The statement Enda Kenny should have given

When a political crisis occurs, it's vitally important for the principals to take a clear decision on whether they need to address the issue or see where it's running - so it seems.  There is a third option - the proactive getting-out-ahead model which calms fears,...
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An application to become national security advisor

Dear President Trump, Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the position of National Security Advisor - an important role at a vitally important time in American and world history. My National Security credentials are pretty thin - and I'm not a US citizen.  But...
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Happy Birthday Chris.

Happy Birthday to Chris. I maded this. The fans on my computer are in 'someone left the heat on' mode. Soz. You Are Old. By Ben Archibald. You are old, you are old, There’s no getting round it though it sounds quite bold to say Those aren’t just wrinkles, they are...
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Trading liberty for safety

The second a home-grown terrorist strikes in the USA, the whole illusion of government-sanctioned safety will be destroyed. That’s scary.

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The Ban Hammer

There were a number of inevitabilities about the decision by US President Donald Trump to restrict travel to and through the USA last week. First and foremost, it was inevitable that he would do it. He has been signposting the restriction for months before the US...
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Get off your ass and vote

America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. You'd need to be very brave if you're prepared to wake up tomorrow with Donald Jackass Trump as the president elect of the United States. There is one proven way to prevent this from happening. Grab this...
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Vote for Trump

There's a lot wrong with America, or so it seems. Social Welfare and crime are out of control, race relations are strained, police are treated with suspicion, mostly because of their apparent predilection for shooting young African Americans, and for some reason,...
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Angry people in search of something about which to be angry

A recent Carphone Warehouse media campaign proclaiming itself 'pro-choice' has raised the ire of a large number of Irish social media commentators.  The advert is below. There are a few things to say about the campaign. First is an apparent failure to understand what...
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Still a Conservative In the twenty years since I joined the Conservative Party (and I am only thirty-six now, so imagine how insufferable that was), I have only expressed outright disapprobation with the direction of the party once - when Iain...
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Application to replace Seumas Milne

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition House of Commons Palace of Westminster, City of Westminster Dear Jeremy, If the rumours in the hated mainstream media are to be believed, you will soon be seeking a replacement for your strategic support Seumas Milne...
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Trump Impeachment Predictor








Brexit Timer








State of the UK Parties
Party Seats
Conservative 329
Labour 229
Scottish National Party 54
Liberal Democrat 9
Democratic Unionist Party 8
Independent 4
Sinn Fein 4
Plaid Cymru 3
Social Democratic & Labour Party 3
Ulster Unionist Party 2
Green Party 1
Speaker 1
UK Independence Party 1
Vacant 2
Total number of seats 650
Working Government Majority 16
  • Conservatives 50.61%
  • Corbyn Communists 35.2%
  • Haggis Fanciers 8.3%
  • Liberal Democrats 1.3%
  • N’er-do-wells (assorted) 4.5%