Post-release fundraiser for Zolo Agonia Azania



Political prisoner and former death row inmate, Zolo Agona Azania, needs your help. Zolo will finally be released in a few short months, in February 2017, after spending 35 years in prison, 27 years on death row. Zolo is a prolific writer and an accomplished artist. His writings and art reflect his deep commitment to the Black freedom struggle and a just world for all people.

Zolo will exit prison practically penniless and will face enormous financial challenges. He will need to pay for housing, food, clothing, transportation, furniture, a cell phone, utilities, and the many other expenses we all encounter.

Zolo will seek employment but at the present time he has little savings. He has been paid $.35 an hour during most of the time he has worked inside Indiana’s prisons.

Let’s ease Zolo’s path and make sure he does not confront his  financial challenges—and all the challenges he will face–alone. Please donate generously.

Zolo is alive today due to his efforts and the work of his supporters and a strong legal team. The Indiana Supreme Court twice reversed his death penalty conviction due to racially discriminatory practices that occurred during the trial process.

Zolo is a jailhouse lawyer. He has done legal work on his own behalf and for other inmates. He has acquired a paralegal certificate and has gained an associate degree by completing 2 years of college work.

In spite of his difficult circumstances, Zolo is a positive person with a quick smile and a vibrant laugh. Let’s answer his positivity with support.

All funds will go directly to Zolo and will be deposited into a fund managed by a team that has supported him for 13 years. For more information contact: and the Chicago Committee to Free Black Political Prisoners.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

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March 14: Militant Resistance to the AIDS Crisis

MARCH 14, 2017
Boxcar Books
408 E. 6th St

Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross presents five short films on militant resistance to the AIDS crisis.

In the Tradition of Stonewall (1994, 29 min)
A short documentary on the unpermitted breakaway march organized by ACT UP on the 25th anniversary of Stonewall.

Holding Steady Without Screaming (1995, 11 min)
A short film subtitled “I Can’t Scream Because I Have to Hold the Camera Steady”

…by any means necessary (1994, 6 min)
An angry experimental film based on a text by Kiki Mason.

The Ashes Action (1996, 29 min)
A short documentary on the October 11, 1992 action in which individuals held a Political Funeral for those lost to AIDS, throwing the ashes of friends and lovers on the White House lawn.

David Wojnarowicz (1994, 2 min)
A short piece on queer desire in a time of plague, from the No Alternative home video.

The Anarchist Movie Night is a free monthly film series on freedom and subversion. Showing documentaries, features, cult films, and experimental shorts of an anarchic sort.

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February Cage Flight: Letter writing for Andrew Mickel & Krow

Boxcar Books
408 E. 6th St

This month we’ll be writing letters to Krow, an environmental activist and water protector recently arrested fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline, and Andrew Mickel, on death row for killing a California cop in order to bring attention to and stop police repression.

Plus: news of prison rebellion, updates on court cases, notes of revolt against prison society.

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February 14: Emma Goldman – The Most Dangerous Woman

FEBRUARY 14, 2017
Boxcar Books
408 E. 6th St

Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross presents a documentary on the life of anarchist Emma Goldman. A Russian Jewish immigrant to America, Goldman became a major figure of the US anarchist movement until she was deported for her opposition to WWI. Labor struggles, riots, an assassination attempt on an industrialist, radical newspaper publishing, the killing of President McKinley, anti-militarist organizing, the women’s liberation movement, the Russian revolution and its betrayal by the Bolsheviks, the Spanish revolution and its hope for human freedom are all explored through the life of one woman who lived it all without compromise and with fiery vision.

After the movie, we’ll be writing letters and cards to anarchist prisoner Sean Swain.

The Anarchist Movie Night is a free monthly film series on freedom and subversion. Showing documentaries, features, cult films, and experimental shorts of an anarchic sort.

[Facebook event page]

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Call-in for Khalfani Khaldun

Please call Wabash Valley Correctional Facility Superintendent Richard Brown and Indiana Department of Corrections Acting Commissioner Custer and demand that inmate Leonard McQuay #874304 be released from segregation and that staff stop harassing him.

Richard Brown: (812) 398-5050
Acting Commissioner Custer: (317) 232-5711

“I am calling to demand that Leonard McQuay #874304 (in Wabash Valley Correctional Facility) be released from segregation and that staff stop harassing him. Thank you.”

Leonard McQuay, aka Khalfani Malik Khaldun, is a long-term prisoner from Indiana and a long-time New Afrikan activist. He is currently locked up at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, the most notoriously racist and abusive facility run by the Indiana Department of Corrections. Like many other New Afrikan prisoner activists, who refuse to forsake their dignity and rights, he is constantly being harassed by the prison staff and authorities.

Currently, Khalfani is being held in Segregation, which is essentially solitary confinement used to punish rebellious inmates, on the spurious charge of “failure to provide an adequate urine sample.” The punishment he is undergoing is harassment for his activism and his refusal to snitch, pure and simple. Khalfani submitted to three separate urine tests, and passed all of them without a trace of drugs in his system, and then he was charged with “failure to supply an adequate urine sample,” because they couldn’t get him on anything real.

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January 22: Trans Prisoner Solidarity Day poetry reading

Boxcar Books
408 E. 6th St

For the annual Trans Prisoner Day of Action initiated by Marius Mason and his supporters last year, we are hosting a poetry reading event in which several local writers will read their own poems and creative writing as well as those of Marius and other trans prisoners. There will be refreshments, cards, and other materials for writing prisoners, and prisoners’ artwork. All money raised will be sent directly to Marius (and split with a couple other prisoners if we raise enough).

Readings by:
Avery Smith
Bella Bravo
Hannah Thompson
and more

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January 24: Harold & Maude

JANUARY 24, 2017
Boxcar Books
408 E. 6th St

Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross presents Hal Ashby’s 1971 cult classic Harold and Maude. Harold is a wealthy 20-something with a penchant for faking suicides. Maude is a 79-year-old anarchist whose love of life is unbridled by any law. When Harold and Maude meet at a funeral, they begin an adventure of music, protest, crime, and liberation.

“You know, at one time, I used to break into pet shops to liberate the canaries. But I decided that was an idea way before its time. Zoos are full, prisons are overflowing… oh my, how the world still dearly loves a cage.”

All ages welcome. English-language with English or Spanish subtitles available.

Afterwards, we will be writing letters to individualist anarchist prisoner Julia Wheelwright.

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New Kite Line episodes

From Kite Line

December 9, 2016 – Immigration and Incarceration

December 16, 2016 – Community Policing

December 23, 2016- Pregnancy in Prison, Part One

December 30, 2016- Spaces of Exception; Resilience in Prisons and on Reservations

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January 7: Preparing for the Trump Era

January 7, 2017
Monroe County Public Library
Room 1C

How did Trump come to power, and what does that tell us about the era we are entering? What strategies will be effective in countering repressive government policies and the rise of grassroots nationalism?

Framing Trump’s victory in a global context will explore various approaches to self-organization and self-defense, drawing on the principles of mutual aid and direct action. They will also present updates about organizing for resistance to the inauguration in DC on January 20.

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January 10: Living Utopia – Anarchism in Spain

JANUARY 10, 2016
Boxcar Books
408 E. 6
th St

A documentary film on the anarchist revolution in Spain(1936-39), told through interviews with those who participated in the uprising, subsequent experimentations with freedom, and war against the forces of the State, Church, and Capital. The film explores the attempts at self-management leading up to the popular rebellion of 1936, the place of anti-authoritarian militias in defending against fascism, the betrayal of the revolution by Communists, and, ultimately, the vitality of the anarchist Idea.

Join us after the film for writing birthday cards to anarchist prisoner Marius Mason.

[All ages welcome. In Spanish with English subtitles.]

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Kite Line Radio – Dignity in Detention, from Standing Rock to the Spanish State

From Kite Line
Download and Listen Here

Our focus this week is on Red Fawn Fallis, currently detained in North Dakota after her arrest on October 27, at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. We speak to a member of the International Indigenous Youth Council- and longtime friend of hers, Mia Stevens, about Red Fawn’s situation. We hear updates on the ongoing repression against striking prisoners, and read a letter from Jennifer Gann, a prisoner in California. Finally, we share a statement from Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, reflecting on the use of repeated transfers between institutions as a form of punishment in Spanish prisons.

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