and intel and political high command given the chance. We’re in the process of moving servers, and the forecast is tomorrow (as it was yesterday, the day before yesterday, and may well be tomorrow).

      • Trespassers Will Says:

        It reminds me of that guy, can’t recall his name, who was a stage illusionist. And during WW2 he became a genius at the camouflage of miltary assets, including airfields. His deceptions were so good, that WAAF pilots delivering new fighters and bombers would find themselves outfoxed, and couldn’t find the real runway to land on.

      • efrafandays Says:

        Bamford Cott?

        Plus, HP is back, albeit without comments.

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