About VU

Donating to VU

As the premier university in the West, Victoria University (VU) provides education for the many, not the few.

We are the University of Opportunity and Success. We believe that everyone, regardless of circumstance, should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential and to positively impact our wider community.

Your support can make a significant difference to the lives of future and current VU students. You can be part of removing economic barriers to education through scholarships. You can contribute towards an enhanced learning experience and create opportunities for world-class research.

Our students help shape the future. Our alumni include Young Victorian of the Year, Victorian Young Achiever of the Year, International Student of the Year and Postgraduate Student of the Year.

The success of our students is also closely associated with the region’s economic, educational and cultural development. Together we can create opportunities and deliver positive outcomes for students and the community.

Make an online donation today or complete the donation form.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

In 'Donating to VU':

Contact us in the Advancement Office

To find out more about supporting VU, our students and our wider community, contact the Advancement Office:

Phone: +61 3 9919 1014
Email: advancement@vu.edu.au.