Category Archives: 47

Global Train-Wreck: The Great Credit Bust of 2008

From this place, and from this day forth begins a new era in the history of the world, and you can all say that you were present at its birth. -– Goethe On Tuesday morning, January 22, the Dow Jones … Continue reading

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The Antifascist Aesthetics of Pan’s Labyrinth

We’re the first potential parents who can contain the ancestral house. — Wilson Harris, The Whole Armour Hollywood projects itself as a liberal and tolerant social institution, even as a liberatory agent in the fight against prejudice and bigotry, a … Continue reading

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Why Fascism When They Have White Supremacy?

America is the smart-aleck adolescent who’s “been around” and has his own hot rod. -– Ishmael Reed Before the Bush cabal’s takeover of the highest office of the U.S. government, in the main only small Maoist groups treated American fascism … Continue reading

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Notes on Contributors

Elan Abrell is a PhD candidate in Anthropology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY) and a teaching adjunct at CUNY’s Hunter College. He holds a JD from Boalt Hall School of Law, the University … Continue reading

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Fascism and the Crisis of Pax Americana

We propose that the current discourse on fascism has arisen from a general crisis of Pax Americana arising from a convergence of developments, long-term and short, pervading the social order and thus rendering much of it dysfunctional and dystopian. In … Continue reading

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Lineages of American Fascism: A Study of Margaret Walker’s Historical Novel Jubilee

Margaret Walker is the most famous person nobody knows. –- Nikki Giovanni I see a woman with wings trying to escape from a cage and the cage door has fallen on her wings. They are long wings which drag on … Continue reading

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The Question of Fascism in the United States

Introduction As Adam Hakim tells the story, when he was still in high school (a black teenager in New York), he and a friend were conscripted, under violent threat, by precinct police officers to distribute drugs in their neighborhood, returning … Continue reading

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Two Ways of Looking at Fascism

Introduction Fascism is an important political category, but a confusing one. People use the word fascism in many different ways, and often without a clear sense of what it means. Political events since the September 11, 2001, attacks have raised … Continue reading

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9/11: It’s a different world, ain’t it? Shocked and stunned. And it took that for white folks to realize we’re human beings. Because they were so worried about us. America is so worried about black folks. They were so worried … Continue reading

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The Bourgeois Origins of Fascist Repression: On Robert Paxton’s The Anatomy of Fascism

The term “fascism” conjures up images of jackbooted thugs, swastikas, and a perverse love of violence. Politicians constantly denounce opposition policies as fascist or totalitarian. Fascism is a word often uttered but little understood. Robert Paxton’s recent book, The Anatomy … Continue reading

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