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Wales: Action against the construction of a mega-prison in Wrexham

Sunday 17th May 2015:

Last night an action took place at the site of Europe’s second largest prison in construction on Wrexham Industrial Estate in North Wales. The mega-prison, if built, will cage more than 2100 human beings at any one time.

Multiple large diggers and construction equipment had their engines destroyed. Slogans were sprayed on the half-built prison fences including ‘Fuck Lend Lease’ and ‘Fire to the Prisons’.

This is a warning to any company large or small that that is involved in the North Wales Prison Project, or any other prison building scheme that the state initiates. You are a target and you will feel the venom of the working classes fighting back.

This action is dedicated to every slit wrist, suicide attempt, destroyed family and oppressed community harmed by the prison system.


Note of Contra Info: Wrexham mega-prison contract was awarded to Lend Lease, a multinational company headquartered in Australia.

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